"Don't use our family as a way to win an argument." Nadia said as she welcomed her sister into a needed embrace.

"You gonna beat me like you beat their daddy?"

"That was different, Jim." Shane spat as he stared him down.

"You weren't there. Ed was out of control. He was hurting his wife and daughter. Nadia was on the floor an-and he broke her rib and gave her a concussion." Amy butted in with disbelief as she shook her head.

"That is their family. That is not his! He is not judge and jury. Who voted you King Boss, huh?"

"Jim, I am not here to argue with you, all right? Just give me the shovel, okay?" Shane spat growing annoyed with Jim's yapping.

"No, no, no."

"Just give me the- Jim!" They struggled as Shane tried to take the shovel from his hands but Jim was quick to pull the shovel away from him as he shoved him away. Jim swung the shove barely missing Shane but he leaned back, then Shane wrapped his arms around his middle as he tackled him to the ground. "Okay, shh shh."

"You got no right!"

"Jim, just stop it. Hey hey hey hey! Jim. Jim, nobody's gonna hurt you. You hear me? Shh. Jim, nobody is gonna hurt you, okay?"

"That's a lie. That's the biggest lie there is. I told that to my wife and my two boys. I said that a hundred times. It didn't matter. They came out of nowhere. There were dozens of 'em. Just pulled 'em right out of my hands." He confessed as Shane slapped cuffs onto him, his eyes trained on the group as he spoke. "You know, the only reason I got away was 'cause the dead were too busy eating my family." Silence followed as everyone soaked in the horrible story of Jim's life before he came to camp. The reality of just how awful the world had gotten, was finally soaking in.


Two hours went by since the drama outside of camp and Nadia had been sitting by a tree writing in her diary. She had so much she wanted to write but it was as if she couldn't put the words together. As if something was holding her back from doing so.

Dear Diary, 

This camp has gone to shit. Just like I thought it would. The people here are putting all of our lives in danger. First a man magically comes out of a coma. CARLS DAD and he leaves big mouthed Merle handcuffed to a roof top in Atlanta causing some of our biggest protectors to be sent off to retrieve him and a bag of guns. A BIG BAG. But as soon as they left, shit hit the fan here at camp.

Dad had smacked me and mom. He broken my rib and gave me a concussion, and everyone is making a big deal out of it even though it's not too bad. I mean sure it hurts like a motherfucker but it's not like it's the worst thing I've been through with him. Their faces would be priceless if I told them about the time he had thrown me down a flight of two story stairs.

I'm sick and tired of all of these people pretending they care. They only step in because they feel obligated too, if no one was watching and expecting them to be a 'big man' and step up, would they? I don't doubt the women would but it's not like that would affect my father at all. He would rather listen to a brick wall then someone who didn't have a dick.

A part of me didn't want Shane to stop and that's crazy isn't it? He's my father and no matter what bad he does I'm supposed to love him and stand by him. That's what my mom does. I don't know if my mother actually loves my father or if she just stays because she's too comfortable to leave. Before all of this she had a roof over her head, food in her belly and she always got to be around me and Sophia.

Heart and Soul [the walking dead]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu