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There she stood among snapped necks and

Broken tibias her hair laced intricately blood

As she giggled, blood meandering all over the carpet

I collapse, clutching myself crawling creeping to the corner

Hiding from her monstrous snarling eyes

As she claims me, pouncing panther-like clawing

At me, desperate to rip me to shreds

Screaming biting at the air I dash

Tears drag down my ducts and onto the floor

Begging for her, my love, to stop while she howled at me, laughing

Lips licking craving the rusty taste of my blood to envelope them

As I tremored in fear she pounced and I jerked into an upright position

It was a dream; a tightly locked snarling subconscious had given me

I got up, stumbling and tumbling over landing face first one the floor

Beside me lay my wife, as blood dripped down my head blurring my eyes

She smiles, and whispers good morning as her voice vibrates against my

Exposed neck

As she bared her teeth and fervidly set to work on it,

Ripping me to pieces

It was a dream coming true.

I let it happen.

I was too tired to stop her.

I was dead before I hit that floor.

I allowed her to fervidly destroy me

And revelled in each tear and rip of my flesh.

This world which always haunted me.

And I was left

I was finally,

Fervidly at peace.


Background Story:

This was kind of a horror scene where a man wakes up and realizes the dream about his wife wasn't real, only to wake up roll out of bed trip and land beside his wife. I like to think of her as some demon who just loves the idea of ripping him to shreds. Or maybe she's a housewife sick of his crap so she kills him with her bare teeth. Either way he's dead. Just like this poetry book is now dead and done. I will miss it terribly but it gives you an insight into the kind of poetry book I'm going to go for next.

The song was on how to Get Away with Murder the TV show, I instantly heard it and thought it was perfect. I seen a whole scene in my mind and was like this has to become a poem so that's what I did.

Hope you all have a Fervid life.

A/N: So here's where I become a soppy lil cry baby. I'm going to miss Fervid so much I'm so glad it has done as well as it has. I seriously want to thank you all for reading this book of poetry and letting me go through a month of my life with you guys. It's crazy to think a month's work is over. Obviously I'm going to edit out any spelling errors, possibly re-write some of the poems etc. but for now I'm going to let the dust settle. I have other projects to work on and I'm super excited for them. Thank you for all the reads/votes/comments, I've really adored spending time reading them and replying. I can't believe I did what I set out to do. Today marks the end of Fervid, but a new poetry book will take its place very soon so keep an eye out. It's going to be a lot darker and very similar to this poem. So I figured why not end the poems with a poem representing the new era of my next poetry book.

I love you all so much I appreciate all the feedback and support you're all my little bae's. Stay safe bae's until next time, going to miss this book so much.


Ryan <3 x

Fervid.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें