Olivia relents. She wants to see Lizzie more than anything else, and heading Jay promise that she won't be entirely lost has done something to ease the swarming anxiety of getting lost on her first day. She adjusts her top over her shoulders again, and tugs at the hem of her shorts before she's content to continue. The top that adornes her body is the one Gloria had bought her, one she saves only for special occasions so it has no chance of being taken or ruined by everyday wear, and although it looked better in it's prime, it's still in good enough condition to be presentable. The shorts on her lower half are the same circumstance. Alan had bought them the last time Mr. Hoard had stopped by, and they hadn't been worn since. She hums a little as she remembers that they've become bigger, hence why the front of her top of tucked into them, hoping it fills the space a bit more so they don't slip down as easily.

Grabbing the cup of iced coffee, she turns toward the countertop where she'd set the packaged blue cookie. The sleek black and white paper bag is adorned with tiny surfboards and the cursive font of the Sunset and Vine logo. Olivia loves the aesthetic of the cafe, even if she'd never been brave enough to tell Jay.

"It'll say Lizzie on the door?" Olivia frets before her tiny feet make it past the border of the display case. She looks back at Jay expectantly, and the older woman nods, busy tossing salads in disposable plastic tupperware.

"It'll say Lizzie." She promises, before ushering the girl away before the heat of the sun and Olivia's hand can completely melt the ice cubes.

The walk is nice. There's a breeze catching in her hair, and despite the heavy blanket of heat, the warmth feels gentle on her skin. She walks the rows of trailers, finally close enough to read the paper tapped to the doors. The third down is Lizzie's, and Olivia can feel excitement clawing at her chest as she takes the stairs carefully and knocks on the door. Despite the excitement, she only knocks once, something that Alan had engraved in her mind.

She hears shuffling from behind the door, and it's pulled open after a gentle, 'coming', is yelled. When the door pulls open, Lizzie's revealed in all of her glory, although it's not her typical clothes she's wearing. No, it's a black knee length dress and red leather jacket. Her hair is curled loosely, and there's dirt and grime all over her usually soft and clear skin.

"Olive!" Lizzie gasps, smiling down at the girl with a glint in her eyes that Olivia hasn't seen before. Although it's still her Lizzie beneath the makeup and costume, Olivia's still slightly wary. Sensing that, Lizzie giggles and pulls her into a tight embrace that melts all of her worries away. "You brought me coffee? Or have you finally decided it's not gross?"

Olivia crinkles her nose, shaking her head adamantly at the last suggestion. "It's gross Lizard. I'll stick with lemonade."

A laugh that's neither Lizzie's or Olivia startles the little girl, and unknowingly, she clings to the fabric of the leather jacket. It's harder to grip then Lizzie's usual soft tops, but she minds that no attention as she clings. Lizzie cooes, gently rubbing Olivia's back as she cursed herself for not warning the little girl sooner.

"Thats just my friend. Do you want to say hi? No pressure, honey. I can kick her to the curb if you want." Lizzie isn't as quiet as she hopes, and a scoff comes from behind them, although it's entirely gentle and not at all from shock. Instead, it's playful, and Olivia shocks Lizzie by peaking behind her body to catch a glimpse of who it is.

The little girl freezes, cheeks becoming a violent shade of pink as she remembers the design on the front of her shirt. The woman on the bed in the corner of the trailer catches the little girl looking, and waves silently. Olivia digs her face into Lizzie's ribcage, managing a few wiggly fingers seeing as she doesn't release the death grip she has on the leather jacket.

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