let go, laura.

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LAURA FEELS AS THOUGH each breath she wheezes only brings her closer to her last

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LAURA FEELS AS THOUGH each breath she wheezes only brings her closer to her last. They carry needles into her throat as she glares at Regulus. "Are you trying to kill me?"

Regulus' grey eyes narrow indignantly. "It's not my fault I surpass you in every aspect." He jabs at Laura's abdomen and she swats his hand away with an aggravated huff.

"That's daft— no, actually, you're daft. It's just seeping into everything you say," Laura bites back. "Dumbarse. You may be smart academically, but you have the emotional capacity of a dementor with dementia."

Regulus shoots Laura an unimpressed glare. "Dementors can't get dementia."

"Exactly, git."

Regulus' hand goes to hit Laura square on the jaw and she makes a surprised sound as she moves to duck, but Regulus only ends up hitting Laura's nose instead. She lets out a cry of pain. "Bloody hell! I knew you were trying to murder me!"

Regulus' mouth draws into an annoyed line. "React quicker next time, Lovegood." He eyes Laura's nose. "You're bleeding."

"No shite, Merlin. Weren't you just bragging about how smart you are?" She seethes, bringing a hand to her nose as tears sting her eyes. "Go away. I don't want to look at you anymore."

"Black! What did you do to the poor girl?!" Petrov barks, robes swishing behind her as she stomps up to the two. 

Laura shoots Regulus an accusing glower. "He punched me in the nose."

Regulus rolls his eyes. "Professor, she's exaggerating—"

"Take Lovegood to the infirmary, Black. I don't want her bleeding all over my classroom." Petrov interrupts, not sparing Laura anything but a slightly pitying glance.

Regulus shoots Laura a glare. "Yes, professor."

Laura scowls and doesn't wait for Regulus as she storms out of the classroom, pulling off her robes and using them to stop the blood from getting everywhere. She can hear Regulus fall into stride with her. "This is all your fault," She grumbles.

Regulus' face twists. "Your outfit is abhorrent."

"Why, because Queen is a muggle band?" Laura gripes.

"No, because you look like a slag."

Laura pulls the robes away from her face to look down. Her shirt, which had previously been tucked in, now hangs just below the hem of her skirt, making it appear as though the skirt isn't there and she's only in her undergarments. 

Her head darts up to shoot Regulus a scathing look. "My clothes are none of your concern."

Regulus reaches out and pushes the robes back into Laura's face, causing her to let out a muffled groan, a sharp pain stinging at her nose again. "Stop letting the blood flow freely," He snaps. "It's making me nauseous."

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