11. The eleventh time being pursued

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"You're the best, little Jianyan! You're amazing! You can do it for sure. After school today, your fifteenth uncle will buy you a Transformers toy, okay?"

On that day, Lu Jianyan finally recalled the fear he experienced while growing up under the so-called encouragement and education of adults, dominated by various statements like "Lu Jianyan is the best" or "If Lu Jianyan can do this or that, I'll buy you something." As a child, he was haunted by the trembling past controlled by such praises and incentives.

Most children had a common trait: they loved praise. Once praised, even if they couldn't achieve something, they would still strive to accomplish it. There was a time when Lu Jianyan displayed this kind of personality. Well, even now he was like that—unable to shake off the CEO burden. So, he modestly replied to his uncle on the phone, "I'll consider your proposal regarding the Transformers for now."

Uncle: "..."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Jianyan reminisced about more pre-rebirth memories (yes, even now President Lu still believed he had been reborn). Lu Dad had unintentionally mentioned the Yao family before, probably during the time around when Lu Jianyan started preschool. The main branch of the Yao family, which had been planning to enter the C country market, suddenly withdrew their investment. The business in the Asia-Pacific region was taken over by a branch of the Yao family. They missed out on the quickly developing C country market. No one knew what had happened in between.

Lu Jianyan thoughtfully glanced at Yao Wuhuan, who was currently sticking to him like a piece of adhesive bandage that couldn't be peeled off. Without a doubt, Yao Wuhuan should be the child of the main branch of the Yao family who returned from abroad. Considering today's events, Lu Jianyan felt that the historical withdrawal of the main branch and Yao Wuhuan must be connected somehow.

It seemed like this lost childhood playmate had many stories worth digging deeper into.

Yao Wuhuan tilted his head, allowing his white hair to fall down, creating graceful lines in the air. "Jianyan, what are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at how handsome you are," Lu Jianyan casually remarked, a habit he had developed from bickering with his younger brother.

Yao Wuhuan clearly lacked the shamelessness of Lu Jianyan's shameless confidence. The white-haired boy's cheeks flushed instantly. His complexion, already fair enough to see his capillaries, turned into a blush reminiscent of a fiery cloud. Blushing and with shining eyes, he earnestly said to Lu Jianyan, "Jianyan is also very beautiful, like a princess!"

Lu Jianyan: "...Thank you."

Since Yao Wuhuan refused to be separated from Lu Jianyan no matter what, he ended up attending classes with him in the first-grade class. After a short period of chaos, the teachers finally adapted to the fact that there was now a "transfer student" who was unbelievably beautiful and remarkably eye-catching in their class.

Yao Wuhuan, overall, was quite easy to handle. His eyes were only on Lu Jianyan, and he only listened to Lu Jianyan's words, doing whatever he asked.

The only challenging aspect was that whenever Lu Jianyan showed even the slightest tendency to be apart from Yao Wuhuan, Yao Wuhuan would throw a tantrum. He wouldn't harm Lu Jianyan, but that was the extent of it. Everyone, including himself, became the target of his anger and threats. It was a magical behavior pattern where he could go berserk to the point of hitting himself.

In just one morning, Yao Wuhuan had already gained quite the reputation in the class.

Lu Jianyan finally managed to temporarily suppress his suspicions about Yao Wuhuan possibly being a tasker. That's because he encountered another individual who seemed more like a tasker.

—In the end, he couldn't escape the world filled with taskers.

However, this tasker wasn't up to par. Although Lu Jianyan didn't know the intentions of this person, he guessed it was probably an attempt to implant a childhood friend or childhood memory. Who would have thought that Yao Wuhuan, who came out of nowhere, would thwart this attempt to recreate a childhood friend.

To say that he suspected the person to be a tasker wasn't entirely accurate. Lu Jianyan could practically confirm it was indeed a tasker, the only question was which of the two, father or son.

This is getting a bit confusing, let's start from the beginning.

Yao Wuhuan, the little child, was initially mistaken by the welcoming teacher as a new student who had transferred to the kindergarten. Therefore, it must involve an actual new student who transferred to the kindergarten.

This new student not only transferred by themselves but also brought along their father, who was about to become a male teacher at the kindergarten. The father and son duo's style didn't fit in with the rest of the kindergarten.

How should I put it...

Yao Wuhuan was smiling happily as he snuggled up to Lu Jianyan, but with an icy tone, he said to Li Xiang, the new addition to their class, "Don't come near me. Your scent of poverty makes me want to vomit."

Cough, that was quite impolite to say, even somewhat malicious, but it was also quite apt. This father and son who suddenly transferred in exuded an unmistakable sense of "I might be poor, but I'm poor with integrity. I'm different from you rich and flashy people," the kind of grassroots heroine feeling.

There are no typos in this description, it's a grassroots heroine, not a hero.

It seems that this time the tasker probably intends to take the route of being outspoken and dishing out motivational chicken soup. Lu Jianyan sighed inwardly in resignation. Sometimes he even wondered if he had the face of an antagonist with "psychological issues and a traumatic childhood," because why else would more than half of the taskers who approach him want to take the route of "providing warmth and love"?

He! Really! Doesn't! Lack! Love! Thank you!

The male teacher who interviewed and entered Montessori Kindergarten was surnamed Li. He wore slightly plain black-framed glasses and a clean white shirt, but he didn't exude any sunny vibes or the fragrance of soapberries. His son's name was Li Xiang. As a direct relative of a staff member, after being exempted from most of the tuition fees, he transferred to the same class as Lu Jianyan.

From the moment the father and son appeared together, Lu Jianyan heard a chatty system that kept chattering away. It was the liveliest system Lu Jianyan had encountered among all the systems he had experienced.

Unfortunately, due to the proximity of the target, neither the father nor the son gave a system response, so Lu Jianyan temporarily couldn't figure out which one the system belonged to.

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