♠ Sanctuary ♠

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"Why are you so selfish?!"



"Hey... Y/n... I'm sorry..." As he spoke, his voice trembled with regret and genuine remorse. It was the first time he had witnessed you this angry, and it struck him deeply. You were known for your gentle demeanor, always wearing a soft expression, but this time was different. Your eyes shot out daggers, your brows furrowed, and an unmistakable annoyance etched itself onto your face.

"I didn't mean to make you angry," he whimpered, pleading for forgiveness. However, you chose to turn away, refusing to respond. The visible annoyance on your face remained, refusing to dissipate. The silence between you grew heavy with tension, as both of you grappled with the intensity of the moment.

Muichiro took a step closer, his voice barely above a whisper, "Please, let me explain. I never wanted things to turn out this way. I never wanted to hurt you like that..."

You remained silent, still unwilling to face him or acknowledge his words. Your emotions were raw and difficult to contain, and you needed time to process them.

It wasn't entirely his fault, that external pressures had been mounting on you for some time. The weight of expectations and the constant pressure to measure up had finally taken their toll, causing you to unravel in that moment. The overwhelming feeling of not being enough to anyone had left you devastated, vulnerable, and unable to contain your emotions.

Muichiro, with his own struggles, had chosen the wrong timing to argue with you. Normally, the two of you would have found a way to talk it out, seeking understanding and finding common ground before the day's end. But this time, both of you were on edge, and the tension escalated. In his attempt to make you understand his pain, he unknowingly stumbled upon the burden you had been carrying, only realizing it when your expression revealed the depth of your anguish.

Regret washed over him as he pieced together the puzzle. He had unknowingly added to your already heavy load, and now he understood why your anger had been so fierce. Guilt etched itself onto his features as he watched you, realizing the pain he had unintentionally caused.

As the tears streamed down your cheeks, staining your clothes with darkened marks, Muichiro's heart clenched with a mixture of guilt and helplessness. He had never witnessed you in such a state of hurt and anger before, and it tore at his soul to see you in such pain. The sight of your vulnerability made him acutely aware of the weight you were carrying, and he felt a deep sense of remorse for adding to it.

A wave of selflessness washed over him as he recognized that his own struggles, however significant they might have felt to him at the time, were overshadowed by the heaviness of what you were going through. He felt a profound sense of guilt for seeking your attention when you were already grappling with something so deeply personal, something he hadn't been aware of until now.

Gently, he reached out, his hand trembling slightly as he wiped away a stray tear from your cheek. His touch was tender, a silent gesture to let you know that he cared and that he was there for you, even amidst his own remorse.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now