Older Sister - K. MJ x Reader

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But it was hard to set an example...

When most times I wanted to yell at my mother about how shit she was treating my siblings.

"Okay, mom...," I mumbled under my breath.

I knew she didn't believe me. I knew she would hold this against me and keep a closer eye on me.

- Y/N POV -

"Why are you out so late?! Are you a gang member?!!" My mother yelled.

I hated how it was the one thing my mom would jump to.

I wasn't really a bad kid.

I just...

I had a hard time and...

I couldn't tell many people.

"Blow bubbles!" My stepdad yelled.

I found it ridiculous that I had to do this every night.

My parents would say... "drugs make you dehydrated, so if you can't blow bubbles or make saliva then you're on drugs!"

I hated it.

I made my mouth as watery as I could and did my best to blow some saliva bubbles....

But they all kept popping.

"If you're gonna be doing drugs under my roof, then get the fuck out of here!!! GOOOO!!" My stepdad yelled.

I breathes like a wild animal for a bit...

I was trying to see if my mother defended me or came to my aid.

But, she didn't.

My mother just stayed quiet and watched as I scoffed under my breath with tears in my eyes.

I tried to laugh.. out of the... just- the whole awkwardness of it all.

"You're just going to let him talk to me like that? You're child?" I thought to myself as I dragged my feet towards the back door.

I grabbed my bike and made sure if was up for another trip.

My brother and sister watched as if looking at the biggest fool.... they both didn't want me to disappear from their lives...

Because I was the punching bag. 

I was the one who always did the worse.

The one who got in trouble for everything.

When I wouldn't come home, our parents would call the cops.

When I got home late...

It wasn't a lecture.

It was crying outside the door while I knocked for an hour until my parent felt like letting me in.

I was never allowed to be home before anyone else got there... and... when there was an emergency or I just couldn't stand being outside the door in need of a toilet...

I would break in through the window.


My parents would reinforce the windows... and.... change the entire lock of the doors.

"Ooouuutttt!!!" My stepdad yelled, when I wasn't out of his sight fast enough.

I rode my bike as far as I could.

I had ended up at the school campus.

To my misfortune, all the lights in the school were closing and I had nowhere else to go.

That's until...

My girlfriend texted me.

Kimchi >.<

In trouble?



Kimchi >.<

Come to my window?



Minji knew when I was out in the streets.

It was easy to tell.

I sighed to myself and drank some water before the two mile bike ride to get to Minji's house.


Minji's room was on the first floor in the front the house, so it was easy for me to sneak up to the window and listen to her.

Minji would make sure to turn off the light sensors for the front yard before I got there, so it worked out great at times like this.

"Babe!" I whispered close to the window when I got to Minji's house.

"Shuushhhh," I got shushed when I got there.

It was Haerin, Minji's little sister.

I sighed in annoyance once I realized that it was just Haerin having another anxiety attack.

"What do you want?" I rolled my eyes.

Haerin just popped her head through the window and signaled me "number 1" and "number 4" with her fingers.

Number 1..... was ice cream...

And number 4....

Was an instant ramen.

"Okay," I mumbled...

Knowing Minji was probably trying to hold Haerin from jumping out the window. 

I shook my head in annoyance and went down to the corner store to spend all my money on Minji's little sisters.

Getting Haerin something meant getting something for all the girls.

It wasn't because they asked for it...

It was because I didn't want the girls feeling left out.

"47,009.87₩," The store clerk told me.

I sighed a bit, knowing how hard I work for my money...

But it was all worth it to give Minji just 5 minutes of peace of mind.

"Thanks," I mumbled to the clerk after paying and went back to Minji's.

I sneaked my way back to Minji's room window and sneaked all the snacks in.

I was a bit disappointed that Minji wasn't actually in the room anymore,

But Haerin and her other little sister, Hanni, were the to get the snacks.

I bit the inside of my mouth a bit....

Then got on my bike... once Minji had returned from wherever she was....

Minji whispered yelled through the window.... "Babe!!!"

I quickly jumped off my bike, letting it drop to the ground, and ran up to Minji's window.

Minji quickly cupped my face and pecked my lips.....

Before we saw hallway lights turn on inside the house.

We both froze for a second, before I sneakily ran back to my bike and rode away as fast as I could.






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