First night

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"Your club seems to be a success Kook...."
"Let's hope it stays that way Tae..."
"Are you kidding me everyone loves you they want to see if they can get in your pants there will be queues every night!"
Jungkook laughed...." Hmmm that's an advantage I hadn't thought of."
"Yer right we all know your a hoe!" RM stated laughing with his friend.
"I can't help it if everyone wants me...."
Squeals were heard nearby..
"He's here gosh he's so fuckable" a girl murmured
Jungkook was about to turn and give the girl a smile when RM gasped.
" fuck look at him!!
Jungkook looked to see where RM was looking and found that it was the back view of a male being surrounded by girls...including the one he thought had been talking about him.
"Looks like you have competition Kook," Tae laughed.
Jungkook frowned then smirked to himself what was he worried about some nobody who had come to his club.
He kept his eyes on the male then found himself checking out that backside displayed in tight fitting jeans.
"Look at you two all google eyed over some man," he joked to his friends.
The male turned and walked to the dance floor with two friends.
"Holy fuck,I'd do him..." Tae said.
Jungkook glanced over irritated to find the male in question facing his way and dancing provocatively. His heart seemed to stutter then speed up as he stared at the mesmerising figure. He felt himself harden unexpectedly. Jesus what was with him he'd probably gone too long without sex he told himself,but still couldn't take his eyes off the other.

Jimin was glad he'd come out due to Hobi's insistence , he'd been a bit down today after visiting his parents grave.....,he remembered how close they were how he was wishing he could find a love like theirs but then he wondered if he would ever let someone get close enough....he was fine with occasional fun nights , but none of them had been anything he would think of being his life companion.
"Omg Jimin you look practically edible," his'friend Jin groaned when Jimin came out of his room to find the other two waiting.
"Jin no one can beat you Mr Worldwide handsome," Jimin smiled.
Jin blew him a kiss then the three got up to go.
"Where are we going?"
"RM told me his friends opening his club tonight let's see how it goes...," Jin said enthusiastically .
"When you going to introduce him to us?" Hobi demanded.
"Maybe tonight who knows,he may be working the club tonight so his friend and boss will not be worried about anything."
"Didn't you tell me he works for that hoe Jeon Jungkook?" Jimin asked.
Jin snorted," pot calling kettle !" He smirked .
"At least I'm choosy from what I've heard he will fuck anything on legs!"
"Tut,tut Jimin, don't believe everything you hear,if you knew half of what they say about you then you wouldn't be so cocky..." Hobi announced
Jimin pouted he knew he too had a reputation but surely not as bad as the others?
"Your kidding right?"
Jin and Hobi shook their heads laughing.
Jimin sighed oh well....
"Let's go create mayhem!!" He yelled.

So here they were and Jimin was surprised to see the DJ was Suga, the best in the business. So grabbing his friends he went onto the dance floor and let loose.
Jungkook couldn't stop looking at him,Wtf was a male looking so pretty!!
"Oh Jin's with him...." RM said excitedly.
"Ooo Jins with him!" Tae said in a falsetto voice making Jungkook laugh.
"We finally getting to meet him then?" He asked his friend.
"I'll go and get him...."
"Bring his friends up too," Jungkook said authoritively.
Five minutes later and the small group came up.
"Guys this is boyfriend"
"Hey nice to meet you,Jungkook right and.....Tae?"
"How did you know which one we were?" Tae quizzed.
"Easy.........Jungkook has an authorative air about him like he knows what he wants and gets it,you on the other hand have a carefree vibe so I assumed your Tae."
"Wow your amazing!" Tae murmured.
Jin and RM looked at each other and burst out laughing...
"Hah ha,sorry Tae but actually RM showed me a photo of you all!" Jin cackled.
A snort of laughter came from behind him.
"Oops! Sorry ,"the smaller male said.
"Oh.....this is my friend Park Jimin and Hobi,"
Jungkook nodded staring at the small male and his friend,close up Jungkook could see how the small males tight jeans clung to him emphasising his curves. The loose white top did nothing to cover up the top half showing his elegant collarbone and the shadow of a tattoo on his side. Fuck he was a turn on,like a tasty meal to be eaten.
"Hey..." Jimin said casually while his eyes roamed over the dominant male.
"Please sit with us....."
They sat down,Jimin deliberately pushed Hobi into the space Jungkook had made next to him for Jimin to sit in.
Jimin went to the furthest seat much to Jungkooks annoyance.
"Congratulations on your club it's great and how did you get Suga to DJ for you?"Hobi asked
Jungkook smiled making his features look even sexier.
"Suga is my brother,"
"Really oh my god,tonight I've met two famous people Suga and you!"
Jungkook was about to thank him when he heard Jimin mumble," infamous not famous.."
Jin nudged him in the ribs to quieten him.
Jungkook frowned, this male...he needs putting down a little.
"I seem to recall you have a bit of a reputation too Mr Park"
He expected the other to apologise for his remark but....
"Hmmm I suppose I do but some of us  are a bit more picky in our choices while others ....." Jimin left his words hanging as he gave Jungkook a smirk
Jungkook stared thoughtfully at the other it wasn't often he was spoken to like that,he found this small male very interesting.
A waiter brought some champagne to the table and poured it for them all.
"Cheers everyone," jungkook said.
"Cheers Kook and congrats on this venture looks like you've succeeded," Tae said.
"Thanks,now all I need is another challenge..." he said while his gaze was pinned on Jimin.
Jimin raised his glass," bring it on..." he said staring back.
They seemed lost in a little world of their own until..
"Bring what on Jimin?" Hobi said shaking the small man's arm.
"Huh?....oh er bring on  the er new challenge...,
"Ohhhh.........oh quick I love this tune c'mon dance partner!"
Hobi dragged Jimin along and they were soon dancing in perfect sync others actually stopping to watch.
Hobi then went up to the DJ and said something who nodded then the next minute a hip thrusting tune came on and Jimin became everyone's point of attention dancing in a provocative way that had people thirsting after him, Jungkook was no exception.
The tune changed again and everyone got back into the rythm ,Hobi had the biggest grin on his face when the Dj came over to him inviting him to dance with him. Jimin smiled at his friend encouraging him and was about to walk away when a hand grabbed his arm.
He looked up to see a tall slightly drunk male holding him.
"Can I help you?" He asked eyebrow raised
"Hey cutie I'm sure I can help you...let's find somewhere quiet ..."
"No thanks.." Jimin said turning away to go.
"Your coming with me..." the other said angrily grabbing Jimin harder.
"Leave him alone..." a dominant voice said.
Jimin saw a furious looking Jungkook next to them looking like he wanted to punch the other.
"Oh it's the famous Jung-cock what business is it off yours?"
Jimin realised that something was making Jungkook even angrier and he didn't want the other to get in trouble for assaulting someone in his club on opening night so without thinking it through he spoke,after pulling away,
"He's my boyfriend and very possessive ,it's ok honey I'm just yours..." and he smashed his lips against Jungkooks much to the surprise of the other who although startled at first took over the kiss in a dominating way.
Cameras flashed and loud cheers were heard, Jimin gasped and pulled away his heart racing,glancing around he found the male had disappeared.
"It's ok,he's gone,thanks for your help..."
"Now why wouldn't I help my'boyfriend'?" Jungkook smirked.
"Don't worry your single status is safe why that stupid man really thought we were together I don't know..." he walked off the dance floor towards his friends.
"Hey guys I'm going..."
"Jimin noooo,why are you so down?" Hobi moaned
"'s just one of those days...see you soon,"
He dashed off unaware of the eyes following him.
"Your friend is in a hurry?" Jungkook said
"Maybe he got embarrassed after that display on the floor?" RM laughed
"Jimin doesn't get embarrassed just for a kiss," Jin said
Just a kiss Jungkook thought he'd felt like he'd been hit by a tornado.
"Yer he's usually cool but today....oh shit,Jin it's that day!!How did we forget!"
Jin looked confused then realisation hit him.
"Fuck! What sort of friend am I,I bet he went there alone too!"
Three confused males looked at the other two,Jin sighed.
"I know it's his business but it's always been out there in the news.Jimins parents were murdered in front of him  years ago.the murderer was someone who worked for the family and decided he was going to rob them he took Jimin and made them open the safe threatening to kill Jimin...they opened it and he shot them anyway....he was going to shoot Jimin but he stamped on his foot and escaped from the room,the man grabbed the stuff from the safe and was ready to escape but Jimin rushed him knocking him over not being able to do much more he was young and small this was a large male,they scrambled on the floor and Jimin got the gun but the man fought with him and the gun went off the robber got killed.
Jimins always blamed himself for not helping his parents.
He was brought up by a strict guardian nothing like his parents,he came into inheritance money on his twenty first birthday and started living a life he wanted"
"Gosh you wouldn't think anything bad would have happened to him.." Tae murmured.
"He hides things well,I'm sorry RM but Hobi and I need to go to him, he'll be drinking god knows what he will do he doesn't hold alcohol well..."
The two left hurriedly.
Jungkook for some reason felt upset for the small male and felt like he wanted to go with them.
"Fuck....look what's trending..." Tae said shoving his phone in their faces.
Pictures of him and Jimin kissing were plastered all over the internet.
"The mighty have fallen playboys Jeon and Park have found love by the looks of this.." RM read.
Jungkook looked at the pictures noticing how well they looked together but way...but maybe....he smirked...Park Jimin your gonna get to know me very well.

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