The enemy of my enemy...

Start from the beginning

Eleni then led you into a bigger room of the cave, where her husband stood among other fighters, seemingly discussing something.

"Who are you!?" Cham screamed the moment he noticed you standing in the entrance.

"I'm Lord (S/N), ruler of Nathema and before you ask, we are here to help you free Ryloth." you state.

"And why should we believe your words?" another Twi'lek questioned.

"If I wished to fight you, then everyone in this cave would already be dead by now. View it as a gesture of generosity." you responded with authority dripping from your voice and fear overcame the Twi'lek the moment your eyes met his.

"Enough!" Cham interrupted you, "What is in for you? I highly doubt, that an individual like you would help us free Ryloth simply because they took pity on us."

"I didn't know that we were close enough so that you would know me so well, Cham Syndulla." you responded, your voice still holding aggression, "While you are not fully wrong, it was not my will to liberate Ryloth, but the will of my people."

"And that is something we should believe?" Cham questioned.

"Believe it or not, that are the circumstances. If you don't need our help, that I gladly keep the soldiers and resources I would've spent on you and return to Nathema."

Cham hesitated for a moment but realised, that his people needed help as quick as possible and that this deal with the devil was his only option at the moment.

"The CIS have some heavy artillery in the city Nabat. We tried to get more information, but our scouts were all caught." Cham informed you.

"The artillery consists of multiple HAG Fire Droids that make it difficult to approach the city with a large number of troops on land as well as from above. The CIS also dispatched the techno union to oversee Ryloth, since they are a part of the Separatists. Our scouts said that they're plundering Ryloth's resources for their own gain, unconfirmed reports also speak of Twi'leks being abducted and probably sold off as slaves. With Nabat being the first city to record such losses, the capital Lessu and many other cities following. Nabat is a first fortress after a strategic good landing spot for invaders, that's why the CIS fortified it to this extend. The best procedure would be to infiltrate with a squad of five people at first to scout direct routes right before the enemy lines with the rest of our troops following behind in small companies with eleven soldiers each." Commander Havok added.

Cham looked confused at you both.

"How could you possibly know that in such detail? You haven't been here for half a day." he asked out loud.

"As is said, I did my research before coming here." you repeat yourself and turn back to your Commander, "Anything else noteworthy?"

"The Droids seem to be using the Twi'leks as living shields to hinder any long-ranged attack or strategies that include massive destruction."

"Since we are now allied with the Twi'leks, we can't resort to such means, can we, Mr Syndulla?" you ask provokingly turning to Cham.

He instead was still stunned by the amount and detail of information you've gathered beforehand and in the time your troops landed on Ryloth.

"A war is won by those who know the most, whether it be about their enemy or themselves. Information is the key to victory." you stated and headed back to your basecamp.

"Do you really think we can work together with them, my Lord?" Commander Havok asked with doubt residing in his voice.

"Ryloth is now in an unstable state, and we cannot let this opportunity slide to strengthen our empire. Whether it be through an alliance with the Twi'lek or through subduing them with our military. Ryloth will be mine."

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