Chapter 6

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Fleur was sitting on the bottom steps of the staircase, struggling to get into her shoes only using one hand. She had a nervous pit in her stomach as she was readying herself for her dinner tonight, and now as she could hear her mom and step-dad getting their things together, she felt downright sick.

Fleur had never been asked on a date. She didn't even remember anyone being seriously interested in her. Sure, in pre-school, there had been one innocent kiss at recess with a boy who smelt like barbecue chips. But never had anyone genuinely pursued Fleur.

And now this man...

No, she couldn't let herself go down this path again; she should at least try to follow her mother's advice and take everything one day at a time.

She had wanted to take a book to read on the drive but her mom had told her not to. Sabine had told her she should get excited for her dinner rather than spend the drive reading. Fleur didn't understand why she couldn't do both.

As she attempted to slide into her second shoe, a resounding knock could be heard from the front door.

"I've got it," Andrew called out as he made his way to open the door. Opening it slightly before exchanging words with the person on the other side before stepping aside to let them enter.

Fleur was surprised to see someone who looked exactly like Oliver, just a little taller with the dark hair atop his head, which Fleur now recognized as something all Deveraux men she had met so far had, styled in a neater fashion, walk in.

"Fleur the Alpha's nephew has just informed me that there has been a change of plans" Andrew stepped towards Fleur, who had now managed to put on her other shoe and was struggling to push herself off the stairs with just one hand at her disposal.

"What change of plans?" Sabine's voice rang through the entryway as she made her way from the kitchen to join her family and the stranger in the hall.

"Ma'am, my name is Jonathan Deveraux," Oliver's lookalike spoke, addressing her mother. "After the Alpha found the Luna today, a video of them was shared in the media, and now there are several news outlets parked outside the gates of the Alpha's house. The Alpha's main priority is to maintain the Luna's privacy. Him leaving his residence would attract too much attention, and the media would most likely follow him here."

As Jonathan informed the family, Fleur felt like her ears were ringing. There was a video of her falling and being carried off by the Alpha circulating in the media.

Her palms were growing damp as she clenched her right fist together in the coat pocket. Jonathan then turned away from her mother to face her. Dark brown eyes found her alert blue ones.

"Luna the Alpha has sent me to collect you in one of our cars because the windows will be blacked out, and no one will be able to take a picture of you."

Jonathan has talked to his brother extensively about Fleur as soon as it had become clear that the human girl was going to become their Luna but now, standing in front of her was a different story.

Oliver had told him how his wolf had reacted to her, and now even Johnny's wolf was cautiously flipping its tail so as not to startle the tiny thing in front of him.

Johnny took in the slight girl in front of him, her eyes held a dazed sheen over them, and he wasn't sure whether she was taking in what he was saying.

When Johnny had imagined who the moon goddess would have paired with his Uncle, he had imagined a strong, tall, hardened warrior female Alpha who would be a looming presence at his Uncle's side.

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