Back to school shopping

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" up up up everybody up " I said walking through the house at 7 in the morning

I first went to the twins home

" wake up babies " I said gently patting them

I took Zachary up in one arm and Zoe up in the next

Then headed to Jay's room


" come in " he said

" back to school shopping today, get dressed  and come down for breakfast " I said then went to get breakfast ready

" babe mi gone yah now " Erick said as he headed out

I put down the twins and went to kiss him goodbye

" be safe " I said then headed back inside

I took out a box of cereal and a box of milk out of the refrigerator, I first poured out the milk then added the cereal to each bowl

I then put the twins in their chairs and put down their bowls and an banana each beside their bowls

Jay Then came down and had his cereal and a yogurt

We finished, I went to take a shower then showered the twins and jay also went to take shower

I finished showering we all were smelling clean and fresh the twins decided to match that day and wear a matching watermelon suit their dad got them, I had a sweat pants and a plokadot t-shirt. Couple minutes later jay came down in a polo shorts and a white t-shirt

We all now had on our clothes and ready to go

" out the door, everybody out " I said

Jay helped me put the twins in their car seats then he got in the front and buckled his seat belt

We arrived at the mall
First store we went into, was for bags

" go pick out what you guys like " I said to them

Jay went to the teenage side and I followed behind the twins to the baby side

Zoe picked up an unicorn bag and Zachary picked up an alien bag

" you guys like those " I asked them both

Zachary said yes
zoe said " no just looking, follow me "

I laughed and followed behind her

" mommy this one " she yelled

" shh mama, not so loud " I said to her

Zoe showed me a mermaid bag

" this one " I asked her to make sure she liked it

" yes please " she replied

Jay then came back with a blue polo bag

" hope it nuh too expensive, if it is mi can guh put e back and tek up sumo else " he said as he handed me the bag

" you like it " I asked him

" yes " he replied

" alright let's go pay for these then " I said as we all walked to the cashier

The recipient for all the bags were $27,000

They put all the bags in a big bag an gave it to me jay took the bag away from me an carried it

" what next " I asked

" shoes " Zachary said

We went into the shoes store, I sent Zachary with jay so they could look their shoes over the male section and I went with Zoe to find one for her at the female section. I told the lady to show me just girly school shoes thinking she would like one
About 5 minutes looking Zoe decided that she didn't like any of those shoes, so we went to see if Jay and Zachary had any luck.

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