Desepeticon to autobot

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"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Auch"Smokescreen leaden to the ground hurting his back,suddenly he was knocked out.

2 hour later

Smokescreen woke up to see that he was somewhere but it was grey everything was grey he stand up being counfused where is he now?
"Where am i last time i fall down to the groundbrige i meet Jason" Smokescreen looked around getting more and more counfused when suddenly he felt something touching him,he turned around immediately and punch him on the face.
Smokescreen was suprised and happy at the same time to see Jason on the floor.

"Auch my nose"Jason was trying to fix his nose,Smokescreen yelled on excited.
"JASON" Smokescreen was happy to see his best friend alright.
He when help him to get up Smokescreen started asking him.
"What are you doing here?"
Smokescreen looked at Jason face unique.
"Dude have you forgot i live in your body and see you're move's"Jason tries to remember him when Smokescreen giggled awkward.
"Oh yeah umm where are we" Smokescreen countinue.
"Is look like we are in earth" Jason looked around.
"On earth?" Smokescreen got counfused.
"Yeah where we go i know every planet but is look like we are in Shadowzone"Jason explained to Smokescreen.
"Shadowzone you mean like we are just like ghost"Smokescreen started walking.
"Where are you going?"Jason asked counfused.
"To explore this planet"Smokescreen yelled,Jason followed Smokescreen because he dosen't want him to get in trouble.Both of them were looking around when they saw a hole Smokescreen runed to see what's inside.He saw that there was nothing Jason came up he also nothing but he notice this hole.
"I think i know this hole's but where have i saw them?" Jason started thinking Smokescreen looked counfused then his spark started hurting.
"AAAAHHHHH my spark my spark is hurting very much"Smokescreen hold his hand to the chest when it stoped Smokescreen realized something.
"Jason we are not alone where is someone else here" Smokescreen got up fast Jason was confused,both of them started to hear footsteps they turned around and saw a dead desepeticon and one of his arm is missing.Smokescreen and Jason were in shock how did a dead desepeticon end in here.
"Smokescreen i think we are in trouble and that desepeticon-"Jason was cutt by Smokescreen.
"Skyquake he is Dreadwing brother both of them joined Megatron side Skyquake was here for a long time when he got killed by the autobot when Starscream got the dark energon to bring skyquake bur he end up here on Shadowzone"Smokescreen stop explaining Jason looked at him with a shocked face.
"Wow how did you know all about that i thought i was the only one know about this" Jason looked at Smokescreen what snapped out.
"I don't know but the information came to my mind immediately like i was a spy or something"Smokescreen saw that Skyquake started roaring when he start running Smokescreen got Jason and they also start running.
"How can he be more faster when us and how are we suppose to get out of here" Smokescreen and Jason started running.
"I don't know but we can't get caught right now we need to run" Jason got in Smokescreen body.
"Hey don't leave me here alone" Smokescreen almost didn't hit head with a giant when he took a left.

Smokescreen was running more,more and even more he when found a place to hide.Skuquake lost him he started to find him.
"Jason we need to find a way to get out of here fast right now"
Smokescreen was panicking but he calm down Jason started to talk in Smokescreen body.
"If we can have only a signal here we can contact the other's" Jason and Smokescreen were trying to find a way when Smokescreen suddenly it hit him something.
"Wait say that again"Smokescreen told Jason,he told him again.
"Of course listen if i have a signal we can talk with them let me try"
Smokescreen took out his phone and start's to write.

Meanwhile with the other's

"How in the world Smokescreen end up too" Swipe was trying to find Smokescreen.
"Maybe he can been on different planet or he can end up to desepeticon ship"
Flash was in worry face.
"Are you trying to freak us out" Deadlight said in a mad mode.
"ENOUGH screaming and yelling won't work we need to find a way to save Smokescreen" Alpha Prime was trying to help Swipe.
The computer gave them a message but nobody didn't listen or saw.

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