Chapter 9

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Stuck with Him
TW: NSFW/Sexual Content

About a week later after the holidays, the students of Hogwarts all came back for another year at school. It is now Y/N's 7th year and more students keep on getting acceptance letters. The sorting of new students begin after the train ride, you and your two best friends have changed just a bit in the past few days, and you're really glad of it.

You and the other two went from casual outfits to black and slick suits. Once you've entered the Hogwarts express you just followed Draco and Theo wherever they wanted to sit down in, and you've seen tons of people stare at you from head to toe.

"You guys excited to go back?" Draco asks as he put his arms on the table. "Because somehow I'm not." He said a bit jokingly as he smiled.

"You're only joking that you're not excited meanwhile Y/N is definitely not excited by seeing that ginger arsehole again."

"I'm definitely not excited of seeing him at all. He's probably with someone new by now."

"Another woman? Pshh, who would even DATE him after what happened with the two of you?"

"What do you mean about that?" You asked as you arched a brow.

"The rumors of you and George splitting was spread across Hogwarts, everyone knows that you still like him by now 'cause of your actions.

"And the golden trio DEFINITELY told all of their housemates, and their housemates that are friends with other people in other houses definitely spread it all over." Theo continued as he leaned back.

"Huh. So that's how fast rumors spread in Hogwarts hm?" You said in a slight hoarse tone. "Well I'll make it worth while." You said as you chuckled darkly, Theo and Draco chuckling about what you said as well.

As you made it inside your first priority was going to the Great Hall with Theo and Draco for the announcements. As you were walking down to go to the Slytherin table almost all eyes were on you, they were surprised in your new style of clothing and your hair as you cut it yourself, you smirked at this and proceeded to sit down at the table.

"Merlin's balls Y/N! You look wicked!" Pansy says, her jaw almost dropping.

"Thanks Pansy," you reply smiling in return.

As the house sorting started you slowly began to loose interest, feeling numb and not hearing anything but your thoughts only. You were looking down at the table or staring into space until Theo softly nudged your arm.

"Hey, Y/N, Dinner's done. C'mon let's go to the common room." He said as he stood up reaching his hand out to take yours.

"Oh uh, yeah yeah." You take his hand and stood up then letting go of it.

The three of you just walked down the halls quietly without you saying anything because you're the one who always initiates something and it turns into fun, but this time you were just there quietly walking with your two best friends in the semi-crowded corridor. Your thought were racing and wild, overthinking and scared, that you'll see him again, but in some cases you do wanna see him at the same time; you're just, afraid. Suddenly you just remembered something and you grin about it.

"Hey Theo," you say as you nudged Theo's arm.


"How did the confession turn out?" You say a bit jokingly as you grin ear to ear. Theo gets slightly flustered and he starts to slur up his words.

MY TYPE | George Weasley x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now