Thomas exclaimed to himself before going back in his lair to hit the hay. Meanwhile with the cards, they were falling very fast towards the town, but weren't breaking apart and falling like snow everywhere because of the very strong rubber band doing it's job. Instead it was more like a mini bomb, getting faster and faster until it would inevitably make a very noticeable crash land somewhere in town. Instead of some random place though, the uno cards were heading straight towards Lumpy the jack of all trades house. It crashed through his roof which made a loud noise that startled Lumpy out of his sleep. "Hey, is someone-" He was about to say when the uno cards crashed straight into Lumpy, demolishing his body and cutting his head from the rest of his body. Also the cards were moving so fast they were starting to catch fire. The bedsheet and Lumpy's head were on fire, Lumpy's last 20 seconds being burned while fire engulfed his vision before mercifully dying. Miraculously while everything from the bed to the wooden floorboards were catching fire, the uno cards were perfectly intact.

Giggles walks out of the bathroom. "Oh handsome I hope your ready for this~" Giggles purred suggestively before screaming in pain when she steps in the blazing fire. She looks in front of herself to witness the sight of all the blood gore and fire. "What the hell happened here?! You know what I don't care, I'm gonna be paid my money and get the fuck out of here!" Giggles started looking for his wallet but only found the uno cards. "It's probably some mail the idiot forgot to send, like I care." Giggles threw the cards out through a hole in the wall created by all the flames and into the street. "Ugh what a waste of time." Giggles complained since Lumpy's wallet was in a drawer. She picked up the wallet and took 1,200 dollars. She was about to casually walk out of the burning house when she felt another flame, but this time directly in her face. "Instead of eating all those babies why don't you eat some of my flames tiger?" 

Yes, the one and only Flippy or now Fliqpy had also awoken. Not helping with how he lived near Lumpy he thought it was a surprise bombing and Fliqpy was more violent as ever. Giggles screamed and tried to run but Fliqpy kicked her onto her back and pressed on her, keeping Giggles still as he burned her face off. Once Giggles stopped struggling and it was clear she was dead Fliqpy leaves her body to burn in Lumpy's house as Fliqpy went on a hunt for blood against his friends who he thought were enemy tigers. Most of the town was out at this point since everyone could hear the loud boom across town. Their worry quickly turned into screams of pure terror and pain as they saw Fliqpy brutally murdering their friends. Everyone quickly rushed in their homes to hide, but some unlucky slow few fell behind and didn't reach their home in time. Shifty and Lifty were filling their pockets with dropped wallets and other valuables when Fliqpy knocked the racoons down and used the money they collected to bash their skulls in. Nutty was too busy casually sucking on a lollipop to run for his life like the others. Fliqpy approached the green squirrel and placed a arm around his waist and a hand at the bottom of the lollipop in a way some may look at as romantic. "Uh hey Flippy why do you smell like iron?" Nutty questioned, not really caring about the awkward position. Fliqpy then shoved the lollipop up so hard it went through Nutty's skull and exposed his brain. Fliqpy chuckles before leaving Nutty on the floor. Many more tree friends died, but now let's look at this situation through Gradient Joe's point of view! Will he manage to save his friends, Mime?

Gradient Joe's POV

I was awoken not with my usual alarm clock but rather a globe shaking boom. I look around to see what happened and caught a glimpse of smoke distanced from my home but still visible. 'It must be a fire' I thought. I know I'm not a firefighter but being the mayor meant I had to make sure everyone was generally okay and what started the fire. I take off my pajamas put on my regular clothes and head out. As I came closer to the fire I realize that a house was on fire. Then I notice a pack of uno cards. I pick it up with curiosity, why would someone leave a pack of cards in the middle of the street? I then turn the cards around to see the label "Please send to Gerbo". Maybe a mailman dropped it or someone, I'll just give Gerbo the cards later. Then a blood curdling scream made me snap my head up to see where it came from. I saw in the home a green bear wearing an army outfit burning the face of a pink bear with a flamethrower. The army bear shouts "Instead of eating all those babies why don't you eat some of my flames tiger?". The army bear was clearly delusional and could have even been the one to start the fire. He leaves the pink bear's body in the burning home. He then starts assaulting and killing all the bystanders who came out from the loud boom.

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