The dead autobot

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So you all must be saying it has been day's or month's or week's that i found my brother are now enemy,become a prime of half autobot and half deception/Prime of emotion,talk with the other Prime,found that Alpha Prime is Alpha Trion little brother etc.
Well let me tell you something no it hasn't been day or month it has been year if you all thinking i have turned 18 year's old.
And you all think i have quit mission,no but the world got more even better.

Swipe was walking to the front door when he saw Flash being chased by Deadlight.
"Wooo hahhhh teenager this day's" Swipe countinue his work he saw Alberto taking out his weapon pointing at Swipe,he looked at Alberto and rolled his eye's.
"Ready to fall down Swipe" Alberto smirked Swipe looked at him with annoying face.
"Really Alberto😑"Swipe wanted to countinue his work but Alberto stopped him again.
"Alberto i have work to do"Swipe was starting to get annoyed by Alberto but he didn't care when Swipe sight.
"Fine but i must say Alberto what a real soldier"Swipe took out his weapon and lead Alberto to the floor.
"Should never be deceived"Swipe smiled but he saw Alberto doing a backward with his body managed to get up and they both looket at eachother smiling and started to fight.

Meanwhile with Flash and Deadlight

"Come on Deadlight it was a joke"Flash was still running and also looking at Deadlight.
"IT WAS NOT FUNNY THROWING A BUCKET OF ENERGON ON MY HEAD YOU IDIOT" Deadlight took out his blaster and start shooting also Flash start shooting with him.

With Smokescreen and Alpha Prime

Smokescreen was holding his star saber when he throw a massive power to the target.Alpha Prime jumped behind him,he was about to attack him but he dodged it with his sword.
"Great job Smokescreen you are getting better and better being a Prime" Alpha Prime was smiling at Smokescreen who had grown up he has big wing like the predeakons,he has a little purple on his hair,and his eye's are just like Megatron and Optimus Prime,his spark is very shinny and is half blu and half purple just like his brother's.

Smokescreen and Alpha Prime started to train with the swords.Flash and Deadlight was dodging eachother from the blaster they were throwing,Alberto and Swipe were still fighting with eachother when Flash and Deadlight enter the traning room,Swipe and Alberto they were also fighting and they also enter thr traning room.

The traning room was with the whole family fighting.Alpha Prime looked behind and saw the caos when he stopped traning,he whistled loudly.
"Wow wow wow guy's what are we doing here the second world war?!"Alpha Prime looked at everyone who laughed akward.
When Alpha Prime told the children to stand in front of them.
"My sparkling you all have been growing up,become strong and always there to protect eachother"Alpha Prime smile when he got an idea.
"Kid's come follow me" Alpha Prime started walking the kid's got counfused when they followed him.

In the hallway

"The first time i saw you as a sparkling i wanted to train you guy's immediately like before you get on the ship even though you all been grow up there is something i wana show you" Alpha Prime enter the door with the kid's when he opened the light's,the children were shock to see they're old traning.
"I can't believe it" Flash was walking around.
"Our old training"Alberto saw the fake lava when Deadlight was going on.
"Hey look the fake lava who isn't a really fake lava and who almost killed us"Deadlight looked at Alpha Prime angry Alpha Prime giggled awkward.

"Well good thing we aren't sparkling anymore"Smokescreen smile when he turned around.
"Even though you aren't sparkling anymore the old traning will still need you're guy's help if you are in a bad situations"Alpha Prime looked at Smokescreen giving him something a Prime should learn.
"Okay can you stop that i don't like being a Prime why can't i be just a normal autobot"Smokescreen looked angry everyone went silent.
"Smokescreen i am not saying what you learn about this to be a Prime i am just telling you something"Alpha Prime put his hand to Smokescreen shoulder,when Smokescreen snapped out of it he didn't mean to yelled at them.
"I am sorry i didn't mean to yeall i am ju-" Smokescreen was cutt by Alpha Prime.
"I know Smokescreen i know"Alpha Prime knew Smokescreen pain when suddenly Flash got an idea.
"Guy's since we all have been grow up how about we go and try the old traning i mean it won't hurt to prove our strength"Flash looked at everyone.
"Hmmm"Alpha Prime was thinking about it,the guy's give Alpha Prime puppy eye's,he knew he couldn't say no to them.
"Okay" Alpha Prime looked at the children happy when he started thinking.
"They all are so cute when they are happy,they even look like brothers with eachother i wish one day i can adopt them"Alpha Prime thinks and even smile at the same time.

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