"A dish made with magic follows a recipe to the letter and it does so perfectly." Poppy continued. "Strangely enough, I enjoy the small harmless mistakes in a dish. And besides, it is always more satisfying to make something yourself. Especially when cooking for others! Whenever someone enjoys my cooking, it brings a warm joy to this bird heart of mine."
"I could not agree more, Miss Partridge." Vin-Vandle nodded with a smile. "A shame that more and more restaurants use magic to make their dishes." he sighed.
"I think magic is a good tool to help with some steps of the cooking process," (Y/n) spoke. "but I agree that it shouldn't be relied upon too much."
"A nice middle ground, my Lady." Miss Partridge nodded.
The three of them continued their little debate, each of them bringing interesting points.
"How do restaurants work over in the Spades Kingdom these day, milady?" Vin-Vandle asked at some point. "I haven't went there in decades."
"How come, sir?" she tilted her head.
"Well you see, my catalogue is simply a collection of what I've discovered during my travels, so the research I do for it doesn't really qualify as work. So you can understand how hard it is for me to travel to the Spades Kingdom, with the border laws and such."

He explained it all in a friendly smile and a lighthearted tone, but everyone here knew that the matter what anything but. A few decades ago, the late King had passed a few laws regarding the checks at the borders: no one is allowed in nor out of the Kingdom of Spades unless they have a valid work permit. This ended the chance of any touristic market and blocked access to any first-hand experience of Spades culture, which only further pushed the prejudices to some. Hearing Mr. Vin-Vandle now, (Y/n) felt a certain sense of shame.
One would think that one of the first things to do after the King's passing would be to open up the borders again. However, these laws meant that there were more guards put in customs. In a time during which the Kingdom's structure was shaky, it would be a golden opportunity for lands with ill intensions to strike. It could lead to something like the mass theft during the Great Departure, or something even worse. Once again, there needed to be stability within the Kingdom of Spades before opening the borders back up. Think of it like a restaurant under renovation!
'Most of the deal discussed in the meetings were business related, so it's fine.' she thought. 'As for the tunnel of friendship...' she felt a tightness in her heart. 'I'm sorry Julie. But we may have gone ahead of ourselves. Unless it is used strictly for business-related travels at first... Oh well, we can worry about that later!'
She smiled, her eyebrows furrowed.
"I'm sorry to hear this, sir. Rest assured that we are working in collaboration with the other three Kingdoms to make sure that the borders open up again one day."
"That is good to hear." he smiled back.

"I'm curious, my Lady." Miss Partridge spoke. "Have you ever left your Kingdom? I've heard that these laws were a little looser concerning the people of Spades."
"Right... I myself have never left, however."
"Oh my." Vin-Vandle's eyes widened. "How old are you?"
"Um, I'm t-"
"Mister Vin-Vandle." Poppy put her hands on her hips. "You must know at your age never to ask a lady for hers."
"Oh you're right, Miss Partridge, you're right."
"It's okay." (Y/n) smiled. "I'm definitely at an age where I should have traveled at least once in my life."
The chef and the sorceress both laughed, but it was all in a sentiment of sympathy. They then told her about traveling, the places they went to-
"You travel, Miss Partridge?" both (Y/n) and Vin-Vandle asked, surprised, considering what she told them earlier.
"Within the Kingdom of Clubs, a magic user must undergo a pilgrimage through the Enchanted Forest to become a full-fledged sorcerer. An entire month, using nothing but magic."
"Wow..." (Y/n) let out. "That's incredible!"

"And that is only for a level one sorceress. In order to go up in ranks, one must travel to various magical places throughout the land. Maybe even go out in search for a new one."
"What level are you?"
"My stars!" Vin-Vandle exclaimed, his and (Y/n)'s expression of shock and awe made the sorceress laugh.
"So you've traveled six times?" the Lady of Spades asked.
"Only five, actually. My sixth level was given to me by his Majesty the King, for I have proven my worth as a sorceress."
"What did you do?"
"Oh it was so long ago... I believe I came up with a new, magically powered light system throughout some of the cities in the Kingdom."
"Wow... That's incredible!"
"You flatter me, my Lady." she bowed her head.

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