The Dying Flame

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The brilliant shining sun hanging in the sky has fallen to the time of evening. With the beautiful blue sky now as yellow as the distant sun, the tall building casting large shadows. Anders and Osmond, and Fehmeeda have walked for a few hours now, tired from being on their feet with no rest. Fehmeeda spots a see through light blue bird flying towards her. She stops, putting both her hands up to tap the shoulders of Anders and Osmond to stop them with her. They turn around to face her as the magic bird lands on her right shoulder. "Oh?" Anders said tiredly. "Find a place to rest until morning. You will rise early morning to make your sabotage and then we will strike." The magic light blue bird said to the three in an echo like light toned voice; and then vanished like grass in the wind. "Alright, nearest hotel?" Osmond asked the other two wondering where the nearest hotel may be. Fehmeeda closes her eyes, briefly putting her right hand up, seeing where the nearest hotel may be. Fehmeeda opens her eyes after putting her hand back down and looks at Anders and Osmond. "I know where the nearest one is at." Fehmeeda said to the two turning southwest of their current direction. The streets have calmed down, the constant honking now almost nothing. The three cross the street and start walking southwards towards the hotel, being under the shade of a tall building. Some time passes by as they walk, watching the traffic slow down to almost nothing. With plenty of people who are seemingly in a rush to get home, Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda are approached by one of the people walking on the sidewalk like they are. "Is it true?" the scared looking citizen asked them. "Is what true?" Anders asked replying back to the random person. "That we are going to be attacked soon! We received some alert on our MagiPhones!" the concerned citizen was speaking frantically. "We are to evacuate as soon as we can." The citizen speaking frantically finished saying to the three. "I would advise doing so as soon as possible." Anders told the citizen. Anders puts his left hand on the citizens shoulder and looked him in directly into his eyes with kindness and reassurance. "We are here to protect you, so try to keep calm and leave as soon as possible." Anders finished reassuring the citizen, taking his hand off his shoulder. The citizen seemed to relax and calm down, his demeanor becoming less tense. The citizen thanked Anders and ran off to what they could assume is his home to prepare to leave the city. Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda come across a hotel with a parking lot that seems to be empty except for having a couple of vehicles parked in the far corner. They walk inside and see that there is still one concierge manning the front desk. The concierge notices them walk in through the door, coming up to the counter. "I would ask what you three are doing here... but considering you're military" the concierge was saying to them walking over to a cabinet, opened it, and was rummaging through searching for something. "I'll just give you the keys to the rooms so I can be on my way to" the concierge finished saying; pulling a pair of keys out of the cabinet and closing it shut. She hands Anders the keys, grabs some things that seemed personal to her and starts walking to the front entrance. "Stay safe out their soldiers." the concierge told them in a light toned but caring voice before walking out and waving her hand; having this blue cloudy mist come from her hand, locking the doors shut, before walking out of sight. Anders checks the keys to see if there are any engravings on it. Anders spots the number 307. He looks at Osmond and Fehmeeda "I'm assuming this hotel uses the universal way of these things." Anders had spoken in thought. "Third floor, room seven..." Anders finished speaking to Osmond and Fehmeeda not just wondering but hoping that, that it is indeed the case. "Only one true way to find out." Osmond said taking the keys from Anders and taking a good look at the keys. Osmond looks at Anders and Fehmeeda and nods before he starts walking to a door with a sign above it. A sign of a man of walking up a flight of stairs. Osmond opens the door and motions them to go in first. After walking up a few flights of stairs, they make it to the third floor and find room 307. Osmond unlocks and opens the door for the other two. Anders and Fehmeeda walk into the hotel room of decent size with five doors. Four of them leading into personal bedrooms and the fifth being a bathroom. Osmond closes the door behind him as Anders and Fehmeeda have already claimed a spot on the couch in front of a television set. "Let's check the news... just in case..." Fehmeeda suggested to the other two. Anders and Osmond nod in agreement. Anders grabs the remote while Osmond takes his seat next Anders with Fehmeeda sitting on the other side. Anders turns on the television and switches it to a news channel. "Strange events occur today in our great city. Stuff from dangerous car chases, suspects still on the loose as no bodies have been found. AND let's not forget about an evacuation warning in the midst of all this happening." The anchorman continues for a while talking about the incident about the dangerous car chase with no bodies having been found. The anchorman also mentions how the evacuation warning has sent plenty of people spiraling into great fear. No one sure of what is to happen, some thinking that it is merely a test of emergency services. Either way, Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda now know that they are not the focus of what is going on. What is also a sigh of relief; they now know that they are not searching in their area for them with what little search parties have been sent out. Anders turns off the television and places the remote down on a coffee table sitting in front of the couch. Anders leans back and closes his eyes to start relaxing himself. "So, how exactly will these three spider like devices sabotage these anti-air defenses?" Fehmeeda asks curiously as how to it will happen. Osmond looks at her, tilting his head. After some thought to himself, "well Fehmeeda... they themselves are more or less a range extension to the one or group of people using magic." Osmond pauses for a moment to gather some of his thoughts on the question before continuing. "In our case... when the three ships teleport in, our mage corp. will use their electrical magic pulse to essentially fry the whole battery." Osmond finished as Anders sits back up, "not just the batteries though. Keep in mind that the whole system of those weapons will be done for afterwards." Anders finishes as he leans back into the couch and relaxes himself once more. "You ever wonder how we got stuck here? Like why were we chosen? What caught the eyes of that particular god?" Anders was asking Osmond and Fehmeeda while keeping his eyes closed. "The only time we ever spoke to him... was... when we were chosen by him..." Fehmeeda had replied slowly, carefully thinking about what she was saying on an ancient memory. "Yeah... since then, we've only known life as being born, growing up; only learning how to fight and perfect our techniques... and dying." Osmond had said to Anders almost sounding upset about being forced to live as he described. "How many years has it been since then? How long have we been at this? Only for this 'Eternity War' to stay true to its name." Fehmeeda had said sounding upset, turning her head to be able to see out the window. "To long... I've stopped counting at this point." Anders had replied to Fehmeeda starting to sound tired, almost sleepy. "If you must really know, I'd say about seven million one hundred twenty-five years if memory serves me right." Osmond had said thinking about it briefly. Fehmeeda and Anders both look over at Osmond at the same time shocked. "Your memory is sharp!" Anders said, balling his right hand up in a fist and lightly punches Osmond's left shoulder. "Don't you two remember?" Osmond looks over at Anders and Fehmeeda who now look perplexed. "When that god chose us, he gave us each a specific set of powers, abilities, that are unique to us and only us." Osmond finished explaining to the other two. "Right, I remember some of that... but one of your abilities was perfect memory-" Anders was cut off by Osmond mid-sentence saying "yeah I know. I'm supposed to carry the tough memories, to carry the heaviest burdens until we vanquish this very particular evil." Osmond finished saying leaning back into the couch. Anders leans back into the couch like Osmond now while Fehmeeda keeps her eyes on the two. "Any idea what this evil is? What this evil might look like?" Anders asked sounding rhetorical. "Well of course not... that would be too easy." Fehmeeda had made her statement to Anders's question; getting up to turn around and face them both at the same time. "I'm going to shower and sleep, you two?" Fehmeeda had said to them, putting her hands on her hips waiting for them to make there answer. Anders and Osmond look at each other briefly before looking back at Fehmeeda. "We'll be doing the same after you're done getting ready for the night." Anders replied to Fehmeeda keeping a stoic look on his face to hide his tiredness. Fehmeeda nods to Anders before walking to the bathroom to shower and feel refreshed for the night. After an uneventful night rolls on by, the early morning has arrived, the tips of the sun twinkling off in the horizon. Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda have gotten up and are ready to leave the hotel to go onto there next mission objective. The three had made it to the bottom floor in the lobby area. Seeing as nobody is still around, they left the hotel, Fehmeeda using her magic to unlock the front doors; and took a quick look in the parking lot only to find one vehicle parked in the corner. Anders looks at Fehmeeda "can you unlock and start that car?" he asked with haste. Fehmeeda nodded yes and puts both her hands up, unlocks the doors and starts the vehicle before putting her hands back down. Anders gets in the driver's seat while Fehmeeda takes the passenger's seat and Osmond taking the seat behind her. Anders drives out of the parking lot and towards the center of the city's territory; where they would be able to easily distribute and deliver power to anywhere that they may need. A few hours pass by as the morning sun continues to rise; they make it to a checkpoint with guards standing by, as if they're waiting for something terrible to happen at any moment. Anders has the car come to stop while a guard carefully approaches the vehicle that they are in. Anders rolls down the window and looks out to see the guard looking directly into his eyes, seeming to have no emotion. "You have your military ID's?" the guard asked in the most monotone voice the three have heard. Anders looks at the other two before pulling his out and showing the guard. The guard, after looking at Anders's, peers into the car to see Fehmeeda's and Osmond's and nods. He takes his head out of the car and motions to let them through as they put their ID's away back in their pockets. The gate opens vertically giving Anders plenty of room to start driving through. As they pass through the gate, they noticed that since before, up until now, there has been little traffic, not many signs of people. "Seems like the government is on to us now. They are preparing for a fight it seems." Osmond had stated to the other two looking out the window, noticing how they are preparing their defenses. "I think in a couple more hours, we should be at the city's main supply for the magic power. So, prepare yourselves for anything." Anders said as he continues to keep his eyes on the road. Anders spots the entrance to a military base but with what seems like to be no guards at any posts to their entrance. Anders pulls to the side of the road and parks the car in place, tilting his head in confusion; wondering if it is a trap or not. Anders looks at Fehmeeda and Osmond as they look back at him just as confused. "I say, we step out of this car and start making our way over to see if anyone is there." Anders suggested to Fehmeeda and Osmond. "You sure? It could be a trap and we would be walking straight into it." Osmond advised with concern clear in his voice. "I don't know... but either way, we have to get inside and do what we came here to do. If it is trap, then we fight." Fehmeeda had spoken to Anders and Osmond implying the importance of their mission with the tone of her voice. "Alright... since no one appears to be at the gate, we step out of this car and make our way over. That way we can see anything before it would be too late." Anders advised to the other two. They seemed to agree to Anders's idea as both options and time shrink with each passing moment. They all step outside of the car, shutting the doors behind them. They carefully make their way over to the gates of the military base peering over carefully to see if anyone is standing guard. To their dismay, they see nobody at posted at the gates. Anders looks at Osmond and Fehmeeda, motioning for them to follow him through the gates. They carefully walk through the gates and slowly make their way through the military base looking for the entrance to magic power supply. After a while, they spot a door in a stone wall. They walk up to it and are suddenly greeted by a voice. "Please show military ID" the voice spoke in an almost robotic monotone voice but with enough grace to sound human. A magic powered hologram color of crimson red appears before the three, smiling and waiting for them to show their military ID's. They pull out their military ID's and show the magic hologram. "Please hold them still while I scan." the hologram told them as they keep their ID's help up and as still as possible for the scan. "Scan complete... entrance authorized... you may enter the magic power supply center." The hologram disappears and they hear the door unlock with a loud sliding bang noise. Anders opens the door and walks in followed by Fehmeeda and Osmond who closes the door behind them as to not make anything look weird or suspicious while they are inside. they walk through a slightly narrow hallway that is dimly lit, up to another door. Anders opens that door, revealing a large room inside with a giant generator inside that is taking the magic Aether around them and turning it into power being put inside capsules and batteries for everyday use. "I had no idea how large this room was going to be... but damn..." Fehmeeda said looking around as if to be impressed. "No time to be gawking at this like we're star struck. We've got to move" Osmond had stated with urgency clear in his voice. They start moving through the giant dim lit room, most of the light coming from the generator. Many shelves with equipment placed on them and around them at the ready for being put together and sent out. Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda make it to the generator's controls and start searching for the shutdown button. The control area for the generator has many buttons on both panels and walls in a small square area. Anders comes across a red button and looks at it precariously, not knowing the full extent of what the button could possibly do. "Found the shutdown button, but this feeling I'm getting, making me very uncertain right now." Anders stated to the other two with great concern being easy to hear in his voice. The other two walk up next to Anders to take a look at the red button. "That's definitely the shutdown button" Osmond had stated what is now becoming the obvious. Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda look at each other with some concern about the button. "Well, we don't have much choice right now. We press it now, or something worse could happen." Anders stated to Osmond and Fehmeeda. Fehmeeda closes her eyes while Osmond continues to look at the button as Anders places his hand over the button, hovering just above the button. Anders presses the button, and a deafening alarm suddenly goes off, sounding throughout the entire base. Anders, Osmond and Fehmeeda look at each other with wide eyes in shock before running back to the entrance of the giant room for the generator. As they reach the door, they start to hear the same voice from the magic hologram from earlier. "Warning! Warning! Generator will self-destruct in five minutes!" the voice kept continuing with repeating the warning as Anders and co. hurriedly make it out of the building. As they make it out of the military base, they hear the voice saying there is only about three minutes left. They all run to the car as Fehmeeda uses her magic to power on the car and they all claim the same seats they had from before. Anders floors it out of the area and continues to drive frantically, switching lanes to dodge anything in the way on the road. "Fehmeeda, once we get enough distance, send that magic signal for us to get picked up so we can get out of here" Anders had told Fehmeeda with great importance. "Already thinking the same thing Anders." Fehmeeda had said to Anders, hearing the concern and fear both in her voice. A couple more minutes go by, and they hear a big kaboom from a short distance. Osmond and Fehmeeda look back to see fiery orange catching up to them quickly, as if hungry to consume them. "Can this thing go any faster?" Osmond yelled. "No, I am flooring this thing as it is!" Anders yells back. Fehmeeda puts both her hands up and uses magic to enhance the car's speed and then puts her hands back down. Anders starts having trouble making turns to dodge anything on the road. The blaze of orange still catching up to them but not nearly as quickly. "The hungry fire birthed from that explosion is still catching up to us!" Osmond stated to the others with fear in his voice implying if they can go any faster, now is the time. "Fehmeeda, can you open a quick portal for me to drive through?" Anders asked frantically. "I can, but if I do not choose a destination, it'll be chosen randomly from anywhere nearby." Fehmeeda had explained to Anders to answer his question. "I'm willing to take that chance. Do it!" Anders said hurriedly. Fahmeeda puts both her hands up once again opening a portal big enough for the car in the distance. Anders drives directly into the portal as it closes quickly behind them. They find themselves flying through the same endless white space again before it starts fading as they find themselves in a whole other part of the city, away from the massive explosion. Anders floors the brakes, bringing the car to a sudden halt. They get out of the car to see what kind of damage has been done, only to bear witness to the ground crumbling in the center part of the city. They notice the giant anti-air defense canons are now pointing down as the three air-warships have teleported in and are now firing upon the canons and military bases. Nothing being able to stop them now. Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda can hear distant screaming in fear, of innocent people who are getting caught up in the destruction and chaos, losing their lives as those souls' venture into the howling night; never to see the light of another day again. Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda close their eyes in both shame and disgust, unable to see and hear the innocent suffer so much from there constant screaming of anguish. "What the... what the hell..." Osmond quietly spoke to himself as Anders and Fehmeeda feel the same way. Fehmeeda puts her right hand up in the air and fires a signal light flare for the shuttle to come pick them up. "I'm going to have a few words with the captain about this." Anders said angrily, clenching his fists tightly in both hands. A shuttle arrives and lands next to them. The side door opens up as Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda walk towards the shuttle and step inside. the shuttle takes off as Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda look at the burning city, the echoes of people screaming, the firing of the canons from the air-warships, exploding and crumbling buildings. The door closes as they take their seats, and the shuttle flies off in the distance to the middle air-warship. The shuttle had flown into the hangar bay and landed. Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda step out as soon as the side door opens, marching towards the captain's location with great anger. Fehmeeda having used magic to reveal his exact location on the ship, they walk to bridge very quickly. They burst through the doorway, staring at the captain with great disgust and anger. "What did you make us do captain?!" Anders yelled with clear hate in his voice. The captain turned around, looking Anders directly in his eyes as if piercing his soul with a saber. "Watch your tone boy!" the captain yelled at Anders before continuing. "I am just as angry as you are. Intelligence lied to us, and I am going to find out why." the captain finished explaining to Anders. "What do you mean intelligence lied to us?" Osmond asked, both angry and curious as to what may be going on. "Here is not a good. Mr. Carnell, you have the bridge until my return." the captain stated loud and clear for everyone to hear. "Aye captain" Carnell replied back, saluting to the captain as he walks off the bridge with other three, through the doorway. Ander, Osmond, and Fehmeeda, follow the captain to his quarters and enter the room with him as he closes and locks the door. "You sure it's wise to leave the bridge captain?" Anders asks curiously. "Typically, no but considering the situation and that they can't even fight back..." the captain pauses, closes his eyes at the situation he clearly fell for, trying to maintain his thoughts, keeping a level head. "This just feels wrong. I'm going to confront intelligence about this." Captain Casimir had spoken angrily to the three. "But why? Why would they lie?" Osmond asks, trying to make sense of the situation. "I do not know. But! If they persist... I may very well have to go rogue. I refuse to be remembered in history as man who had done only wrong. Even if I must become the villain to bring peace." Casimir had said with deep confidence that had an unbreakable will in the tone of his voice. "Something weird is going on here. We need to find out what." Anders stated, keeping his hands balled up in a tight fist. "Either which way, this will not only severely hurt morale, but the flames of war have returned in full force. The spark has been lit and it will only be a matter of time before the world is set ablaze once again." Casimir had stated looking down towards the ground keeping to his thoughts. Captain Casimir quickly looks at Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda telling them to follow him as he unlocks his door and opens it to go into the narrow halls. Captain Casimir watches the three exit his room before he closes the door and locks it tight, double checking to make sure it is indeed locked. He motions them to follow him through the narrow halls of the air-warship. "What's going on?" Anders had demanded to know from the captain as they quickly make their way through the halls. "We need to get you back into your normal clothes but not only that, prepare you to face intelligence with me." the captain had replied to Anders's demanding question. They stop in front of a door that the captain opens. The captain motions for Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda to walk through first as he follows behind them, closing the door behind himself. They find themselves inside a decent sized room with plenty of locked lockers and chests containing items that only the captain knows about at the moment. "So, it's true that you three are the souls chosen by the hidden god?" Casimir had asked them while keeping a stoic voice. They nod yes to his question. "Alright. Knowing that you three are indeed here, then I am assuming that means the evil had not been expelled?" the captain continued to ask them. "As far as we know, yes that is the case." Anders replied with the other two nodding in agreement. "Listen closely to what I am about to say; for it is very important because it will mean the lives of everyone on this planet." The captain had spoken with a very serious tone in his voice to Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda. "In all my years of service to this empire we all are part of, I have never witnessed us doing this..." the captain said with sorrow in his voice. He continues "if my hunch is correct, then if something goes incredibly wrong when we meet Intelligence, then I am takin this small fleet and going rogue... will you join me in this attempt?" the captain had asked them with all seriousness in his voice. "As long as we do not go after the innocent and try to protect those we can, we got your back." Anders replied with the approval of Osmond and Fehmeeda who are nodding in agreement. "Good... very good... I am honored to keep you three by my side in all this. I've got this weird feeling something is going on in all of this but, this has to end now." The captain finished speaking to the three as he turns around to view all the locked lockers and chests in the room before turning back to them. "You three get changed and report back to here as soon as you are ready, understood?" the captain ordered them with a clear-cut toned voice. They salute the captain before exiting the room to get back into their regular military clothes. 

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