Chuckling, Lance revealed that his friend Katy spilled the beans. She had spotted a "hot couple" making out by the smoking area. Lance couldn't resist investigating and, voilà, there we were. His raised eyebrow and that big grin said it all.

"It was just a drunken mistake," I protested.

Shaking his head, he replied, "The two of you are either blind or just plain stubborn to admit what was obvious to everyone else."

I questioned, "And what's that?"

"Come on, Lorna," Lance groaned, "you can't be that oblivious or else you're in denial." He smirked, adding, "I'm thinking the latter though."

He continued, "I think you should talk to him. Bite the bullet and admit your feelings first, because my guess is Reece is too scared to say how he feels. He's probably afraid you'll reject him."

I mulled over his words, considering the idea of confessing my feelings. Nick was great, but more on a friendship level. Around Reece, though, I always felt those butterflies and tingles whenever he was near me, especially when he'd come close to me like he did today, I took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I'll tell him. But if he rejects me, I'm coming after you." I pointed at Lance, half-jokingly.

Lance sniggered, "If he rejects you, he's the biggest idiot in the world! And don't worry, if he does, I'll date you. I'd be the luckiest guy out there." He winked, trying to lighten the mood.

Feeling nervous, I resolved to go through with it. "Right, so I'm going to do it," I announced, mustering some courage. Give me a shot though, Lance looked at me, confused.

"I need a little liquid courage first I admitted, feeling sweaty and anxious. The fact that I was actually going to do this was sinking in, and I couldn't believe it.

Leaving the kitchen, my nerves kicked into high gear. Admitting my feelings to Reece felt like an impossible task—what if he just laughs at me? "Come on, Lorna," my inner voice reassured me, "he wouldn't have acted the way he did if he didn't feel something for you."

As I turned the hallway corner, my confidence evaporated. Yara was there, ascending the stairs with Reece right behind her, a grin on his face as he looked up at her. The tears welled up in my eyes, and I couldn't help the sting in my nose.

"Fucking kidding me!" I heard Lance's angry voice behind me. I glanced back, my sadness evident, a tear trickling down my cheek. Lance approached, wrapping an arm around me, apologising and calling Reece a fool.

Shaking my head, I admitted, "No, I'm the fool for thinking he could ever feel anything for me... I mean, look at her—she's gorgeous—and I'm just..." My words dissolved into sobs.

"Lorna, let me tell you something," Lance interrupted, holding me tighter. "You are one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met. You're kind, sweet, funny, and you have a beautiful soul. Any guy would be lucky to have you. And You're far better looking than Yara."

I managed a bitter laugh, thinking of Reece's choices. "Well, Reece doesn't seem to think so," I muttered in my head. "At least I know now," I said aloud.

Lance gave me a sad smile and apologised for pushing me to tell him. I stopped him, admitting it would have happened either way.

Now I can move on. "Maybe I can give Nick a real shot," I suggested. He teased me saying oh that's Melissa's brother, causing me to laugh through my tears. He suggested I should just get with him instead, of course he was joking...

"No, I don't think so," I replied. He acted wounded, clutching his chest. "Don't get me wrong, Lance, is hot , but he's too much of a player.

I wouldn't want to deal with your college groupies coming after me." Chaffing him.
He smirked, saying he'd protect me. "We're done talking about this," I asserted.

"I'm going to go home," I said, casting a final glance toward the stairs. "Can you give me a ride?"

Lance grimaced, mentioning he'd been drinking. He offered to ask Austin or Connor, and also suggested I could stay and hang out with him and his friends. The idea of being social was gone, and my sadness was apparent in my voice. He gave me another hug and asked if I'd be okay. I assured him I would be. He texted Austin to come up.

Austin arrived promptly, concern in his eyes. Lance shook his head, indicating to leave it be. Lance asked Austin to take me home, and he agreed without hesitation. Lance said he'd let my parents know. I thanked him and walked out with Austin.

After, dropping me home, Austin asked if I was ok, I assured him I was that I just had a migraine, I could tell he wanted to say something, but chose to leave it..

Saying goodnight to him,I entered my house and deactivated the alarm. Upstairs, I changed into comfy shorts and a hoodie. Staring at my tear-stained reflection in the bathroom mirror, I wondered when our relationship had become so complicated. I fought back the urge to cry again, washed my face, and headed downstairs. It was only 9:30, so I decided to make some hot chocolate and watch TV.

My phone pinged—it was my mom checking in to see if I was alright. Lance had informed her about my migraine. She suggested chamomile tea and a painkiller, advising me to sleep it off. I texted her back, assuring her I would follow her advice. She reminded me to lock up and set the alarm, even though they'd be home around midnight. My parents were always cautious when I was alone in the house.

Opting for chamomile tea due to my pounding head, I switched on the kettle. Suddenly, I heard a noise outside, and my heart raced. Peering out the window, I saw nothing. Maybe it was just my imagination. My phone's notification made me jump, and I clutched my chest. Startled, I checked that all doors and windows were locked and activated the alarm straight away,Ever since that creepy text last week, I'd been on edge.

Picking up my phone, I saw a message from Reece, asking why I had left.

: Had a headache, I replied briefly. He asked  why I hadn't asked him for a ride. I explained that Austin had offered, and he seemed busy—I didn't want to bother him.

Asking me what I meant, but I brushed it off, saying it was late and that I was going to bed. I wanted to avoid delving into it with him; I was tired.

He attempted to text me a few more times, but I ignored it. I felt foolish once again, left crying while Reece fucked off yet again with another girl. She claimed he was her boyfriend, while he denied it. Honestly, he could have fooled me. Holding my tea, I returned to my room, snuggled under the covers, and turned on the TV. "Tell Me Lies," a series about a college guy and girl entangled in a web of emotions, began playing. "Sounds familiar, I hoped it would distract me from my own troubles.

The tease is real for these two, she was almost there . Then he had to go and ruin it 😫

Not long now a couple more chapters and we'll see 😜

I hope you are enjoying the story so far..please don't forget to comment ..

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