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tw: small nsfw jokes

After the fight between Michael and Craig had been stopped by the principal's intervention, both Michael and Craig found themselves facing the consequences of their actions. The principal, clearly displeased and concerned about the disruption caused by the altercation, raised their voice and yelled at both students.

As the principal directed their anger towards them, Michael's gaze remained fixed on the principal. His eyes locked with the principal's, reflecting a mixture of defiance, frustration, and perhaps a hint of remorse for his actions. Despite the reprimand, Michael's composure remained intact, and he maintained eye contact with the principal, unwilling to back down.

Meanwhile, Craig's reaction to the principal's scolding was quite different. Overwhelmed by a sense of shame and regret, he lowered his gaze and stared down at his lap, avoiding direct eye contact with the principal. His body language expressed his understanding of the gravity of the situation and his acknowledgment of his role in the fight.

The contrasting responses of Michael and Craig to the principal's admonishment revealed their individual attitudes and emotional states. The goth boy's steadfast gaze indicated a level of defiance and defiance, suggesting that he may not have fully grasped the consequences of his actions or was unwilling to accept them. On the other hand, the conformist's downcast eyes and posture displayed a sense of remorse and embarrassment, signifying his recognition of the negative impact of the fight and his willingness to take responsibility for his behavior.

The tension in the room escalated as Craig was about to express his frustration towards the derogatory name he had been called. However, before he could finish his sentence, Michael interjected with a forceful interruption, his tone filled with anger and accusation. "This fucking goth worthless called me a dumb confor-"

"Shut the fuck up, dude! You started the fucking fight," Michael snapped, cutting off Craig's attempt to voice his complaint.

The principal, clearly fed up with the exchange and the disrespectful language used, raised their voice to regain control of the situation. The forcefulness of their command echoed through the room.

"QUIET!" the principal shouted, their tone authoritative and commanding. "It does not matter what he called you or you called him. And it also does not matter who started it. You both are going to have detention for three weeks."

The principal's words hung in the air, emphasizing the seriousness of the consequences that awaited both Michael and Craig. The punishment of three weeks of detention was meant to serve as a firm disciplinary measure, aiming to teach the students a lesson about the unacceptability of their actions.

Michael, initially taken aback by the severity of the punishment, was about to protest the duration of the detention. However, before he could voice his objection, the principal swiftly interrupted him, asserting their authority and issuing a stern warning.

"Do you want six weeks?" the principal challenged, making it clear that any further resistance or defiance would result in an even harsher penalty. Michael, understanding the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences of further arguing, shook his head in acknowledgment and acquiesced, choosing to remain silent.

The exchange between the principal, Michael, and Craig exemplified the tense atmosphere and the strict disciplinary measures imposed by the school to address the fight and the inappropriate language used. The principal's intervention aimed to establish that such behavior would not be tolerated, regardless of who instigated the conflict or the insulting language exchanged.

As the principal's reprimand concluded, their frustration reached a boiling point, and they barked their final command, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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