"He said that you would learn to use it, eventually" Majo slid across the room until she was in front of the mirror "You were right, this mirror is important, although I still don't know if we did the right thing by placing it in your room."

"I think so" Nikki extended a screen with a beep "We have discovered something spectacular."

"It's the mirror that I told my uncle, although I didn't see when Pinky and Fenix brought it." Then she looked around her again "I don't remember this place either. Are we still in the castle?"

"That's right, as unlikely as it may seem" Majo rolled her eyes.

"Wooow" exclaimed the girl, suddenly unable to stop contemplating the room "So..."

Suddenly, she backed away and ran to the window. It took her a moment to pull the curtain wide, and then a couple of tries to open the gold-framed windows. The wind of the eternal night whipped through her red hair as the colossal sight of her grandpa's castle filled her. Suddenly, flats of her dream returned:

"...She had been living in the castle with her family for years..."

"So... are we really living here?" she sighed.

"At least for now" Majo put a hand on her shoulder. "This area is safe and the human city may be dangerous for us at the moment."

Patricia turned to the sorceress:

"So... can I keep this room?"

"It's yours to dispose" the hologram continued floating between beeps and little screens "If you don't like something, you can now complain to the duo who don't pay attention to anyone."

"Complain?" the girl jumped "I love it! It's the best I've ever had in my life! She turned to the window "And I can see the whole castle from here, it's sooo cool!!!"

The two vampires smiled, but it was Nikki who said:

"In that case, don't say anything to them, or there won't be anyone to lower their ego."

"True" Majo snorted.

"And they also added the mirror... I just told them it was important" There was a contained emotion in the little girl's voice. "How come they do all this in such a short time?"

"They have their methods, anyways, don't tell them they were right, or there will be no one to support them" The screen began to show Patricia asleep and the mirror began to flash.

Slowly, she got up and began to dance around the wide room, making gestures, as if she were greeting someone, as if she was laughing with someone, as if she was dancing with someone... until she stopped before the mirror shone. She started to get closer and closer until she put her hand on the glass.

"Creepy, yet fascinating" she concluded as she reduced the screen.

Patty couldn't believe her eyes but then again, with everything she'd been through so far, she wasn't sure how she felt.

"There was a woman in the mirror" she pronounced, sitting on the soft velvet armchair with pink and black ruffles, next to the window "She was dancing, surrounded by all of you... and then..."

"Oh, fate playing tricks again" exclaimed Majo.

"How do we say this to the vampi-patriarchs?" Nikki made a face.

"I'll tell them!" The girl got up again "I'll tell them everything, where are they?!"

The maidens looked at each other with affected amusement and, turning to the little girl, spoke to her sweetly:

BLOOD BOUNDED - THE MOONLIGHT - Eng - Castlevania Lords of Shadow (fanfic) PIIIWhere stories live. Discover now