In love?/Chapter 8

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He was very tired, and his body was completely covered in blood, he had no idea how much time had passed since he started this mission, but he was not going to rest until everyone in that maze was dead...

Minutes later, he found two people in a small cave inside the maze, they were holding a torch. Scaramouche loved to make others suffer, he stabbed the people, then took the torch and burned them.

He was just getting closer to the final phase of his mission after every kill. He was finally killing the few people left in the maze, and the time of leaving that place was almost there.
As he was walking through the maze, he started to hear a noise... someone was yelling, it looked like someone had discovered the corpses already. "No problem." He thought, "I'm going to finish off that person anyway." He headed to the noise at all speed.

3 more people were there seeing the dead bodies, Scaramouche got close to them and killed them mercilessly again.
He already killed 5 on difficulty, 15 more to go. Scaramouche went in a direction that had food in the maze, he saw 1 person sitting there eating, he approached her holding the knife and stabbed her.

Scaramouche kept walking, just to make sure no one could escape, he went near the maze exit and went to see if anyone was there.
He saw a boy, he immediately threw the knife and hit him in the head, how could anyone escape? Scaramouche would never let that happen.
As Scara walked back, ready to find the last 13 people to kill, he saw Kazuha sitting reading clues he found for the exit.

Kazuha saw Scaramouche, he smiled and greeted him.
"Hello, darling! How's it going? From your expression it seems to be going well..."

He looked at Kazuha and he looked a little bit surprised at his greeting at first, but then he decided not to ask him about it.
"Hello to you as well, Kazuha..."
He came closer to him and he sat down right next to him, he was a little curious about what he was doing there with the clues.
"Are those clues for the exit?"
He looked at them for awhile and then he looked at Kazuha with a curious expression.

Kazuha yawned, he was tired.
"Mhm...they're clues."
He rested his head at Scara's shoulder, Kazuha was feeling better around him. Even if Scaramouche was covered in blood, Kazuha wasn't scared like before.

Scaramouche felt a sense of warmth when seeing Kazuha resting on him, he felt that Kazuha was comfortable around him and that he felt safe in his presence, it was a feeling he had never felt before...
He looked at Kazuha for a moment, then he smiled and put his arm around his shoulder while he caressed his hair with his other hand.
"... It's late, don't you think? Don't you want to sleep? If you want, I can... be here to protect you..."

Kazuha closed his eyes and smiled.
"Hmm... I don't really remember the rules of this place, are people allowed to sleep?"
He was almost sleeping at this point.

Scara smiled too and he tightened his arm around him, Kazuha was so close to him and he looked so peaceful.
"I... suppose they're allowed to. After all, it's a maze and it's very dark here. I don't remember if I've seen any rule that forbid it."
He chuckled softly before saying this.
"...And even if it was forbidden, it wouldn't be a big problem."
He gently ruffled Kazuha's hair, he looked adorable in that position.

Kazuha was starting to fall asleep slowly, he slept in Scara's shoulder, while hugging him.

He was still caressing his hair with his hand as he smiled to himself while looking at him... he really looked like an angel. It was so adorable...
"...Sleep, my dear Kazuha..."
He caressed his hair once again and then he looked at his sleeping face, he had never had contact with a person that close to him... it was so pleasant, he was feeling so many new things.
"Sleep, my dear, you look so peaceful..."

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