[Requested] ♠ Folded Hearts ♠

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It was a normal afternoon on August 8th, and the twins, Yuichiro and Muichiro, were celebrating their birthday. As popular figures in school, they received greetings and gifts from their friends and admirers. However, amidst the excitement, they were eagerly awaiting the arrival of a certain someone: Y/n.

Yuichiro and Muichiro roamed the school hallways, their concern for Y/n deepened. The fact that she was nowhere to be found on the campus heightened their worries. They couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal, wondering why she had chosen to disappear on their birthday without informing them.

Muichiro's pout grew more pronounced, his disappointment evident on his face. He had expected Y/n to be there, by his side, celebrating their special day together. It hurt him to think that she might have neglected their birthday.

Even Yuichiro, known for his usually stoic demeanor, couldn't hide his worry. Y/n was like a little sister to him, and he had always been protective of her. Seeing her absence on their birthday stirred a mix of emotions within him, ranging from concern to a sense of abandonment.

The younger twin anxiously tapped his phone, calling Y/n which went straight to voicemail, a sense of unease settled deep within him. This was unusual for Y/n; she never turned off her phone or went out of range without letting them know. The lack of communication only fueled his growing worry, and his mind became a breeding ground for worst-case scenarios.

His thoughts raced as he imagined all the possible reasons for Y/n's sudden unavailability. Images of accidents, illness, or some kind of danger flashed through his mind, each scenario more terrifying than the last. The fear of the unknown gnawed at his heart, making his blinking more rapid and his body tense with worry.

"Mui, calm down." Yuichiro patted Muichiro's head, hoping to alleviate some of his distress. However, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of unease himself as he realized that even he hadn't received any messages from Y/n.

"S-Sorry, Nii-san." Muichiro muttered, his voice filled with concern. "It's just... unlike Y/n to not reach out. I can't help but worry."

Yuichiro's sweatdrop grew more prominent, mirroring his brother's worry. He understood Muichiro's concern, as the bond between Y/n and him often involved playful banters and assistance in surprising Muichiro.

The fact that there had been no such interaction today was unusual and added to the growing unease.

As Muichiro and Yuichiro searched for answers, reaching out to Y/n's friends but receiving no leads, their frustration and worry grew. The lack of information only deepened the mystery surrounding Y/n's disappearance, leaving them feeling helpless and concerned.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now