Unexpected/Chapter 9

Depuis le début

Scara nodded slowly to Dottore as he confirmed his suspicions... Yes, it was just him... Kazuha and another human remaining.
"That's probably right..."
Dottore always made him angry, he was a very arrogant human, Scaramouche couldn't believe that Dottore was the same person that was part of the Eleven Fatui.
"...Why are you here with the humans?"
He looked at Dottore with a serious expression on his face, he wanted to know what he was hiding.

Dottore laughed once again, looking amused with Scara's confusion.
"Well, I wanted the prize so I could become even more rich than I already am."
It was true and he had no problem in admitting it.

"So... you're just like the others? You're only here for the diamond? You're pathetic..."
He felt very disappointed, he wouldn't have expected anything like that from Dottore. But even if he disliked him, he had to admit that he really was powerful.
"...But that doesn't mean I'll keep you alive!"
He laughed a little bit, he needed to kill Dottore in order to finish his mission.

Dottore looked at him, amused.
"Oh, so now you're even more professional at killing than you already were? Interesting..."
He chuckled, he didn't care if he would die or not, but he wanted to annoy Scaramouche.
"So, you killed Signora 500 years ago, right? Have you found someone to manipulate at this maze now?"
He asked.

Scaramouche's face was showing a little bit of surprise, Dottore had found out one of his pasts.
"Oh, so you're still investigating about me? I'm impressed."
He started approaching Dottore, he was going to kill him soon and he wanted to enjoy this conversation as much as possible.
"And the answer is yes, by the way... I needed a new friend to manipulate."

Dottore laughed again.
"Friend? If I would guess, Kazuha is your boyfriend."
He seemed to know so much about Scaramouche's life, Dottore was in fact a mysterious man.

He was starting to get a little frustrated with Dottore, but then he realized something... Dottore actually knew about him and his new relationship.
"How... do you know about me and my boyfriend?"
He was really surprised about this information.
"And even if you know... how do you know it's Kazuha?... How did you find out?"

Dottore laughed loudly, he would reveal it all to make Scaramouche even more angry.
"Very well, Scaramouche."
He took a gun from his pocket, a gun capable of disabling a puppet's mechanisms if the bullet hit Scaramouche.
"Well, let's just say I've been working a lot on my experiments, and I was able to install a ship in your mechanism when I was still using you, and I even managed to create a weapon to end your existence!"
He laughed evilly, and loudly, glad for this chance.

Scaramouche froze for a moment, he couldn't believe what he was hearing right now.
"I-impossible... you did something like that to me!?"
He looked at him with a shocked expression on his face, but then he quickly started to laugh like a psychopath.
"I cannot believe it... you really tried to create something like that... It doesn't work on me!"
He approached his back and he started to try to grab the weapon, he was feeling extremely mad at Dottore right now.

Scaramouche took the gun from Dottore's hand, but soon after, Dottore walked towards him until Scaramouche had nowhere else to go. Just then, he took another gun out of his pocket, and pointed it at Scara.
"I always have backup in case something bad happens."
Dottore laughed.

Scaramouche couldn't move back because there was a wall behind him, Dottore had him covered right now.
"You... you think that's enough to stop me?"

Dottore smiled arrogantly, he was trying to look as cool as possible.

"...You're underestimating me."
He was starting to walk towards Dottore, he wasn't going to let him win so easily.

Dottore was smiling this whole time.
"Well well, it looks like you really are a fearless assassin, how interesting!"
Dottore took off his eye mask, revealing his red eyes.
"What if I told you that I took advantage of the fact that I left the fatui, and became an assassin too?"
Dottore laughed out loud, very loud. One of the remaining victims passed by the place, which was close to the exit. Dottore felt the victim's presence and took a knife from his pocket and hit the victim in the mouth, making the person fall to the ground dead.
"Well, it looks like it's just me, and Kazuha somewhere in the maze. It's obvious that you'll be able to kill that idiot easily, but for now..."
Dottore was still holding the gun, with his free hand he took another knife from his pocket.
"Let's sort this out, assassin to assassin."

Scaramouche was surprised to know that Dottore was an assassin too, but at the same time, he wasn't so surprised because it did fit with his personality.
"I guess you're much stronger than I thought... but that won't be enough to stop me."
He grabbed his own knife, he was ready to fight Dottore like an assassin.
"You're the second most powerful person here... after me, of course."
He was staring directly at Dottore with a calm expression on his face.

Dottore prepared himself to fight.
"Haha, let's see."
The duel had begun.

The duel was pretty intense, both of them were trying to hurt each other. They both had a knife and both knew how to use it.

The fight was even at first, but then Scaramouche started to have the upper hand... he was slowly defeating Dottore.
The only problem now was that he was wasting time because he still needed to find Kazuha.
"...Well, this is fun, but... I don't have time to play, Dottore."
He was feeling a little bit annoyed with this whole situation.

Dottore had given up, he wasn't dead, but he would leave the maze, he had the authorization to.
He sighed.

Scaramouche kept his serious face during the whole duel, when he realized that Dottore wanted to give up he decided to accept his request.
"Alright... you can leave, Dottore."
He was starting to get angry because he was wasting a lot of time. If he didn't find Kazuha soon, he would go crazy from the waiting.
"...I'll let you live, Dottore... just this time."

"We'll see each other again after 500 years, in the next assassination maze..."
Dottore looked at him in anger, he took the knife off his chest and threw it on the ground.
Dottore left, he had a map of the maze, it was easy for him.

"Dottore... where are you going!?"
Scaramouche tried to stop Dottore from leaving the maze, he really wanted to see where Kazuha was.
"You have to tell me..."
Dottore wasn't listening to him, he was going to leave. But then something happened that no one expected.
"...Heh...? What's that sound?"
Scaramouche was confused.

Dottore looked back.

Assassination Maze [Kazuscara]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant