"It's nice to finally meet you all," Jackie said. "This is my wife Billie who I was telling you about, and our friends Drew and Neil."

Diane walked forward, her hand reaching forward to grab Billie's. "I'm so glad you decided to come. You won't have to lift a finger while you're here. We just want you to enjoy yourself fully."

"I really appreciate that," Billie smiled and shook the woman's hand briefly. "I can't wait to see the rest of the property."

"Well we will show you the main areas, but we really encourage you to explore on your own. It's part of the experience," Thomas explained. "And any activities you want to partake in like kayaking or horseback riding we will be glad to assist you with."

"We definitely want to book some massages at some point. They were amazing the last time we were here," Drew chimed in.

"Oh absolutely," Diane said as she passed out room keys. "We'll get that taken care of. For now, Zion will take your bags and you can follow me inside for some lunch."

The group followed the owners inside and were taken to what would usually be the in house restaurant on the property. Massive amounts of food was already being laid out before them as everyone took their seats.

"Please enjoy your lunch and let us or anyone on staff know if you need anything," Thomas said.

"And if you see a teenage girl running around here that's our daughter so pay her no mind. She's a little hard to keep up with these days," Diane said before leaving them alone to eat.

"I love this place already," Billie smiled, piling different food onto her plate.

"I know something else you're going to love," Jackie smirked knowingly. "Finneas and Claudia will be here tomorrow."

Billie could feel herself getting excited at the news of her brother and his wife joining them. He was just what she needed to let extra edge off because the two of them could always joke around and be silly together.

Even though Billie was twenty-nine and Finn was in his thirties, the siblings still acted like school aged children whenever they were around each other.

After that news lunch carried on with some light conversation and planning of activities over the next few days. Billie knew that for at least the first day or so she didn't want to do much other than checking out the property and catching up on sleep. Once she was well rested she knew she would be ready to do whatever everybody else wanted.

With empty plates and full stomachs Drew, Neil, and Jackie went off to take naps while Billie, who was too giddy to sleep, went off on her own. She wandered around checking out the stables and all of the animals on the property. She found the resort style pool and jacuzzi that she knew she would be indulging in at some point, along with an enormous lake that looked almost too beautiful to be real.

Finally she found the hiking trail and decided to follow it until she got tired. Only a few minutes in, a noise in the distance caught her attention and she paused to listen.

Humming is what she heard and it intrigued her enough to keep pushing forward. The closer she got the more distinct it became until she came up on a girl sitting under a tree with a book in hand. Billie could only make out her side profile, but she looked fairly young with short curly hair that barely reached her shoulders.

The sound of a stick crunching under her foot brought the brown skinned girl to attention as her head snapped in Billie's direction.

Two sets of eyes locked on each other like magnets as both women seemed to be dazed. Billie felt like she had forgotten how to breathe once she was finally graced with a look at the girl's full face. And a blessing it was because she was beautiful with her baby doll face and sun kissed skin that looked like she was glowing from within.

A Dash of Cinnamon // Billie EilishNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ