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Indali's P.O.V:-

Nights have been painful now a days. Sleep has been a luxury that I cannot afford. It's already early in the morning. There is still darkness outside but at the same time I can hear birds.

This hour has always been my favourite. An hour that exist between dream and reality. Dream never existed on my half , it has always been nightmare. And reality never let me live. I tossed and turned in my bed.

Why can't I sleep? I can feel I'm tired but then I'm not able to sleep. A frustrating sigh escaped my lips as I sat up. I got out of my bed and walked towards the window.

I opened the window which opened with a creak. Darkness still prevailed but a translucent white fog's blanket draped the earth. All night it was raining but now it left this blanket to drape the surrounding. I pulled my saree closer to me for a little warmness.

No humans were in sight. Everyone were sleeping in this early hour. Soon people will wake up and will get busy with their everyday lives. In reality.

Shall I take a walk? No , that will be too dangerous. But what worst can happen? Murder ? Rape?

A bitter laugh escaped my lips. From what day I have been scared of murder or rape? I am not willing to live anyways. And whatever is there to come I'm prepared. I looked up at sky and said ,"Today is your chance. I'm leaving my fate in your hands. Either you let me live or take my life. I don't know if you're listening to me or not but if you're then I'm ready for whatever is there to come. "

I took my shawl draped it over my head , took my doors lock and walked down to see if god can really hear me.


3rd person P.O.V:-

"Sir are you comfortable? Do you need anything else?" A servant came to the courtyard  making sure his master doesn't need anything.

"No. You may leave." The master said without looking up at the servant.

"Sir I've kept everything in reach. Candels , food, water , everything. Please st-" The master cut him off as he said ,"I'll manage. You may leave."

And without anything further the servant bowed down and left. The moment the master heard the door closing he kept the file he was reading aside and leaned back in the chair.

An inner turmoil was very much evident in his face. He was tensed. He was quite young but was stuck here till his retirement. He slowly take out a piece of paper from his pocket and read it all over again. And suddenly he stopped halfway. He muttered aloud mockingly,"My son." With that he tore the paper into hundred pieces and threw it away.

It was already mid night. Rain was pouring down. And this rain water made those pieces of paper dissapear within seconds like they never existed.  The sound of pitter patter was ringing everywhere. He got up from his chair and walked towards his room to get some sleep. Deep down he knew sleep was far away. Far from his reach.

Few days in India and his life was still the same. He had heard story of self discovery and what not but here he is still the same. Still trying to find something that he don't know what.

Early morning he gave up on sleep. And walked towards the window. The rain has stopped a while back. That's when he decided to take a walk. He hasn't seen the village all by himself yet so a walk won't harm.

He took his torch with him and charged out of his quaters.

The chirping of birds were a lot calmer than the 4 walls he was residing. He breathed in the fresh air. He walked down the road. A road which he doesn't knew where it is going to take him. He kept walking.

Finally the road divided. One that leads to the office and another which is yet to be discovered and he took the less discovered one. That's when he knew it leads to the village but he saw a little wood. The wood wasn't thick. It was just a bunch of trees it's opening and ending both can be seen from afar. He decided to go in. Just go litter there a bit.

The floor bed of the wood was wet. When he looked up tall trees sheltered him. He walked further and reached at the end. It was a small walk. But the sight infront of him was beautiful. A field full of flowers. He didn't had any knowledge what kind of flower it was but it was beautiful. He stood there taking everything in. He was about to walk further when he stopped.

A figure emerged from the other side , from the village side. He wasn't that far away but the other person was definitely unknown to whatever was happening. That figure stood still infront of the field for a while and he looked at that person intently.

From her slender frame and long flowing hair he concluded she was a woman. He reached for his pockets and took out his pocket watch. It was somewhere around 4 in the morning. He looked back again at the woman who was standing there and looked at his surrounding if someone was there with her but no humans were in sight.

When the woman took a few steps ahead his breathing stopped. Now to him , her face was clearly visible. If the view infront of him , the flowers , were beautiful , then he didn't know how to describe what he was witnessing infront of him.

He was stuck to the ground this time. She took a few more steps and entered the flower field. A strong wind blew a part of her shawl slipped from her hands and blew with the wind. Her hairs danced with the soothing music of the breeze. He was awestruck. Never in his life he imagined such beauty exist but he is seeing one himself now.

Her long hair were open. She was wearing a white saree and was looking enchanting. He was ready to stand there all life just to see this beautiful sight again and again.

She stopped in the middle of the field and looked down at a flower. Now she was facing him . She slowly reached out to the flower and loving traced it's petals. And smiled at it. Another strong wind blew and she reached out for a starnd of her hair to tuck it behind her ears.

That's when he placed his hand on the tree trunk to support himself. "Ethereal" he murmured. Peace. The contentment he was looking for , was all here in this single moment, he felt it all.

She slowly moved forward tracing the flowers and walked straight and got out of his sight. He took a step ahead to follow her but stopped there.

He stood dumbfound. What was he doing? He never behaved this way. No , this was wrong he concluded. He should not have stayed here for this long. And without anything he left. He went back the way he came from.

On his way he never looked back. Because he knew , he knew once he did he will follow her. The serenity that surged through him in those mere moments was enough to drive him crazy.The thing which he was craving for , the contentment, the peace it was snatched away just in a moment. His feet was telling him to lead the other way but his brain was focused to reach his quaters. He didn't had the guts to look back because he knew he will follow her even if it leads to his destruction. Alvin knew.


Hi there again. Lol. This chapter is my absolute favourite. I'll waiting for your thoughts regarding this.

Until next time,

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 16 ⏰

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