the spy

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me and steve got up around 9 to help dustin set up for whatever he was doing. i got up got changed brushed my teeth and then went downstairs for breakfast, ate and then got into steves car

"steve?" i said looking at him

"yea mav?" he said also looking at mr

"can we go to maxs house real quick i wanna pick her up"

"you told her?"

"yea, she felt left out in the party since we always hid in the av club and spoke about it so i had to. i just hope she doesnt get hurt"

"yea we'll go to maxs first"

"old cherry road, she lives there"

steve drives to her house and i get out the car and knock on her door. loud music played from inside

"max are you getting that or what?!" i heard billy shout

"okay!" max shouts back, the door opens "whay are you doing her!?" she shut the door behind her

"i have proof." i said looking into her eyes


"i have proof. for what i told you yesterday but we need to hurry" i say as max goes back inside to leave through her window, so billy doesnt know.

"this better be good mav" she said grabbing his hand and running to steves car with him

steve drives to the forest and parks his car, we all get out and find dustin. he has 2 buckets of meat for him and steve to lay out for dart to eat.

"you told her?" dustin said after seeing max

"i felt bad okay. she shouted at me for us leaving in the av club so i had to." i said knowing he wont take that

after we argued for awhile we go along the tracks and dustin and steve are talking about girls whilst me and max walked in silence, not knowing what to talk about. after awhile we reached the old junkyard and lucas comes along, seeing max he started arguing, with me and dustin.

"hey dickheads! how come the only one helping me out is max? we loose light in 40 minutes!" he said realising how long theyd been out for

"alright stevie calm down!" i shouted back starting to help aswell as dustin and lucas

after just over 30 minutes, we finished

"so you really fought one of these before?" max said looking at dustin "and your like 100% sure it wasnt just a bear?"

"shit. dont be an idiot okay? if you dont believe us why are you even here?" dustin explained

"jesus. past someones bed time?" max climbed up to the top of the bus with me following "its kinda awsome"

"what?" i said confused

"the fog, i mean." max said "looks like the ocean"

"you miss it?" i asked her


"the ocean. the waves? california? hawkinds seems pretty lame i bet"

"no no its not that its just.. my dads still there so.."


"its a legal term 'divorce' see when two married people dont love eachother anymore, they get divorced" she said sarcastically

"oh" i said not realising shes being sarcastic

"and you know what i told you at your house about billy and how hes a dick, its just hard you know?" she said letting a tear loose "shit. im sorry.. why am i like this god." she said clearing her eyes

"hey no dont. your nothing like billy, your smart, amazing and beautiful. so much better then him" i said stroking her cheek "and your like totally tubular" i said in a surfer accent

"no one says that anymore you know?" she said laughing

"well i do now"

"and it makes you really cool" she said holding my hand

"i like talking with you, red" i said smiling at her

"i like talking with you too, mav" she said smiling back "i need to think of a nickname for you"

"yeah you really do" i said laughing with her joining back before a growl happens

"mav! you see anything?" dustin shouts

"no!" i shout back

"mav whats going on!"

"ive got eyes! ten o'clock! ten o'clock!" i shout back

"take the bait! whys he not taking the bait!" steve shouts

"maybe hes not hungry?" dustin says

"maybe hes sick of cow?" lucas says

"steve, steve what are you doing!"

"expanding the menu" steve says stepping out the bus

"steve what the fuck are you doing!" i shout down to him

"mav shut up!" he shouts back

"steve get back your gonna die!" i shout not wanting my brother to die, hes all i have

"come on buddy" he said luring in dart

"steve 3 o'clock!" i said making sure he knows there's multiple

i run down the ladder with max following to steve running back and slamming the door on one before we all run to the back of the bus and keave steve to block the door. dustin shouts down the walkie-talkie to try get someone but no answer. something hits the back of the van which causes us to move to the middle before max looks up and sees a demo-dog there, she screams and backs up, i grab her hand and help her calm down. steve gets his bat and trys to use it to get rid of it before it runs of due to hearing another noise

"where are they going" i ask

"steve scared them of?" dustin says

"no, there headed somewhere" steve says turning around

we walk of going back to the tracks and start walking back


im gonna skip the next ep since its just about el finding her sister and nothing about the party

his guitar and her skateboard || max mayfield x trans masc ocحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن