Reasons/Chapter 4

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Meanwhile, a person passed by the mini room they were in, and was surprised. The woman looked in confusion, almost forgetting that she had to find a way out of the maze.
"Uh?! Scaramouche, aren't you the assassin who kills the victims here?"...

A little while after saying that, the woman realized that she should run, because Scaramouche was going to kill her. It was too late, Scaramouche took his knife and stabbed her.

Scaramouche stopped kissing Kazuha once he saw the woman. He was surprised to see that she was there, when they thought they were completely alone. He quickly pulled out his knife, and plunged it into the woman's chest, without letting her say anything else in case she had a way to escape.

He let her body drop to the ground, before going back to kiss Kazuha, who was probably going to feel bad and disturbed after seeing the scene. He didn't care about that at this time, he still wanted to enjoy kissing Kazuha.

Kazuha looked at the dead body in shock, he looked traumatized, a person was just killed right in front of him.

"...You haven't seen somebody die before, have you?"
He didn't sound like he was joking around, but his tone was back to a more serious manner now. He was staring at Kazuha, wondering how he would answer him.

Kazuha sighed, avoiding eye contact, he wanted to escape NOW.
"I've seen somebody die before, but just not getting killed right in front of me... It's scary, the blood in your hands, that knife..."
His eyes were full of fear, he didn't like this.

Scaramouche was still serious now, no longer trying to impress Kazuha with his kisses. He was a little intrigued by Kazuha's reaction, however, he wasn't going to let that distract him from his duty.
"This will seem cruel to you, but I have to do this."
He picked the knife up from the dead woman's chest, and got close to Kazuha's throat, putting the knife against his skin.
"It's time for me to complete my mission."

Kazuha was starting to get angry, all this for nothing? His plan failed, Kazuha did something he didn't like and it was worth nothing?! Scaramouche would still kill him?
Kazuha sighed, and he slapped Scaramouche in the face, leaving his cheek red.
His face was full of fear and hatred.

Scaramouche felt the slap on his face, and his left cheek got red immediately. He pulled the knife away from Kazuha, and he was getting really mad now. He put his face even closer to Kazuha.
"Oh, I'm a coward now?"
He took a deep breath, almost yelling at Kazuha now, while his face was still very close to his.
"Do you know what would have happened had I let you go? They would kill me out there for failing the mission! Is that what you want!"

"Yes, a cruel assassin like you deserves punishment for killing all those innocent people."
Kazuha's face and voice was serious, he tried to hide his fear.

"Innocent people?!"
He was starting to lose his patience, and he was yelling at Kazuha again.
"You have no idea what I've been through to be where I am right now! The only way I was able to survive was through killing, because that's what our work demands from us!"
His voice got softer towards the end.
"Killing... is the only way I know how to live..."

Kazuha stood up, gaining courage.
"Learn how to live without killing, once I'll find the exist for this maze, I'm calling the police."
He was being serious.

Scaramouche quickly grabbed Kazuha's legs, so he would not go anywhere. As he did that, he was also yelling at him.
"Don't you dare say that ever again! Learn how to live? You have no idea what it's like to work with the Fatui!"
He was still holding Kazuha's legs.
"Don't blame me for doing my job, you don't know anything about the Fatui and the world I live in."

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