Natsu Pops the Question

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Hey everyone, so yeah it's been a while. But finally got around to updating this story. I have a lot of plans for it as well. For example eventually this story will lead into a Next Generation fanfic. I'm letting you guys now all of this now since I'll be opening a pat-treon soon so you can have the chance to pick the other parings and elements of that Next Generation story. I'll let you guys all know when it's open, but definitely be ready for it, because eventually there will be a fan-manga for it as well! That's why I'm starting the pat-treon, the fan-manga is going to happen for sure since I already have an artist lined up. It's just a matter of time, and you guys helping me out would definitely speed up the process. So please do consider it. Anyway, onto the chapter! I hope you all enjoy it!

Wendy leads Natsu into her room and they both sit down on her fluffy teal colored bed. Wendy rested her hands on her knees while Natsu's eyes darted all around the room. He took a deep breath before finally managing to relax his gaze on Wendy, "So..."

Wendy's face immediately turned pink as her grip on her knees tightened, "Um right. So about what happened yesterday..."

Natsu's face mirrored Wendy's as he remembered their intense make out session at the beach. Now just looking at her small and beautiful face made his heart flutter and his legs shake. He itched his cheek, a bashful look plastered on his face. "Right...what we did yesterday."

"So..." Wendy clasped her thighs together as her knees buckled up. She slowly looked up at Natsu's face and forced the words she wanted to say to come out. "W-when we k-kissed..." After just saying those few words, her face lit up as red as a firetruck.

Natsu took a deep breath in order to calm his nerves. That's right, he needed to do this. He needed to fight against this feeling so that he could tell Wendy what he needed to. But this thing that he was feeling...this intense pressure beating against his chest and causing his stomach to feel so queasy...Fighting against that was definitely the toughest fight Natsu has ever had in his life. Even so...even so, he needed to treat it as such. He needed to put a fire in his belly. For that was the only way, for him to be with Wendy.

Coming to terms with those thoughts, Natsu faced Wendy with a dead serious expression. "Wendy," he said her name in a confident voice as he looked directly at her.

"Huh?" Wendy was taken a back for a bit before she managed to look Natsu in the eyes as well. "Y-yeah? W-what is it, Natsu?" Her voice was rife with expectations as she continued staring on at the pink haired dragon slayer.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

And at those words, a bright smile crossed over Wendy's features. Those were the exact words that she had wanted to hear for oh so long. Ever since she had met Natsu, she had felt an incredible attraction and attachment to him. She had always wanted to hear those words from his mouth, but she never thought that it would actually come to fruition. But now that it finally has, she felt like her insides were about to burst with joy. She couldn't be any happier than she was right now. Now that her dream has finally come true.

And so, she nodded, cheerfully wrapping her arms around Natsu's neck. "Oh Natsu...of course I will!" Tears streamed down her face as she happily buried it in Natsu's chest.

"WENDY?! What happened?! Why are you crying?" Natsu shouted out frantically. "You're not hurt are you?!"

Wendy just shook her head, "No silly, I'm just so happy...I never thought I'd get this chance."

A relieved smile came to Natsu's face. "Neither did I." He wrapped his arms around her small back and ran his hand through her long blue hair. It's warm smell trickling up his nose sent Natsu into a dream-like daze. The scent of the girl he loved being so close to him made him feel like he was on cloud nine as they gazed into each other's eyes. "I didn't think you'd say yes."

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