Chp 64: "Helping around the neighborhood"

Start from the beginning

Sam: why would these guys go to a power station?

Gwen: no idea, but we'd better hurry before something escalates

The two make it to the power station as they enter from the top and call ganke

Sam: ganke, some dudes robbed teo's bodega then headed to the closest power station

Ganke: weird, you guys got my full attention, watching through y'all's Livestream

The two sneak around the place as they hear gun shots, the two enter a room as they see some thugs walking around the place and shooting at transformers

Gwen: thyre shooting transformers?

Sam: weird, let's go stop thyre weird schemes

The two spiders sneak around as they quietly take out the thugs, after taking them out they check to transformers to see they were busted up

Ganke: this stations output is down to sixty four percent, maybe you guys can find a back up

Gwen: back up, okay uhm...oh Sam over here

Sam turns around to see Gwen pointing at a power box as Sam gets an idea, this was his first time ever doing this so he got a bit nervous

Sam: I hope this doesn't fry my insides

Sam said as he shoots multiple dark webs at the power box and absorbs the electricity, thankfully it didn't hurt him

Gwen: how does it feel?

Sam: it kinda tickles

The two chuckle as Sam checks out the electricity roaming around the dark webs

New ability unlocked: Energy absorbing

Sam then shoots the dark webs at the backup generator as they connect the electricity and pumps it in as the transformers start running again

Gwen: good thinking on the backup generators ganke

Sam: yeah, you're getting good at this stuff

Ganke: hehe, nah, I'm just a spectator

Sam: now we gotta find teo's cat

That was until they see a cat exit a vent as they assumed it was spider man, spider man then walks towards an elevator shaft

Gwen: no no spider man

Sam: wait, hold up....*sighs*, let's go get him

The two spiders enter the elevator shaft as they spot him crawling into a vent, the two spiders follow him as they come across more thugs trying to mess with the power

Ganke: I think I know what these dudes want, there's a bank on this block, no power means no security

Gwen: so by stopping these guys and fixing the power, we'd be preventing a bank heist?

Ganke: stopping crime before it begins "in a world where only three individuals can see the future, only they can stop it"

Sam: okay batman...

The two spiders then start quietly taking out the thugs, halfway through fighting they heard some of the thugs talking about thyre boss hunting them down, a few minutes later they finish off the thugs

Sam: sounds like they're being paid, any idea who-

Sam stopped mid sentence when the power went out

Gwen: huh?

Ganke: soooo, outputs at zero

Sam: yeah...

Ganke: pulling up emergency lights...okay

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