the case of the missing lifeguard

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we got of the bus and went to els cabin, el reading a comic, max singing and dancing and me reading a comic aswell

"ohh you found ralph macchio." max said sitting down

"macchio?" el asks

"yea hes the karate kid!" max said

"here we go." i said huffing, max rolling her eyes at me

"hes so hot right? i bet hes an amazing kisser" max says, me rolling me eyes at her to carry on reading

the girls start talking about how el dumped mike but i just zone them out, because quiet frankly i dont wanna hear them talk about that. then they use els powers to spy on them, which is wrong because you shouldnt spy on people.

"why are you spying on him? thats wrong" i say

"el suggested it and were bored" max said laughing still with el

"yea, bored" el managed to say between her laughs

"okay but don't expect mike to be calm if he finds out" i said lying back down to read my comic

they start doing stuff like drawing on paper, then placing it on a bored with an empty coke bottle, spinning it to see who to spy on next, they got ted, mikes dad then spun again because teds boring. then got billy, maxs brother.

"i have to warn you, if hes with a girl or doing something gross-"


"im serious! hes really gross"


"okay sorry quiet."

el puts her blind fold on and spys

"i found him" el says seriously

"whats he doing?"

"hes on.. the floor. talking.. to someone" el said, staying still for a good minute before taking her blind fold off

"what happend?"

el explains what happens and want to go check it out. we get up and go to maxs house

"its gonna start pouring soon, we should be at the mall watching a movie or something." max say

"you don't believe me?" el says

"i believe you heard some weird shit yea. but you said mike sensed you in there before right? maybe he sensed you in there"

"but the screams.."

"yea heres the thing, when billys alone with a girl-" max said getting cut of by me

"please. shut up i dont want to here this." i but in

"when billy is alone with a girl, they make like weird noises"

"they scream?"

"yea but like.. happy screams?"

"happy screams? what is happy screams?"

"its like.. im just gonna lend you my moms cosmo" max said walking still "his cars not here.."

we walk into maxs house, all grossed out from that conversation

"why do i feel like were gonna find all sorts or wrong in here" max says gagging, she opened a draw. "ugh! gag me with a spoon!" she said closing it

"will do, next time, red" i said smirking

"shut it bear." she said sarcastically

we went through his room, and decided to go to the bathroom and check that out

"max.." el said

"ice, its just ice el. probably for his muscles or something, he works out like a maniac" max replied

el reaches for the bin, pulling a lifegaurd bag and a whistle out, the whistle being covered in blood

"what the fuck" i say looking at it

"lets just.. take it to the pool" max said leaving

we leave maxs house but before we do, we grab coats because its pouring down outside, then we start walking to the pool. once were there max and el go talk to the poeple up front while i wondered about because im bored but then they go to a wall and take a picture then going to the girls shower rooms

"i dont think i can go in there.." i said stopping

"mav no ones here anyway cmon" max says pulling me in

max turns all the showers on, el taping up goggles and i just sit there confused really. el puts the goggles on, using her powers to see into heathers mind

"what do you see?" max asks

"a door. a red door." el says

after a good few minute el pulls the goggles of almost hyperventilating

"what happend? el!" bringing el into a hug

"we need to go, the red door." el says

"o-okay.." max says getting up taking me and el with her

we start walking to the red door el was talking about. el and max just talking about it with me behind. i had no clue why i was even here, they clearly didnt even care. before i knew it we were here

"is that it?" max asks pointing to a house with a red door, el nodding

we knock, no answer so el uses her powers to open the door. we walk in and go straight to where we heard noise

"im sorry, we didnt mean to barge in.. we figured you couldnt hear us over the storm" max apologised

"im sorry, who are these kids dripping all over my living room?" some old man asks

"im sorry." billy laughed getting up "tom, janet. this is my sister, maxine and her boyfriend maverick."

"oh!" janet says

"what on earth are you doing here? is something wrong?" billy asks

"we just wanted to make sure everything was okay.." max says

"okay? why wouldnt it be okay?"

"where is she." el asks

"im sorry, where is who?" billy says before heather walks out with a tray of cookies

"they're a little burnt im sorry-" heather says getting cut of

"heather! this is my sister maxine, and her boyfriend, maverick. and im sorry i dont think i caught your name" billy says looking over at el

"el." she says coldly

"el. now who is it you where looking for, el" he says

"i- i saw- saw-" el said getting cut of by max

"your manager by the pool! he said you guys didnt come into work today so we got worried" she said

"heather wasnt feeling so hot today so we took the day of to nurse her back to health. but your feeling just fine now arent you healther!" he said chirpy

"yes! im feeling just fine now heather said placing the cookie try down "do you guys want a cookie"

"no thank you, bye" max said pulling us both out there

we walk back maxs house because we were apparently sleeping there

his guitar and her skateboard || max mayfield x trans masc ocWhere stories live. Discover now