the dive

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we had paddled out of there, it was a crime scene and eddie was already wanted, now i was going to be wanted aswell. we went to skull rock and stayed there the night. that morning we called dustin on the walkie

"dustin, can you hear me? wheeler?" eddie says

"eddie, holy shit are you okay?" dustin says

"nah man, pretty god damn far from okay" he says rubbing his eyes

"where are you? is mav still with you?" dustin asks

"yea hes still with me, make sure max knows hes safe. we're ar skull rock. do you know where that is?" eddie asks

"yea, yea between cornwallis and garrett were coming." he said

"whyd you say, make sure max knows when they asked if im here?" i ask him

"because i know she loves you and you love her so, gotta make sure" he says smiling

"shit! i have weed in my pocket and i fell in water!" i said emptying my pocket "oh thank god."

"you had some and used mine yesterday?" eddie said

"uh yea? i didnt think we'd be wanted murders together though so here." i said handing him a smoke, lighting one for us both

"theyll be here soon, dont want your brother finding out" eddie said passing me it

"il be high when he gets here, he'll figure it out." i said smoking

after a long 20 minutes, me and eddie were high and they all made there way

"mav! eddie?!" steve shouted

"!" i shouted

"fuck mav what happend!" he asked

"uh.. i dont know?" i said shrugging my shoulders

"are you.. high?" he said checking my eyes

"uh, no?" i said laughing

"maverick what the fuck man!" he said letting go of me

"sorry but how do you want me to handle.. erm that girl right there not speaking to me, mom never being around, me being classed as a murder now?" i said shrugging and leaning against a rock

"me? what did i do?" max asks

"oh you know.. not speaking to me, ignoring me, walking straight past me?" i said facing eddie

"he get this shit of you?" steve asked eddie

"probably." he said high of his mind

"fuck mav! this shits bad for you kid." he said putting his head in his palms

"i could be dead right? thats worse."

"this could kill you!"

"oh shit."

"okay fuck this. uhm what time was your attack last night?" nancy asks

"uhm.. my watch.. wet check it.." eddie said chucking the watch to nancy

"9:27 the same time our flashlights went kaboom" she said chucking the watch back

they kept talking but i was to out of it to pay attention. i just kept thinking about max and me.

"mav? mav you paying attention?" max asks me

"uh.. yea, yea." i said coming back to reality

"okay cmon lets go then.." max said grabbing my hand and helping me up

we followed dustins dodgy compass to lovers lake.

"why are we back here eddie?" i ask him

"i got no clue, bear" he said making max turn her head to the nickname, the nickname she used to call you

"hey hey hey what'd i say about that nickname eds." i said with a straight face

"okay sorry dude, don't attack me." he said

"why is there a gate here?" max asks

"no clue" steve says "eddie help me
move the boat"

eddie and steve put the boat down, robin, nancy and eddie get in

"eddie why are you leaving me?" i ask

"whoa stay here little one, these 3 will watch you" eddie said

dustin tried to get on but steve pushed his head back "what the hell?"

"you tryna sink us or what? this thing holds 3 tops okay. its better this way anyway, you guys stay here and watch max.. and mav?" steve says getting in the boat

"you said 3 tops!" dustin shouts


"bedtime at 9 kiddos! miss you already!" robin shouted

"bye rob, enjoy!" i shout back

we watch them for abit before they stop

"why are they stopping? dustin?" i ask

"i dunno, guys whats going on?" he says down the walkie

"uhh dustin your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital ahhhh" robin says back making me laugh

we watch steve take of his shoes, socks and shirt making lucas gross out

"when'd steve get so hairy.."

"right? i tell him all the time to tame his jungle." i say laughing

"lemme see." max says taking the binoculars of lucas

"thats my brother, maxine." i said sitting down

"you know, if theres a gate there, its technically a watergate. haha, watergate" dustin said

we hear the police, all ducking down.

"what are we gonna do now?" i ask

"shit, follow me." max say's getting up "hey i found the killer, this way!" max said running, we all follow behind. the police chasing us. dustin falls and gets up caught

"hey there." the police man says to dustin


no clue why this parts so small but heyho

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