Chapter 7

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The Holidays are Close!

After the three of you were shocked about the information you had found out, you immediately knew you had to ask George about this. But strolling away from the current events the holidays are coming pretty soon and you're going to Draco's place next week for vacation, you're excited but still sad about your lover acting all like that to you.

As always, the two accompanied you to face George Weasley. You walked to their house and said the password all because George told you the password to get in at any time, everyone was surprised in what you were doing there. "Where's George Weasley?" You ask in a serious and low tone, intimidating everyone there.

"He's none of your business L/N." Some Gryffindor said from the side, your eyes narrowed a little and walked up to them, grabbing their collar.

"Listen here, I won't FUCKING hesitate to break anyone's bones here, now tell me where in the bloody hell is George Weasley?" You said in a calm but still a serious tone.

They gulped, a bit more scared of you now. "Okay okay!! They're having their quidditch practice.." they said honestly.

You let go of their collar and walk off, continuing to find George Weasley.

"You don't think he already knows what's up about George does he?" The Gryffindor from earlier asked.

"I think he already does know." Another Gryffindor replied.

"I was a fucking moron not to give that deathly nightshade bouquet to that bloody redhead." You said angrily to the two.

"Wait- deathly nightshade?? Those flowers are around the school grounds?????" Draco asked a bit confused to how there's deathly nightshade here in the school grounds.

"Yeah, I found some last week at night. I sneaked out of the school using some passageways Filch doesn't know." You reply

"Damn. Oh hey there he i—" at the moment Draco spots the redhead you immediately walk up to him and point your wand at his throat.

"Woah! Y/N what're you doing??" George said, putting his hands up in the air a little to the fact that you have him disarmed.

"Tell me the fucking truth George Weasley, are you having an affair with a girl in your house or not?" You said calmingly with your lips quivering, gripping your wand tight as you point it at the throat of your so-called 'lover'.

He gulped. "What do you mean?? I think you have the wrong twin." George was nervous, fuck, did he found out already?? He thought to himself.

"You really are asking for a fist-fight aren't you?" You reply, slightly walking forward more and pushing him back.

"No I—"

"THEN TELL ME THE FUCKING TRUTH, ARE YOU STILL IN LOVE WITH ME GEORGE WEASLEY?! It's just a bloody yes or no question for godric's sake!!" You were upset, sad. You were about to tear up but you held high, you started shaking but you were still having eye contact with this bloody prankster you have as a 'lover'.

George went silent, but then he was able to speak. ".. I'm not." His tone was a hushed and low, his intimidated face turned into a concerned and sad one, concerned? You ask yourself, you'll never be concerned of me anymore if I get out of your bloody life.

You slightly shook your head and let your wand down, tears started to fall from your face, your lips were quivered up. You wiped your face with you robe's sleeve, you were quiet but then words then finally came out of you.

"I guess we were never meant for each other, and nor am I your 'type'. I hope I don't encounter into you again George Weasley."

You then turn around and walk away from the scene, crying your heart out; while Draco and Theodore was mad about this, Theo walked up to George and punched him, breaking his nose. "That's for our Y/N." The two then walked away as well and followed you, tapping your shoulder and comforting you.

MY TYPE | George Weasley x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now