14 | Out of The Woods

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Olivia hadn't seen Lizzie since that morning. They'd finished breakfast all too quickly for her liking before Lizzie had to be on stage for a screen reading, and Scarlett was dragged away to hair and makeup, sweaty hands on her wriggling bump to hopefully calm the little baby inside her womb. Olivia had really enjoyed Scarlett's company, even getting a chance to feel little Rose, as she'd secretly been informed, kick. She hadn't asked, not at all would she dare to ask, but Scarlett had noticed the twinge of excitement in her hazel eyes when the first kick jostled her belly and had genuinely offered. Although Olivia didn't say anything afterward, the feeling she'd felt so deeply in her belly, had inspired a hope that one day she'd be able to be pregnant too. It seemed exciting, and something deep inside of her hoped that it would heal the aching hurt she felt by being able to love a baby the way she never was.

Crafty had seen a lot of traffic since Scarlett and Lizzie left, meaning Olivia had meet a handful of other actors and crew members. She wasn't all that sure what the project was, but she had gathered that it was in fact a Marvel film. The people she met had been nice enough, she didn't dislike any of them, but none of them had the same comforting appeal as Scarlett and Lizzie. She had been particularly flustered when Robert came up however, not escape his infamous taunting as he'd made a particularly petulant comment about her shirt not adorning Iron Man as well. It was all in good fun, but she wasn't used to conversing with anyone beside Lizzie in that way, and even that was new to her, so she anxiously fiddled with her fingers as she tried to reply in a way that ensured he wouldn't feel dejected, but protected her as well. He had gotten a black coffee, which Olivia found particularly disgusting, but she quickly realized that many of the workers ordered the same.

It was just nearing two o'clock when the rush of people stormed the large tent again. Olivia figured that lunch must have been called for everyone, because it was the first time she'd seen Lizzie and Scarlett again, this time joined by a few of the faces she'd met beforehand as well as a few unfamiliar individuals. She fought every nerve in her body against running to Lizzie and burying her face in the woman's torso the second she saw her approaching, but rather she kept a professional appearance and fulfilled the orders Jay let her assist on. She'd only just turned to press the lid onto a cup of lemonade when she heard Lizzie's voice, closer then it had been for hours.

"Can I steal her, Jay?" The woman pleads, still adorned in the same outfit as before, only bar the leather jacket. A sheen of sweat is apparent on her forehead, but it only accents her beauty. Olivia smiles widely when she turns around and faces Lizzie, simultaneously handing off the cup of lemonade that has Jasmine scribbled on the side, a tiny heart above the 'i'.

"Yeah! Can we steal her?" Scarlett choirs, coming to stand beside Lizzie at the counter. She's no longer in her own clothes, but rather the black stealth suit Olivia has seen countless of times. She really she be ashamed of how many times she'd rewatched Iron Man 2 while she was able to. That opportunity hadn't presented in almost three years, but she still holds onto hope that one day that'll change.

Jay chuckles, shaking her head as she slaps the towel down on the prep station, nodding for Olivia to move along. The little girl smiles widely, escaping the back of the stand and rushing toward Lizzie, little arms squeezing as tightly as she could. Not seeing Lizzie after she left the cafe was one thing, but knowing the brunette was around and not being able to see her was entirely different, and she didn't like it a single bit.

"Woah, squeeze any tighter I think my eyes will pop out." Lizzie teases, but returns the embrace with the same enthusiasm, running her hand up and down Olivia's back in patterns. "Liking it?"

Olivia nods, "Mmhm, but Robert wasn't too happy about my shirt." She rats the older man out, unaware of the fact that he's right behind her with Chris, both of whom had stopped by earlier.

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