"Thanks dear...uhmm tomorrow I'll come with you." Noor was silent as Asad said what he said over the years.

Her mother's anniversary, he remembered every year, ever since she told him.

Every year they visit mosques and Islamic schools in the city to do some small charity giving which they can effort on behalf of their late mother, and Asad was there with her every year.

He came along even tho he had to cover his face which Noor insist due to some people who recognized him as the billionaire he was.

"Ok, tomorrow by 1pm."

The next morning Noor wake up not so happy.

why ?

Because today marked sixteen years of her mom's death anniversary. Without any energy she do her breakfast, around 1pm Waheeda arrived with her husband.

They got ready to leave after Asad arrived, the day was going pretty slowly as they visit the Islamic school they built in the name of their mother, later on they visit some beggars locations and give some charity.

It was late afternoon and they decide to call it a day.

"Drive safely, thank you for today." Noor said smiling brightly as she pop her head inside Asad's car.

"Oh you're looking way to cute," he smile as he saw how her cheeks turned red.

"May mother's her soul continue to Rest In Peace." Asad pray looking at his Noor, he knew she's being strong but deep down she's missing her mom.

"Thank you Asad! I'm so happy to have someone like you in my life, to be honest i never thought I'll ever found someone who'll love me, someone who'll took this blind girl." She trailed off her blind eyes which were not on Asad getting teary. "But here I'm, love by Asad, and I'll be taken by him." She turned blindly and head to the gate.

Jameel Bilal Household

The tantalizing aroma of different varieties of desserts, snacks and drinks filled the entire house as the people of the house were busy preparing to welcome Noor's future in-laws.

Hajiya came, she was in the living room commanding Aunty Maryam and some of Noor's aunts on what to do.

After they finished, Aunty Maryam and Waheeda helped Noor after she took another bath.

They got her ready in a beautiful lemon green lace, which was sewn in a kaftan.

As they help her they heard parking of cars outside the house which can be hear due to how the house wasn't big.

"I think they're here." Aunty Maryam said looking at her adorable niece. She hold her hand caressing her head. "My baby niece will soon be a bride." Maryam said happily, she looked at Waheeda and gestured for her to follow her.

Coming out they found the living room empty which shows Hajiya is out.

"Welcome! Welcome!" Hajiya's excited voice said as Asad's grandma entered, followed by Malika who was scrunching her face.

It was her first time entering a house as small as this. "How pathetic!" She spat.

"Malika please!" Hajiya Kilishi warned, her eyes still on Noor's grandma.

"Assalam." They greet each other. They guide them inside, Malika seat down gazing at the ordinary living room, while Zeenat was looking at it as tho it was some shabby living room.

"She is Asad's mother, Malika." Asad's grandma starts up gesturing towards Malika. "Zeenat his aunt, Balkees & Rayhana his sisters in-law, and me his grandma his younger sister had some work today." She conclude politely towards them while they all looked somewhat irritated apart from Balkees.

"Nice to meet you, i had heard about you!" Balkees said happily and politely earning a nod from Hajiya.

Hajiya looked at Malika and Zeenat obviously waiting to hear from them.

"Nice to meet you." Malika murmured plainly.

"I'm Noor's grandma, her aunt Maryam, her sister Waheeda.." Hajiya starts to introduce them.

It was silent for some minutes before Maryam said she'll bring something, with the help of her daughter they bring munchies in.

Hajiya Kilishi and Balkees starts to eat without any kind of unwanted expression while Zeenat, Malika and Rayhana don't verge.

It was until Hajiya give them a warning look that they starts to eat.

After an interaction that Noor's family found uncomfortable with them apart from Hajiya and Balkees, Maryam decide to bring Noor.

She help her with a veil, she holds her as they leave the room.

Noor said her Salaam after she set her foot inside. "Wow she's beautiful." Rayhana said truthfully, she might not like the house but she can't deny Noor's beauty.

Malika raised up her eyes, her large beautiful eyes were set on some mesmerizing oily light brown blind ones.

Second later she realized where she met her.

Yes the blind girl she bumped into on anniversary party!

"Yes I'm blind.." those words came back to Malika as she looked at Noor. She abruptly stand gazing intently at Noor.

"Is she the girl?" She asked no one in particular cause her eyes were on Noor.

Hajiya Kilishi shook her head at Malika confusingly.

' this can't happen.' She though looking at the girl, remembering her encounter with Noor.

"A blind and disrespectful girl can't be my daughter in-law!"

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