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Jimin had been trying to draw the design how his mind saw it but due to lack of sleep and a certain male he was distracted.
He looked up to see it was nearly seven,wow where had the time gone. He packed away his drawing and got up stretching,eugh he really couldn't be bothered to cook tonight.
He owned his office door letting out a scream when someone was standing in front of it.
"Jimin it's me your secretary said I could wait here I thought you were never coming out!"
"Shit Jungkook you scared the  hell out of me and why would my secretary let you a stranger wait here!!"
"I think she's a fan of Jikook although I prefer Kookmin."
"What is a Jikook or Kookmin?!!!"
"Us....we trend online as's a play on our names.."
"Eugh really and why would Kookmin be better?"
"Obviously because I'm a top..."
"Oh shut up...!"
"Charming....come on I'll feed you,"
Jimin agreed because he was hungry so he found himself being driven to a well known restaurant where they were greeted as if they knew them and taken to a table by a window which had a great view.
"I feel underdressed here...." Jimin murmured
"Your fine .."
"I've never been here I heard it's really popular...and the staff greeted us as if they knew us."
"Well er....they know me, my dad owns it."
Jimin raised his eyebrows then a waiter came over,
"Sir are you eating with your parents they are due soon,"
"Shit really, no we will order now thanks haneol."
They ordered and Jimin stared at the other.
"You don't sound keen on seeing your parents,"
"They fuss and try and introduce me to girls they think are suitable.."
"Do they not know you like boys?"
"I'm bi so they let me be but try hard to get what they want.."
Their first course arrived and Jimin ate quickly,
"Omg this is so tasty...!"
"Jungkook...aren't you going to introduce us?"
They both looked up to see an older couple standing there.
"Hey Mom, dad.." Jungkook stood up hugging them.
"This is Park Jimin my.....boyfriend."
"Boyfriend?...Park Jimin that name rings a bell..?"
"Nice to meet you both," Jimin said bowing.
The couple looked at him not in a friendly way either.
"Have we met before why do I.....wait Park Jimin...your parents...."
"Yes that's me..." Jimin said managing to keep the hurt from his face.
"Well er...yes,we will let you get in with your meal,oh Jungkook a word please?"
Jungkook excused himself from Jimin and walked off to another area,Jimin could see his parents were discussing. Something urgent so he turned away.
The waiter came and took their empty starter plates away and Jimin asked him where the bathroom was.
Jimin walked there and could hear angry voices talking loud enough to be heard by a passerby although whoever it was couldn't be seen as the fake vibe leaf trellis shielded them.
Jimin was going to walk on when he heard his name.
"Park Jimin is not someone we want you mixed up with,"
"I think I'm old enough to choose my own friends.."
"Really some gay murderer.."
"Murderer? It was self defence he was lucky he wasn't killed!"
"Whatever you stop this foolishness now or I'll disinherit you!!!"
Nobody saw the small male with pale face turn away and walk from the restaurant hurt radiating from him.
"Dad,Mum.... I know you mean well but I'm not having you dictate who I can see and for gods sake accept I'm more likely to end up with a boy not a girl so stop the match disinherit me if you want I hate to say it but I'm actually worth more than you now, I'm a good businessman.."
"Pah!! A gym and a nightclub and you think your rich?"
Jungkook sighed," you never show much interest in what I do...yes I have a gym and a nightclub,but I dabble in stocks and share and I'm co owner of Music mayhem."
"But Suga owns that?"
"We both do, but Suga fronts it,it allows us both to do other things we want,Suga Dj ing me whatever I want , you know how successful the music business is so go ahead disinherit me...I don't need judgemental parents who were handed a business by their family to tell me how to run my life!"
He stormed off shaking in anger leaving his shocked parents behind.
Getting to the table he found it empty,Jimin must be in the bathroom. He sat down trying to calm himself but after ten minutes realised something was up.
He called a waiter over,
"Have you seen my guest?"
"Er yes sir..he asked me for the bathroom went that way and then walked out."
Jungkook was annoyed why would Jimin.....oh fuck he must have heard us.....
He got up and left hurriedly pulling his phone out.
"Damn it I haven't got his number!!"
He looked around but there was no sign of the small male.
Getting in his car he drove towards Jimins.
Jimin thanked the taxi driver,paid him and got out. He felt numb, he'd been called all sorts of things but murderer? Did others think like that? His palms sweated as he remembered that tussle, how scared he was then the large bang.
For years he'd had counselling for that and to cope with his grief over his parents. It seemed like some things were never forgotten.
A car screeched into the drive and he turned to see Jungkook get out.
He carried on unlocking the door and stepping in only to turn and say
"Go away Jungkook, this silly game is over,listen to your parents..."
He made to shut the door but it was pushed open and he stumbled back.
"That's it? You give up just like that? I thought you had more strength in you but your just a little boy hiding behind a reputation!" Jungkook goaded.
Jimins fists clenched," shut up!!!  You know nothing!"
"I see what I see, the notorious playboy is a sham, make believe..., "
"Damn you Jung cock...who are you to talk!"
"Jung cock?? Hmm I bet you'd like this Jungcock filling you up!"
"Pffft... high opinion of yourself haven't you!"
"Oh not me babe, just feedback from the numerous others who want some repeat action.."
"Huh....some people will put up with anything!"
"Me thinks you deny too much I bet you'd love to have some of me wouldn't you,I can feel the need coming from you."
He stepped forward kicking the door shut.
He purposely moved towards the other," gonna run? Hide away?"
"Fuck you..."
"Oh yes baby let's."
They stared each other down then Jimin reached out grabbing the others neck and pulling him into a hungry kiss.
Both males fought for dominance .
"Fiesty little bugger aren't you?" Jungkook rasped
"You like it that way though don't you.."Jimin gasped
"You show me where your bedroom is,I'm hard as fuck and want you.."
Jimin laughed and dragged the other to his room.

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