"The hell do you mean.....??"

"Didn't you tell me that you fancy two people?" You say chuckling.

"Just stop it right now before I go on and avada kedavra your ass." He says nudging you and lights up a cigarette.

"Okay okay!"

"Wait- Theo fancies someone??" Draco asks surprised about this information.


"Don't you even DARE to say F/N." Theo replies, his eyes already narrowing with annoyance from you.

"Mhm, okay." You stay quiet for a while and go beside Draco instead whispering to him.


"I SAID DON'T YOU DARE TELL!!" Theo shouted punching your arm.

You and Draco just laughed about it while Theo gets embarrassed. After what felt like hours of walking you finally made it to your common room up from the stairs saying the password. You sit at the edge of your bed feeling comfort, your owl then delivers you a letter.

"Hm? Oh thank you Argos!" You smile at him as you pet him on the head, then taking the letter before he flies away.

"Look who's got a letter." Theo says putting his hands in his pockets as he tries to read the letter you received.

"Oh c'mon seriously?"

"Read it aloud so we can hear it Y/N!" Draco replies as he sits next to you

"Okay okay," you clear your throat as you proceed to read the letter.

Dear Y/N

I apologize for tearing you apart, I wish you could find forgiveness for me in your heart. I'm not really begging for you to forgive me but I will once I see you again, please, I'm really sorry, I still really do love you. I'll fulfill a promise, I promise I will never do any of those things I did to hurt you ever again. Nott and Malfoy can go and beat me if I did anything wrong, please just forgive me.

George Weasley

It was also signed with a small heart next to his name, Theo and Draco's jaws dropped.

Theo scoffs. "Finally that arsehole apologized, I was waiting for that." He says as he slightly smiles about this.

"You should probably meet him soon y'know Y/N?" Draco asks as he nudges your arm. "Y/N? You there?" He asks again as he looks at you.

You were tearing up because of George's message, you stood up and decided to find George but it was too late and you might get caught by Filch, but you don't care at all. You use the secret passages George showed you before and you got to the Astronomy tower, seeing George there sitting at the edge as he looked to the stars. Your little sniffles and gasps echoed across the tower, making George hear you and turn around. You start to slowly walk to him as you were crying.

"Y/N.." George softly whispers as it echoes through the room.

He gets off of the ledge as he went to face you, you were sobbing as you showed him the letter he wrote you, your tears already on the letter. As he saw it he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in for a tight hug.

"I'm sorry.. I'm really sorry sweetheart..." he says in a hushed tone, nuzzling his face onto your shoulder.

Your arms then draped around him as you cried into his chest. He strokes your hair as he holds you tight around him, after sobbing into his arms you fell asleep right away, he carried you back into their common room and as he went in alot of people's jaws dropped from you and George coming back together. They first thought that you were drunk because he was carrying you, although you were just asleep from crying. He brought you into his dorm room and softly laid you down on the bed, tucking you in as he crawled next to you as he hugged you tightly and played with your hair.

MY TYPE | George Weasley x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now