The plan

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"Ok ,ok I'm coming don't bang the door down!"
Jimin crawled from his bead grabbing shorts to put on and sleepily going downstairs.
He opened the door then gaped at the person there.
"Wtf are you doing here,how did you know where I live and why so goddam early!"
"Morning to you too..."
Jungkook said his eyes taking in the bare chest and tousled bed head .
He went to walk in but Jimin barred his way.
"Well answer me.." he said in a no nonsense tone.
"Ok,one I'm here to talk about the ruckus you've caused,two Jin told me and three it's eleven o'clock."
"What,shit I'm late for work why didn't my alarm go off...wait what ruckus?"
"Can I come in?"
Jimin sighed then walked ahead leaving Jungkook to follow.
Jimin was still sleepy having gone to bed mere hours ago so he missed seeing the broken glass on the floor in the kitchen and walked straight on it.
"Fuck!" He hopped around as one foot bled trying to keep his balance.
Suddenly he was swung up in strong arms and placed on the kitchen counter.
"Where's your broom?"
"Um...cupboard over there."
Jungkook quickly swept up the mess and dumped it in the bin double checking nothing was left on the floor.
"First aid kit?"
"Cupboard on the left,"
Jungkook retrieved the kit then lifted Jimins bleeding foot cleaning it gently,he found some glass imbedded and pulled it out cleaning the area again before putting a king plaster on it.
"Thanks..." Jimin mumbled.
"So why the shattered glass?"
"Er....I was drunk and remembering things I want to forget....silly but it felt good at the time....Damn I need coffee. "He tried to move but Jungkook was in his way.
"Look move I need coffee and to get ready for work feel free to go..."
Jungkook felt amused by the others brush off.
"You get ready and I'll make coffee,we still need to talk."
Mumbling irritatedly Jumin slid off the countertop, hissing as his foot touched the floor.
"Shall I carry you?"
"Fuck off and make mine black one sugar,"
Jimin hobbled away.
Jungkook found beans to grind freshly and put a pot on to fill up. He cleaned away the medicine kit and had two mugs filled by the time Jimin came down wearing jeans and T shirt .
"That's your work clothes where do you work a play school ?" He laughed
"You know I'm really getting annoyed with you hurry up and go."
"So what you gonna do about our relationship?"
"What relationship?"
"We are trending online for becoming the newest couple,"
"Yer right ......."
Jungkook pulled out his phone showing Jimin the news feeds.
" will go away and aren't you always in the news?"
"But you announced it, you kissed me,so many people saw and I think we should continue with the charade..."
"what the fuuck!"
"You heard me why should I get harassed if you aren't with me as my boyfriend?"
"Duh .....who cares it will be old news by tomorrow,"
"But I'm already getting messages about how it's about time we both stopped shagging around, "
"Sure you are why would it bother people?"
"Here if you don't believe me..."
Jimin glanced at the messages
"So finally the two hottest boys grow up"
"Who knew these two could actually commit to anything"
"Hope they don't mess it up...finally their parents can give a sigh of relief"
It was the last comment that got to Jimin,would his parents have been ashamed of the person he'd become?
A single tear ran down his cheek alarming Jungkook he looked at the messages and saw the new one .
"Oh shit....I didn't see that one...ignore it..."
Jimin looked at him," so you know huh... my parents were wonderful,incredibly close and happy....I always thought I'd have a relationship like that..... instead I'm gay, single and have a bad reputation who would want to love me?"
"Jimin I'm sure your parents wouldn't care that you are for is gender neutral ,you love who you want to love."
"Wow your not as cocky as I thought you does bug me though people thinking I'm just a one night stand guy....even though it's true.....but not as often as the people think..."
"So let's pretend...let's pretend we are together and after a decent time break up due to....I don't know incompatibility?"
"Your so weird...but the thought is long for?"
"Four months?"
"Hmmm Three..."
"Wow you really are scared to commit!"
"I'm not! Ok four!"
"So it's agreed? "
"God what am I letting myself in for..."
Jimin stood up," I'm sorry but I need to drive to work"
"What? "
" your probably still over the limit so I'll drive you,"
Jimin pulled a face then sighed,
"Ok then come on then,"
He marched to the front door Jungkook following his eyes on the others rear,man did he have to wear tight jeans?!?!
He unlocked the car and they got in.
"Well where too?"
"Oh sorry....downtown...Eternity jewellery"
"You work there? I have some of their designs, they are exquisite...what do you do?"
Jimin chuckled," I own it and design some of the jewellery..."
"I'm impressed and to think others think we are just playboys!"
" hoe's"
The pair burst out laughing and Jungkook noticed how Jimins eyes disappeared in his smile..
"Hey! Eyes on the road!"
"Yer,er sorry."
"So do you do anything else besides your nightclub?"
"I own a gym...and well...I have rich parents but I don't scrounge off them,I like to do the stock market and have been fairly lucky."
"Well now I'm impressed,a gym eh,no wonder you have muscles."
"Oh noticed did you.."
"Couldn't help it.."
"Been checking me out then?"
"Just wondered what all the hype was for.."
"Gotta keep in shape and fit for my nocturnal habits!"
"Wow your definitely a top aren't you ..."
"Oh Jiminee are you saying your a bottom?" Jungkook smirked.
Jimin realised he'd fallen into the trap and blushed which Jungkook noticed and thought looked cute.
"Er here we are,thanks for the ride..."
Jimin went to get out the car but was hauled back.
"We have an audience.." Jungkook said before rapidly claiming Jimins lips in a searing kiss,which carried on long after they could have stopped.
Jungkook pulled back with a smile noticing howu Jimins lips looked rosey and plumper than before.
"I-I'm going..."
"I'll pick you up..."
"No need....."
"Every need,I'll take you to dinner,"
"Like this?"
"Well unless you want to go naked which I'm sure you won't .." Jungkook joked
Jimin replied with a sassy," well I'm sure I'd look more edible than the food, but you'll never know!"
He got out of the car with a cheeky grin on his face and disappeared into the building.
"Ah Park Jimin...wait and see, I'm going to have you as my dessert..."
He adjusted his trousers which suddenly felt tight before driving off to his gym.

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