Umbral Answers and Lux Warden

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Volante has flown the shuttle for a while before finding a clear landing near the coordinates hidden in-between these mountain ranges; surrounded by trees and giant rocks, and steep hills to climb over. Volante lands the shuttle carefully and opens the side door and shuts the shuttle off. Everyone had made there exit from the shuttle, standing right beside it. Looking around and only seeing tall trees with a small opening above that allowed the shuttle to land, and despite the change of clothing, they can still feel the cold breezing through as if it were cutting through their clothes like a sharp knife. Everyone gathers around, looking at each other. "Alright... for this particular mission, only me, Osmond, and Fehmeeda can make it inside the temple." Anders stated to everyone before continuing. "So, the question is... who is going to stay and guard the shuttle?" Anders had asked, looking at everyone. "Of course, I will stay here with the shuttle." Volante replied to Anders's question knowing that he was going to stay regardless, being the only one who can pilot it to begin with. "Anyone else?" Anders asked. Kafeel looks over at Vaeda before speaking. "I'll stay here with volante and help guard the shuttle. You are quite knowledgeable Vaeda... you should go with them just in case." Kafeel finished speaking to Vaeda, making his decision final. "Alright then, we should get a move on before it gets dark." Osmond stated to the others as to not wanting to know what kind of creatures of the night come out then. "Good, now that things are set, let's get moving." Fehmeeda said smiling nervously. Both nervous and curious as to how this god will truly be. Volante and Kafeel stay with the shuttle as Anders, Osmond, Fehmeeda, and Vaeda have left the area together. Starting their journey through the cold woods with steep hills on the side of these mountains. As they travel through the steep woods, they keep their eyes peeled for the temple they are searching for. "Vaeda, you've already tried using some location magic?" Fehmeeda asked curiously. Vaeda nods yes and replied "yes, I have already tried. There is an anti-magic field blocking its exact location. We could only get a general area, which is better than nothing." Vaeda had replied keeping her eyes peeled, looking around as they journey deeper into the unknown. "There is one thing I am curious about." Vaeda had stated as they continue walking through the woods. "Yeah, what is it?" Osmond asked waiting for Vaeda to shoot her question. "You three have been living and fighting through every age of this world. Why are these referred to as the Unkown Lands?" Vaeda asked them, curious as to if they may have seen or been part of anything. Vaeda had mentioned that she tried searching for information from before. But unfortunately, had turned up almost nothing in many attempts. "Even during the height of The Eternity War, any who ventured into these lands were not seen again." Osmond takes a moment to get his memories together. "There have been nations who have used these disappearances as an excuse to go fight and start unneeded conflict, continuing The Eternity War." Osmond continues. "It was eventually deemed too dangerous by all nations to venture into these lands. They gave them the name Unknown Lands. Reason being that there is nothing we know about them, except for the rumors and legends of an ancient temple." Fehmeeda expanded upon Osmond's explanation as to give some context to why the name was universally chosen. "Uhh... excuse me... you're telling me that we just teleported and are now venturing into lands that people never return from? This doesn't sound good." Vaeda said with a hint of fear in her voice. "No worries. Things may be different with us here. We will protect you." Anders reassured Vaeda. "Look, I'm good but when facing overwhelming power or force... I'm probably the first who's going to die." Vaeda stated to the others, letting them know that she can fight but is not good against anything too much. Osmond let out a hearty laugh as they continue to walk through the woods. "You think anyone is good against overwhelming forces? No worries, we will take down any monsters that will come our way." Osmond said throwing his hand bunched up in a fist straight into the air. He slowly puts it back down as they exit the woods to have found themselves pretty high up the mountain. They see a narrow passage with a very steep, far drop into a valley with a river flowing through it peacefully. Anders looks at everyone standing behind him, pointing at the dangerous narrow path. "Careful everyone... one misstep and that's it..." Anders warned everyone as he turned back forward to face the perilous narrow path. Anders makes his way across first, taking small cautious steps. Everyone else follows him closely after Anders, seeing that he hasn't slipped and fallen to his death. As they make their way across cautiously, the cold wind starts picking up, cutting through like a sharp knife. Fehmeeda clings onto the rocky wall, clearly not use to the cold. "You know Fehmeeda, you did never mention where you were born in this life." Osmond stated smiling, almost laughing at the cold wind. "Well, this life I was born in an empire called Arya, Land of the Aryans. It was usually hot until winter came around for a month or two." Fehmeeda explained, partially looking down at the perilous fall down to the river. Fehmeeda immediately looks back up, her head turned to face Anders who is looking back at her. "Keep your focus Fehmeeda. Don't look down. Keep your eyes on me." Anders told Fehmeeda with a kind smile before looking back forward. Everyone keeps cautiously moving forward across the narrow rocky path, with barely enough room for each step they take. Pressed up against the rocky wall of the mountain; they press onwards finally making it to the other side. Anders makes a small hop across a small gap and lands on a wide enough path going upwards the side of the mountain. Anders moves to the side to make some more room for Fehmeeda to hop, followed by Osmond and then Vaeda. "Everyone good?" Anders asked everyone to make sure they can continue up the mountain path. Everyone nods, Fehmeeda, and Vaeda needing a moment to collect themselves. Fehmeeda looks at Osmond who seems completely unphased by it all. "Why do you seem so unphased Osmond?" Fehmeeda asked, almost sounding jealous of him having no fear of heights climbing up a mountain. "In this life, I was born in the nation known as Ragnarr. To the far fringes of the cold north. Plenty of mountains there to climb and plenty of monsters to fight." Osmond replied laughing. "This is a good exercise for me and I'm just getting started!" Osmond had exclaimed, punching the air. Fehmeeda nods no, letting out a giggle. "Same ole Osmond, never changes, hahaha." Fehmeeda said to herself before they all start continuing onwards the path. As they climb upwards the mountainous path, Osmond looks back to check on Vaeda. "You... are you hanging in there Vaeda?" Osmond asked her as he sees her struggling a little bit to keep up. "Ye-yeah... not use to this mountain climbing. It is taking all I have." Vaeda replied back to Osmond, sounding like she is out of breath. The group continues walking, as Osmond looks back forward to see Anders still leading the group. "Anders!" Osmond yelled out. As they continue to walk, Anders looks back at Osmond. "What is it?" Anders had asked back to Osmond. The wind starts picking up again, getting colder. They start to see snow flying violently with the wind. "We should find a cave, some shelter to rest and recover for a bit!" Osmond had suggested, especially for Vaeda's sake. Anders motions to stop the group walking forward. He looks around as his vision starts becoming obscured by thick snow in the wind. Anders thinking that Osmond's suggestion is quite sound as it would be difficult to make any further progress without someone getting hurt, lost, or worse. "Fehmeeda! Can you locate a cave using any magic?" Anders asked concerned for the group's safety. "I can. I'll send out this pulse wave, it will reveal to me any nearby caves." Fehmeeda replied to Anders having explained her technique a little. Fehmeeda summons a light staff all porcelain white, top having a small light orb floating slightly above the light staff, surrounded by curved lines same color as the staff, shaped like a thin crescent moon, swirling around the light orb. Fehmeeda slams the staff into the ground as the snowstorm gets worse. A brief azure blue circle wave smoothly moves across Fehmeeda's eyes as she looks around in the storm. She squints into the distance barely being able to make something out. Fehmeeda perks her head up quickly, eyes shoot wide open, happy to have discovered something. She looks at everyone and points off into the near distance. "I found something!" Fahmeeda exclaims happily. 
Follow me!" She yells to everyone, moving past Anders, everyone following closely behind her. They see the entrance to a cave and make their way inside. They look out the entrance of the cave seeing the snowstorm pick up to perilous levels. They look at each other relieved to have gotten out of it just in time. Fehmeeda takes a look deeper into the cave. She tilts her head in curiosity summoning a light sphere, illuminating light to be able to see deeper inside the cave. She looks back at everyone else having taken a seat on the cold rocky floor. "Guys... this cave is much deeper than I thought it would be." Fehmeeda explained with curiosity clear in her voice. Anders gets up and walks next to her side. Fehmeeda looks at Anders realizing that he had just volunteered himself to explore a little deeper with her. Anders nods and looks over at Osmond and Vaeda. "Stay here together just in case anything happens. I'll explore with Fehmeeda deeper in the cave and see if we can't find anything." Anders had told Osmond and Vaeda. "Careful buddy, in the meantime... we'll sit tight." Osmond told Anders, concerned something could go wrong pretty fast. Fehmeeda and Anders looks at each other and nod before heading into the deep dark cave. Fehmeeda brings the light sphere close by Anders and herself as they explore deeper inside the cave. The rocky wall starts to change, as if someone had clearly carved it out to be a room or an entrance to something. They started noticing parietal art on the now flat walls, seemingly depicting historical events from ancient times. Anders and Fehmeeda come to a stop as they notice a part of the art on the wall depicting three people standing together with their hands put together, light shining brilliantly from their hands. Just a beyond that, the art seems to depict entire armies being pushed back by their light. "Tha-that's us!" Fehmeeda had exclaimed to Anders. Anders takes a closer look and notices that it is indeed them from a previous life. "I remember that. These people were desperate and needed someone to keep them from being killed. The invading army wanted nothing than to conquer the world. So, we did all we could to stop them... it was an absolute bloodbath." Anders explained taking a step back closer to Fehmeeda. They walk a little further noticing the parietal art depicting the bloody battle, and at the end, they see the same three paintings depicting them, dead on the ground with everyone else, having their hands on top of each other. "There! That is when we died together... knowing that it would not be the end..." Fehmeeda told Anders with a solemn face. Anders and Fehmeeda continue deeper into the cave as the parietal art had stopped for a while. Anders and Fehmeeda eventually come up to the end of the carved-out part of the cave, noticing pitch black darkness. Not even the light sphere is able to break through the thick dark, almost as if it were a wall. "Strange..." Anders said confused about this situation. Anders puts his left hand into the darkness to check to see if it is indeed solid; to his surprise it was not, his hand reaching through to the other side. He takes his hand out, looking at it for a little bit before putting it back down and looking at Fehmeeda. "It's a little extra cold on the other side but there is something there alright." Anders explained to her. Fehmeeda looks at the wall of absolute darkness curiously and then looks back at Anders. "Want to try grabbing Osmond for this? I've got a hunch about this, so let's see." Fehmeeda had suggested to Anders, thinking something may change if all three of them are there. They quickly head back to Osmond and Vaeda to tell them about what they have discovered. Upon reaching the cave's entrance again, they see Osmond and Vaeda sitting close together, staring out into the thick snowstorm just beyond the entrance. "Hey you two!" Fehmeeda called out to them. Osmond and Vaeda look over at Anders and Fehmeeda who have just gotten back. They both get up and walk closer to them. "What's up?" Osmond asks. "We found something, and I believe all three of us have to be together for this particular part of the cave to reveal something." Fehmeeda explained to Osmond. Osmond and Vaeda briefly look at each other before Vaeda starts to explain something. "There is a myth that states; only the three chosen souls are able to access certain points in the world." Vaeda takes a moment to get her thoughts together before continuing. "Mystery shrouded in darkness... three souls whose chosen fate be cursed... there light pure and bright... will reveal the umbral mystery..." Vaeda told everyone the myth she remembers reading about. "I'm not entirely sure, but from what I remember being able to translate from a dead language, you three are indeed needed." Vaeda finishes explaining to them. The three of them look at each other and then back at Vaeda. "Coming with us? Just in case." Anders asked Vaeda, knowing she would get nervous alone in a dark cave. Vaeda nods and they all start to make their way back through the cave. As some time passes by, they arrive back at the pitch-black wall of darkness. "What now?" Anders asks Fehmeeda. "Let's try summoning light in our hands." Fehmeeda replied to answer his question. Vaeda takes a step back as they summon a small light that fits perfectly in the palm of their hands. They put their hands up to the wall of absolute darkness and the light in their hands merged into the dark wall, dissipating any darkness, revealing a large grand gold entrance into a temple. "No way..." Anders said being left breathless by the view. Light emanating from the golden entrance, giving perfect view inside the cave. Fehmeeda dismisses her floating sphere of light while staring in awe. The four of them carefully walk up to the entrance. Anders pushes the grand golden doors open and walks through followed by Fehmeeda and Osmond. Vaeda attempts to walk through but is stopped by an invisible force. She puts her hands up as if she was trying to push against a wall and continues to push with all her might. Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda hearing her struggle, turn back to see what she may be struggling with. "What's going on?" Anders asked concerned. Vaeda gives up trying to push through and looks at the three of them. "Don't worry about me. It seems only you three can truly enter this place. I'll be fine, you three must see this through to the end." Vaeda explained to them, reassuring them that she will be fine waiting for them outside the entrance to this temple. "Be safe, alright?" Osmond told Vaeda, looking directly into her eyes. Vaeda nods, saying "don't worry Osmond. I will." Osmond nods in response to her before Anders, Fehmeeda, and himself turn around to walk deeper into the golden temple. As they make their way through the main room, they see giant golden pillars on opposite sides of the room acting as main support. Keeping everything as it should be. They also notice many varying black symbols they do not recognize from anywhere in the world. All various shapes and sizes. They reach another set of grand golden doors reaching up to the ceiling. Anders and Osmond take opposite sides and open the doors. The three of them walk inside this room noticing how circular it is. Like a giant round ball. In the middle stands what looks like a towering angel made of dark stone. Wings spanning across most of the room. A giant sword stands in front of the angel, the hilt reaching up to the angel's chin. The three continue to walk into the room, towards the angel. They come to a stop as they notice the dark stone angel starts moving. The stone skin vanishes from top to bottom. Porcelain white skin, golden weaved clothing wrapped around the whole body. Flowing golden hair reaching down to the bottom of her back. She grabs the sword in front of her and swings it down creating an intense gust of wind, forcing everyone to take a few steps back. Eyes shining brilliantly like crystals in the light. The angel looks down at the three of them standing before her. "I am Warden Atara... the blessed angel whose duty is to protect the last of the pure light... NOW, explain to me your purpose being here!" Atara had spoken to them, sending shivers down their spines. The fear setting in from the pure presence of this agnel. Anders, against his will, against the fear, steps forward. "We seek the god who had chosen us to this cursed fate!" Anders exclaimed to Atara. Atara steps forward towards Anders and the others, completely towering over them. "I will not allow you. You must prove yourselves to me first! O chosen failed heroes of this world!" Atara brings the sword upwards, pointing at the ceiling and swinging it down creating another intense gust of wind forcing everyone back. The golden weaved clothing transform into armor, wrapping around her legs, arms, feet, hands, and boots. A helmet comes around, over her head, covering the top part, protecting her eyes, long feathers on each side of the helmet. The helmet making her eyes appear crimson red. Atara puts both hands on the hilt of the sword and splits it into two different golden swords, readying herself for battle. Anders eyes go wide as he immediately summons a light sword in his right hand and put it up as Atara swings both swords downwards on top of him, Anders just barely making the block. The block creates enough of a blast of wind that Osmond and Fehmeeda are knocked on their backs. Anders forces the swords to the side, moving his sword to the side, jumps, rolls backwards, standing back up. Osmond and Fehmeeda get back up quickly, Osmond summoning his weapon, the light rifle as Fehmeeda readies her light staff. Anders charges Atara, bringing his sword up, swinging it across. Atara parries his attack as Osmond aims and fires his light rifle, firing off several shots. Atara's wings split into millions of different separate feathers forming a shield blocking all of Osmond's shot, absorbing the light bullets. She fires them back towards Osmond, the bullet exploding upon impact, hitting the ground, sending Osmond flying and slamming into the ground. Atara forces Anders back, combines her swords and swings it towards Anders. He parries the attack at the cost of being forced into the air, flying into the wall and then slamming into the ground. Osmond and Anders struggle to get back as Atara slowly walks towards them. Fehmeeda uses healing magic, light briefly surrounding them, taking away all of their pain. Fehmeeda fires off several light bolts to Atara. She takes each hit, seeming completely unphased by Fehmeeda's attack. Osmond fires off his rifle again, the light bullets hitting the shield made of feathers. The feathers disperse back to her back, floating closely together, kept as separate pieces. Anders had charged, readying his sword to swing downwards as he jumped in the air. Atara splits her sword into two and swings them sideways, forcing Anders to fly into Osmond, and both colliding into the ground. Fehmeeda had ran to a different part of the room behind Atara, throwing some healing magic towards Osmond and Anders. Fehmeeda stops and slams her staff into the ground summoning a ball fire and throws it towards Atara. She looks behind herself, noting the fireball. Atara quickly swings her left sword to slice the fireball in half, exploding halfway through the sword. Thick smoke is created from the explosion, blinding Atara's sight, Osmond fires off his rifle, hitting Atara's armor, hearing the clinks from the light bullets. The feathers disperse again, flying at extreme speeds, cutting everyone's legs and arms, clearing the smoke quicker, before returning to her back. Fehmeeda shoots healing magic to everyone, a brief light surrounding Anders, Osmond, and herself. They stand back up, thinking that Atara is too powerful for them to fight head on. The grand golden doors shut, sealing everyone inside. The room inside starts changing, as if to form something else. "Is this the best you chosen heroes have to offer?!" Atara yelled to them, sounding mad. "Seven million years have come and gone! Each life you all have lived, you have FAILED to succeed in your supreme purpose bestowed upon you... bestowed upon you by the God of Light himself!" Atara had continued yelling at them as the surrounding room changes. Showing a vision of the world shrouded in darkness, buildings in ruin, dead bodies lying everywhere, while some others are being consumed by these creatures of pitch-black darkness. All seeming to have no physical bodies as they move, black haze emanating from their bodies. "THIS... is the future of your world if you are to fail in this life. If you cannot take me down, then I will strike you down, ending your lives. Then, I will burn this world to complete ash, all in order to stop him..." Atara exclaimed angrily at the three, bringing her swords up to her face, crossing each other making an X, staring directly at Anders and Osmond. The room starts changing to show different visions of the future, where great cities have fallen, great fires and floods sweeping across the world, people suffering, as Atara charges Anders. Anders swings his sword to parry her attack, now fully realizing the danger they really are in. Anders musters all of his might and forces Atara's swords to the side and swings his sword across, hitting her left arm, cracking the armor. Osmond fires his rifle as her feathers form a shield in his direction blocking the bullets. As Osmond keeps firing, and Anders pressing his attack, Atara parrying them all, Fehmeeda fires off balls of lightning and fire, striking Atara's armor, doing some damage in her left arm, further cracking it. Atara lets out a scream forcing everyone to cover their ears as her feathers return to her back. Atara swings her swords around in a circular motion, striking Anders, forcing him to fall to the ground. Osmond fires his rifle again while running, hitting Atara's armor as well as the cracked armor. Atara turns to him and makes one big leap towards him. Fehmeeda lets out a gust of wind, cutting through her left arm's armor, shattering it. Osmond keeps up his running and fires away again as Fehmeeda runs to Anders and heals him. Atara makes another leap towards Fehmeeda and Anders. "Fehmeeda!" Osmond screams out to her. Fehmeeda looks over as Atara lands, swords combined together, held up high, in a downward swinging motion. Within a brief moment, Anders had quickly gotten up, holding his sword sideways, blocking the attack, saving Fehmeeda from being sliced in half. Osmond's eyes go wide for a brief moment, before holding his rifle up and aiming. He fires away several light bullets piercing Atara's weakening armor. Atara backs off from Anders and swings her sword down facing Osmond, colliding with the ground, releasing a series of white explosions heading towards Osmond. Osmond stops firing, makes a jump, rolls and is in a crouching position as the line of explosions barely miss Osmond. Fehmeeda in the meantime had run some distance, charging a magic shot up, and firing it at Atara, breaking more of her armor. Anders makes a big leap as Osmond charges a shot and Fehmeeda charging another magic shot, swinging his sword diagonally down, cutting across her chest armor, making severe cracks. Anders lands as Osmond and Fehmeeda fire there charged shots at the same time, colliding with Atara, creating a big explosion. Atara is forced to her knees, sword on the ground, panting from that last attack that hit her. Anders turns around to face Atara as Osmond and Fehmeeda walk next to Anders. The room changes back into a round room made of gold. Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda dismiss their weapons as Atara gets back up, leaving her sword on the ground. She turns to face them, staring directly into their eyes, as if to be piercing there very souls. Atara's shattered armor turns back to regular golden clothing wrapped around her completely, helmet and all now gone. "Very well. Though you may have just barely passed, you may go meet him." Atara told them, closing her eyes, stepping to the side. A pair of grand doors, on the other side of the room appear as if they were invisible from before and open. Inside lies a room of pitch-black darkness. Unable to see any further inside, Atara motions for them to walk inside regardless. The three of them walk through the doors, into the dark room unable to see anything. The doors behind them close shut, no light inside, unable to see anything at all. Within in a moment, the darkness lightly dissipates, revealing a gray sandy area they are standing in. Off in the distance is a big bright white moon, now shining upon them. Revealing to them all that they themselves appear to be standing on a moon themselves. Stars everywhere the eye can see. Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda standing there in complete dismay and amazement, having no idea what to do nor say. Before them, a man appears wearing all black clothing, looking ragged, a hooded cloak, unable to see any face, just black haze that fills the hood. ragged long sleeve shirt with gloves, ragged pants going down to his ankles with worn out looking boots. "Who... are you?" Anders stepped forward asking. "I... was once the God of Light... KING of the heavenly kingdoms in the Astral World." the unknown god had replied. "What should we call you?" Fehmeeda asks. "My name is Cyrus." he had replied to Fehmeeda's question. "What do you mean 'once was'?" Osmond asked, wanting to know what happened. "Long before your time... back when I was the King of gods... the Astral World was put under siege." Cyrus pauses a moment before continuing. "The Voidwalkers we called them. Those who lived before light, before any universe. They attacked us... the demons joining them, the kingdoms of heaven were in grave danger... as well as my family." Cyrus pauses another moment. Unable to see his face, keeping his voice stoic, Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda have no idea what he may be feeling. "After choosing you three, granting some of my light so that this spreading corruption would never be able to infect you three. Unable to dominate your minds, turning and twisting you to be absolutely evil." The three of them look at each other having no idea what was going on when they were chosen, are now shocked to hear this. Cyrus continues "I would then sacrifice the rest of my light and become the new god of darkness, the only one who would challenge Acheron." Cyrus had finished explaining to Osmond to answer his question. "Who is Acheron?" Anders asked curiously. Cyrus looks at Anders for a moment before responding. "Acheron... was the first to exist. When there was only darkness in all of existence. He would eventually see a light, one coming from the Astral World. He would allow it to spread and use its power to create universes... to create life." Cyrus would explain, looking at all three of them. "Acheron was not always evil... not always wanting to end everything. But someone... something... beyond the bounds of existence, a place where things go to cease to be, had emerged and corrupted the mind of Acheron. Since then, he has been consuming entire universes, leaving nothing behind." Cyrus finished explaining. "Well, that explains why it is so important to stop him." Osmond said looking at Anders and Fehmeeda. "Indeed, it does. He is the reason for why your fates be cursed. If he is not stopped by you... then the rest of existence may well follow." Cyrus told them. Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda now getting the feeling of just how more serious this is becoming. "All I can do now is slow him down." Cyrus had furthered explained the situation. "But why? You are a god, are you not?" Osmond had asked Cyrus, concern clear in his voice. "When darkness clashes, only one of two things will happen. Minds will either be dominated and join the opposing side, or they are cut down for good. Any soul that is freed, will have the free will to return to the Astral World... as long as there is a soul left to do so..." Cyrus explained to Osmond. "Be warned... with more universes that are consumed by him, the more power he gains. Eventually, he will become unstoppable if we cannot strike him down for good in time." Cyrus had finished explaining. Anders looks at Osmond and Fehmeeda with a worried look on his face. "We then truly have no choice..." Anders said solemnly looking back at Cyrus. "One last thing though... do you know what happened to the other two that travelled here with us?" Anders asked, wondering if they are alright. Cyrus nods yes. "Indeed, I do. Volante and Kafeel had to leave due to wild monsters relentlessly attacking. They had returned back to your air-warships. But even then, they had to leave as monsters of the sky started swooping down and attacking the ships. Injuring your people. They left the skies of what you call 'Unkown Lands'. The captain worries the worse may have happened to you." Cyrus had stated to the three. "What about Vaeda?" Osmond asks Cyrus. "Vaeda waits patiently outside the temple doors." Cyrus answered. "I shall return you four back to your ships. Remember, your failure means the end of everything. Go well, and you may know peace in the end." Cyrus told them waving his left hand, returning Anders, Osmond, Fehmeeda, and Vaeda back on to the ship The Rogue Specter. The four of them look at each other before checking their surroundings. Now realizing that they are back on the ship. The crew stare at them in disbelief, happy to see them safely returned. "We must relay this information to the captain at once." Anders said with haste. Vaeda would run back to check on Kafeel checking to see if he is in the hangar bay first. Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda, quickly make their way to see the captain in his quarters to tell him everything that they had learned. 

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