Downward spiral

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A week.....just one week but a week where both
males felt a change.
Jimin had shut the rumour mill down by issuing a statement online about how Jungkook had just stepped in to stop a male harassing Jimin and that they weren't together just friends.
On reading this Jungkook had felt no relief in fact the opposite as now there was no legitimate reason to contact him.
He found himself getting irritated over little things and even shouting at Tae when he joked about him being free again.
Jimin too felt the need to change, the remark about his parents being ashamed of him totally hit him where it hurt.
He buried himself in his work staying late every day.He forgot meals and barely spoke to anyone.
Jin was with RM at the club.
"You know since the rumour about Kook and Jimin was shut down I barely hear from him..."
"Kook has been moody as hell I don't know what's got into of the devil ...."
Both males looked as Jungkook followed by Tae who had his arm through a grinning Hobi's walked up to their table.
"Hobi? What's with you two?"
"Tae asked me here I am."
Everyone sat down and RM noticed Jungkook looking around.
"Looking for someone Kook?"
"What? No...." He lied," just seeing how busy it is..."
"Jin have you seen Jimin this week? He's not been in contact at all,considering he usually never misses a day it feels weird..." Hobi moaned.
"One text....said he'd be just feels weird he's usually out every other night but zilch!"
Jungkook listened intently,so Jimin wasn't out playing the field.....good.
"Well after he put it out there about Jungkook just helping him out he got a load of abuse,people saying he was an attention seeking whore,one about he was shaming his parents memory,someone even got newspaper clippings of the day his parents were killed. So intrusive...remember Jimin said he had therapy then for his parents death and the trauma of accidentally killing the robber...,it's probably brought it all back for him but he's ignoring my calls."
Jungkook frowned,was Jimin ok? First his parents then someone else.....or was it.
"I'm going in the office I'll be back in a minute," he told RM.
He shut the door of his office thinking then rang his mothers number.
"Jungkookie baby,you didn't answer my calls...!"
"Eomma I've been everything ok?"
"What...yes we know you were teasing us about that boy being your boyfriend....why didn't you explain? I told your father he didn't need to bring up the past to make you call again.."
"What do you mean bring up the past...?"
" Jungkook don't get mad but your father thought if you saw what an undesirable person he was then you would see sense and finish with him...,when all along you two weren't actually he didn't need to leak the old news to the press..."
Jungkook was infuriated.
"You two did this to an innocent person? Don't you think he's gone through enough without rehashing it all again? How dare you!!!"
"Jungkookie we just want what's best for you he clearly isn't harm done..."
"When you and dad see the error of your ways and apologise to Jimin then and only then will I speak to you both again!!" He slammed the phone down.
Going out he told RM he had business elsewhere and left driving to Jimins home he saw no lights or car outside so drove away straight to Jimins workplace.
He pulled up outside looking up to the window he knew was Jimins...the light was on.
He went to the building door knocking,luckily it was the same night worker as before .
"Hey there,Jimin asked me to come over,too tired to drive home."
"Sure sir,he hadn't left before ten all week,please get him home he doesn't look well."
He walked Jungkook in locking the  door after his entry.
"I'll go on up"
The watchman nodded.
Jungkook walked quietly to Jimins door only to hear muttering inside,
"No no no!! Damn your pathetic Jimin!"
He walked in to see paper balls all over the floor and Jimin sitting at a drawing table running his fingers through messy hair.
"Shit your even hearing him now,you stupid boy get yourself together you gotta make your parents harder your not just a useless person...." He mumbled sounding clearly out of it.
Jungkook placed his hand on Jimins shoulder and the small male shrieked in surprise before falling back of his seat and passing out on the floor..
Jungkook quickly knelt picking the boy up which seemed far to easy in his mind,had he lost weight? Looking down at him he saw dark smudges under his eyes,his face was pale and his hair was all over.
His fingers looked sore from gripping a pencil,he looked nothing like the confident male of a week ago.
He placed Jimin on a sofa and something dropped from his pocket.
He bent to pick it up finding it was prescription tablets.
Was Jimin ill?
He googled the prescription frowning when he found they were anti depressants.
Jimin stirred. His eyes fluttering open he saw what was in Jungkooks hand and made a grab for it but Jungkook held them away.
"They're mine give them back..."
"This is a new prescription...why are you taking them?"
"I...what do you care...."
Jungkook leaned down his face close to the others,
"What's going on Jimin?"
Jimin plucked at his sleeve his gaze not meeting the others.
"I just....I need some help.....they are worse this time,now I'm not just a playboy whore I'm a therapist prescribed them for me before so I just told her things were going bad again so I got more."
"These aren't the answer and anyway it says take with food when did you last eat properly?"
"I don't know.....I have a deadline to meet and it's all going wrong and..."
Jungkook couldn't believe that this uncertain male was the confident lover from last week.
Jimin got up slowly  walking to his drawing board muttering about nothing being good enough picking up drawings then screwing  them up in disgust.
"They're no good...I'm no good...pathetic "
Jungkook went up and back hugged the other to calm him down.
"Stop...stop this right now you're not doing yourself any good and I need to tell you something."
Jimin sighed wearily..." what?"
"The blame is on my family they rehashed the old news...."
Jimin turned gaping at him..." they really hate me don't they? I can understand others disliking me but this...!"
He walked around the office picking up the mess he'd made as if seeing it for the first time.
"Jimin come home with me...."
"No...I told you ...we should carry on normal lives it's better."
"This?This is better,hell you look like shit your spaced out and totally unaware of  the damage your doing to yourself ...."
Jimin stared at the other .......then gave a self depreciating laugh....
"Damage?....I am damaged goods ...don't you read the news...?your the cute sexy playboy who can do nothing wrong and I'm the murderous good for nothing...!"
He started laughing  mildly at first then hysterically .
Jungkook grabbed him shaking him lightly ,Jimin felt overwhelmed like the young boy he was when his parents were killed...
"I can't do this anymore.....the ridicule,the comments...."
"Marry me...."
"Marry me....for however long you want..............people will stop berating you and putting you down it will give you a chance to get strength and for others to leave both of us alone..."
"Are you freaking mad that will rule your parents madder than hell this is a little blip I'll get over it..."
"Scared you'll like it too much ?"
"What being married to you? Pffft as if."
"I think your just being a coward..."
"Fuck you! I'm not scared I'm just telling you this is not the answer..."
"What being classed as a couple giving others time to realise they have behaved wrongly giving you peace of mind to get your jewellery collection done what's wrong about that?"
"It's.........what do you gain?"
"No harassment from my parents.... friends with benefits and  no pills...!"
"Who said you'd get benefits!"
Jungkook came right up to him rubbing his plump lips,
"Because Darlin., you get turned on by my touch.."
He kissed Jimin softly on his earlobes .
Jimin stared at the other fighting against that voice in his head telling him to do it.
Jungkook could see him weighing it up in his head.
He pushed a bit more...
"Look at the little mouse scared of me...."
Jimin balled his hands into fists.
"I am NOT scared of you you goddamn jerk...ok I'll do it..." he shouted only then seeing the others smirk. Not wanting to take his words back he  grabbed the others face in his small hands and repeated himself.
"I am not scared of you!!"  he pressed his lips firmly against the surprised ones of the other and  slipped his tongue inside when Jungkook gasped.
Jimins kiss hit all the right buttons sending electricity through the others body making him moan out loud.
About to grab the others slim body he frowned when Jimin stood back with a smirk.
"No more til our wedding....." he said smiling gleefully at the others affronted look....time for the other to take back his ridiculous offer he had obviously made in the spur of the moment.....
"Be ready the day after tomorrow , I'll get everything taken care off..." Jungkook said knowing exactly what the other was doing.
"I know your excited to be my bride..... now come on we are going for a meal....." he hid his grin as the previously sassy boy made no comeback and ended up following the other from his office.
Both said goodnight to the night watchman .
"Goodnight sirs....Mr Jimins I'm glad you are going need rest ...your friend is a good influence ,"
"Fiancé ...we are ferried married in two days..." Jungkook said.
Jimin gave him a sour look then marched ahead ignoring the others congratulations.

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