Chapter 2 Part 2: God of Balanced

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Yins POV:

The envelope was in the first drawer right beside me and Yang's necklece we got from our foster mom before we went to the island. Oh I miss her. I grab our necklece as Yang grab the envelope.

"We should give it to Mephone because he needs it!" I quickly explain. Before I try to snatch it from him, he said something that made me curious.

"Why do we have to give it to him when it has our basically! Our name is engrave in it so why do we have to give to him!?!" Yang does have a point, if our name is there, we do we give it to Mephone?

"Well, we can as-" "I'm going to open it!" My eye widen and I tried to snatch it away but, he ripped it open with our teeth! Then a postcard fell out that said God of Balanced with a person that kinda looks like us.

"Yang! We could've just ask Mephone! Now will be in very trouble!" If anything happens to us, its Yang's fault!

Me and Yang started bickering about the envelope until we found ourselves levitating while the envelope and card turned into magical dust and twirls around us.

"Why are we levitating!?!?! AND WHERE DID THE ENVEL- AGGH!!!" Before Yang could finish his sentence, we've been struck by a agonizing pain. It was like death pain, our back ache and my side on top hurted badly.

"Y-YANG MAKE IT S-STOP!" I yelled out. Yang just screamed and couldn't talk while puttong his hand on our head. I started calling for help since our door was wide opened.

As our back felt like it was about to pop, something glowed at our side and it was a wings? Why are we growimg wings!? And why do I feel something is on me!? I closed my eyes, put my hand on our head like Yang, and wishing the pain stop as Yang screams more.

As our back felt like it was about to pop, something glowed at our side and it was a wings? Why are we growimg wings!? And why do I feel something is on me!? I closed my eyes, put my hand on our head like Yang, and wishing the pain stop as Yang sc...

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Lightbulb POV:

I walked to my room to get Baxter because today were visiting his family! Well, the Brights Lights are while the others are just enjoying the beach. I grab Baxter out of his cage until I heard screaming. It was the same scream as I had when... then again, the BCFF always screamed like that when I showed them Baxter. I put Baxter on my head carefully and walked out to see whats the screaming about.

I walked through the hallway and up the stairs since the sound came from there. So my options are the BCFF, Yin Yang, Tissues, Trophy and Box. I got up the stairs to see only one room opened... It was Yin Yang's room... Maybe they found something they shouldn't found. I walked into the room with my eyes close just to make sure I don't run into something else. Like them having a sad moment or have something they don't want to show.

"L-LIGHTBULB! GET M-MEPHONE PLEASE!" I opened my eyes to see Yin Yang flying in the air with something on their back plus, them screaming and going through the same pain as I did.

My heart dropped, eyes widen and mouth became dry as a desert. Not again, and why them!? They're like a kid! Maybe 10 - 13 I don't know! Tears flooded against my tinted yellow, fragile glass. Luckily, their window is at the front of the hotel, where the others are waiting for us. I opened the curtains and swaung the door open and called for Mephone.

"MEPHONE WE NEED YOU!! YIN YANG'S IN TROUBLE WITH THE POWER GOD THINGY MIGIGY!!!" I yelled as loud as I can while their screams are at the background. Mephone looked up aswell as the others. Mephone eyes widen and ran into the hotel. OJ, Paper and the Cherries came running too.

Seconds later, I see Mephone swing the door opened. Then came the others. Cherries eyes widen and panic, OJ and Paper trying to calm down and comfort the two and Mephone thinking on what to do. Then all of the sudden, he came up to me and whisper me something.

"The Godess of Positivity and God of Balanced are like siblings to eachother and lets eachother in whenever one of them is sad or going through a bad time. Don't ask me how I know and just do this,
You are the only one who can get close to them without hurting them. Get in and hug them, it'll make the form go faster and less painful." He whispered. K, get in, hug them and boom, done! I gave him a thumbs up and ran near them

OJ yelled at me to come back but I saw Mephone stop him. I got close to them and nothing happened. They bring their hands out for me. Omga they looked amazing! They have wings! One demon but color angelic white on Yang side and one angel but coalish grey color on Yin side! a big circle across their faces and marks undeneath their eyes! I grab their arms and pulled them down to a big yet calm hug. They started to cry even more as their wings fully extended in a blink of a second.

"Y-Yang... I want m-mom..." "M-me too..." They have a mom!?!? Before I can ask them, their eyes closed and stop talking. I started to panic and called for Mephone.

"Mephone! They closed their eyes and stop talking! What happened to them!?!?" Mephone went to me and told me to place them to their bed. As I place them down and tucked them in, Mephine explained.

"They passed out Lightbulb so don't worried. If they were sepretated then they wouldn't pass out. Since the God of Balanced has two personality, one is like Yin, and other one like Yang. It'll take a while for them to wake up but once they do, they're already recover because sleep recover objects!" He explained slowly and softly. Thats nice to know that once their awake, they'll be in shift-shape in no time!

"OJ, can I stay to watch over them? So that I can also find the envelopes and I can't really go to the water." He asked while pulling a chair near the bed. I turned to see OJ nodding while taking Paper and the Cherries hand. He gestured me to come to, I was about asked to but Mephone stop me.

"Don't you and the Bright Lights need to see Baxter's family?" Shoot I forgot about that! I ran past OJ and the others and downstairs into the lobby. Then I quickly ran to the kitchen and grab a snack and ran back to the lobby and opened the hotel doors where everyone was looking at me.

"They're alright just... sleeping! Mephone will stay at the hotel though to keep an eye on them." I told everyone. Some were sighing with relief, others just shrug and continue of what their doing. Moments later, OJ came out the door with the two and told everyone that everything was alright and we can resume on our priority. I ran to the Bright Lights and we all started walking to the beach.


??? POV:

"My great and glory sires, something happened..."

"What, is it..."

"The God's gave their remaining powers to some random objects! We don't know who but, 2 have already gotten their powers..."


"For surely you had made a mistake!"

"N-no I didn't... I d-double check and it's true..."

"Well, what do we do???"

"...We find them..."

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