[Requested] ♠ Blissful Breeze ♠

407 11 6

Muichirou Tokitou x Reader

The gentle rustling of the leaves above Muichiro provided a soothing melody that seemed to harmonize with the calmness of the day. He closed his eyes and let himself be enveloped by the tranquility of the moment.

The soft grass beneath him felt comfortable, with his body gradually relaxing and his muscles unwinding as he let go of any tension that might have been lingering. The gentle sunlight filtering through the leaves, casting dappled patterns on the ground, the warmth of the sunrays was tempered by the shade provided by the tree, creating the perfect balance of light and shadow.

His minty orbs, half-opened and dreamy, fixed their gaze upon the canvas of the sky above. His love for cloud gazing was well-known, and it was during moments like these that he found solace. The expanse of the heavens stretched out before him, adorned with fluffy, cotton-like clouds that seemed to float effortlessly.

As he focused his gaze on the fluffy white clouds, his mind drifted away from the present moment. He saw shapes and figures forming and dissolving within the billowing masses, like fleeting dreams in the sky. It was a whimsical sight that stirred his imagination.

Muichiro's mind wandered through the skies, lost in the beauty of the clouds until he was suddenly jolted out of his reverie by a gentle embrace from his side. Startled, he turned his head to see what had interrupted his dazed state, and his eyes met with a sight that brought a soft smile to his lips.

There, it was Y/n, whose presence radiated brightness and warmth, much like the sun itself. She was someone special, someone who knew Muichiro well enough to recognize his love for cloud gazing and share in his quiet moments.

With a tender expression, Muichiro leaned slightly into the embrace, savoring the closeness and the feeling as the world around him have blurred momentarily with Y/n's presence.

"I'm back!" Y/n cheerfully greeted, her voice carrying a warmth that melted Muichiro's initial coldness. The sound of her voice brought a sense of familiarity and comfort, like a gentle breeze on a summer day.

"Welcome back, Y/n," Muichiro replied, his smile widening as his eyes met hers. It was a smile reserved solely for her, a smile that expressed his affection and happiness at their return. In that moment, the tranquility of the day seemed to amplify her presence, making the world feel a little brighter.

"How was your mission?" Muichiro asked, genuine interest lacing his words.

"It was okay," Y/n responded, taking a seat next to him. She brought her knees up to her chest and pouted while continuing her statement.

"However, there was this particular demon that was incredibly elusive and agile! I almost lost track of it due to its remarkable speed." Y/n carried on, altering her facial expressions to match the narrative. As Y/n continued her rant, Muichiro couldn't help but be captivated by her every word, his gaze remained tender and focused solely on her.

A gentle smile adorned Muichiro's lips, a smile that was reserved solely for Y/n. There was something about her, something that had drawn him towards her from the beginning, long even before his memories returned. Even then, he had treated her differently from the rest, unable to explain the inexplicable bond they shared.

Typically, he wouldn't pay attention to anyone's ramblings, but when it came to Y/n, he made an exception.

He watched her closely, his minty orbs locked with her eyes, conveying a sense of understanding and support. Muichiro had always been reserved and guarded, but with Y/n, he found himself letting his walls down, allowing himself to be vulnerable.

Out of their sight, a couple of their fellow Hashiras stood in the distance, silently observing the heartwarming scene before them. As Hashiras, they had witnessed the harsh realities of their line of work—sadness, loss, and the constant threat of demise. Their duty as demon slayers was demanding and often unforgiving.

But seeing Y/n and Muichiro, two individuals who had faced their fair share of hardships, finding solace and happiness together reminded them of the beauty that could still exist amidst the chaos.


Artist: sui

Link; https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/12899190 

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें