Into the Storm

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              I hear Zeb chuckles behind us, "I like these guys

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              I hear Zeb chuckles behind us, "I like these guys." He says, grinning. Fives and I smirk at him right before the entire tank rumbles, shaking from side to side. I fall over onto Kanan, "Sorry," I mutter getting up and walking over to where the rest of the clones are. The door whooshes open and Sabine comes running in. "They found us!" She announces. "Guess that search pattern paid off." Fives grumbles. "Battle stations!" Rex orders. Gregor and I drag a crate of blasters out of the corner. Rex grabs the one on top and shoves the top off. We all grab our prefered blasters. I grab my viro-blade, a gift from Hunter, sling my modified sniper rifle across my back, a gift from Tech, and shove the D-17 blasters that Caleb gave me, into my side holsters.

           We run outside, we all duck as s TIE Fighter shoots at us. "We're sitting mynocks on this thing!" Ezra shouts. "Think so?" Rex asks smirking, "Wolffe, evasive maneuvers." "Copy that."  Wolffe takes us away. "Can't you go any faster?" Fives whines, Wolffe glares at him, "No! Do you want to try driving this thing, you huge piece of Bantha Fodder?!" I step between the two before they get so distracted, that we die, "Shut up, both of you, or I will shoot you in the place where you don't want to get shot!" I give both of them pointed looks and they turn back to what they were doing.

           Above us, I can hear the Rebels getting ready to shoot. The TIE fighter starts getting closer as I run up to help them. "Welcome to the party." Kanan says, "Glad to be here!" I glance at his lightsaber and realize just how similar it looks to Caleb's. I shake my head to clear my thoughts, I can't think about him now. 

          "Ezra, protect the Phantom!" Kanan orders. "What about the walker?" Ezra asks, "It can take a hit! I think." he grumbles. I grin back at him, "Of course it can take a hit! This thing has survived over 15 years on this planet!" "That's what worries me." he mutters.

       We all start shooting while Kanan and Ezra try to deflect as many shots at they can. "Try shortening your leads, " I hear Rex say from behind me, "You're wasting ammo." I flip him off behind my head, but take his advice. "You're welcome to help." Zeb growls from beside me. "Eh," I hear Gregor join us, "Why spoil the fun? We haven't been shot at in years," I glance at Zeb, grinning, "He's right. It's nice to shoot something other than Joopa." "I've missed it!" Fives says, finally joining the party. As the TIE fighter flies overhead, Sabine turns, "Yeah? Well, it happens to us every day." As the fighter flies off Ezra turns to face us, asking, "Why doesn't someone man the big gun?" Rex shakes his head, "That's no good in this situation." Jumping onto the roof of the Phantom, Kanan says, "Oh! Kinda like you guys." Res turns to Gregor and I, throwing Gregor his sniper rifle, "You guys want to take the shot?" We look at eachother and grin, "Love to" we say.

         Jumping onto the front railing we aim the blasters, and take out shots, "Boom! First Try!" Fives shouts from behind us. I look back and roll my eyes at him. He just sticks his tongue out at me. "You know, we'd make a good team if we all fought together." Ezra appeals jumping off the Phantom and turning toward Rex. "Yeah, tried that once. Didn't work out so well." Kanan glares down at us, "Now if that storm gets any closer, it'll ground us. Sabine, we need the Phantom to fly." "I'm on it." Sabine nods, running off. 

A/N Sorry it was such a short chapter.

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