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If there's another universe that we won,
I am happy for that version of us;
But here, we stumbled and fell, two hearts shunned,
Two people were swept away by pride and mistrust.

There's a chance that we could win,
But the insecurities and pride struck me:
Like lightning went throughout my veins and exploded each, I'm in the coffin;
Carrying my superbia until my last breath, even the world will amuck.

I hate it, it made me waste the chances;
Although I love it for the reason I made myself look strong and worthy.
I might ne'er or could find love again, these two are my current circumstances;
However, I chose my peace and drove myself to the other path to avoid love, all because of my allegory.

I will never fall and be Achilles again,
That phase almost made my life in Atlantis;
Almost drove me to the world where I can see unusual things, like people using cocaine.
I almost met my end as I might be stout for not chasing, but jelly-build when it comes to his bodice.


Lesson: Relapses happen every time lately, I don't know because this is the season where the rejection happened or it just I am growing old and overthinking what should I do in the future? But, whatever it happened, I promised to myself not to lose it again. Please do the same, let's not allow ourselves to lost itself again. You can higher your pride to protect yourself, but don't over do it as the result might like what happened to me—I used PRIDE and fall like ACHILLES.

THE ANXIETIES THAT TAUGHT ME (A SELF HELP BOOK)Where stories live. Discover now