dining with the enemy.

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The floor seems to sway under Laura's feet as Sirius pulls her away from Regulus and into an empty classroom. He lets Laura go with a harsh push. "You've been fucking shagging my brother?"

Laura's eyes widen in mortification. "Of course not! I would never—"

The calculated cold in Sirius' eyes makes Laura's stomach drop. "But you would, wouldn't you? You think I haven't noticed you sneaking off every afternoon?" He accuses. "You reek of guilt. I wonder, what will Moony think when he finds out you're not the innocent little blonde you appear to be? Just a disappointment?"

That line struck Laura. She felt her breath hitch; her lips parting open. "You don't mean that." 

"Oh, but I do." Sirius seethes. "Wholeheartedly, in fact."

Laura feels like she's going to be sick. Her lip quivers as she looks away from Sirius. He chuckles emptily. "I think I'll leave you to it, then. I've got to go inform the others that I know where our information leak has been coming from." Sirius notices the way Laura's face twists. "You honestly thought you'd get away with this without any repercussion? You've only got yourself to blame."

The slam of the classroom door is deafening to Laura as she slumps against the wall, a choked sob tearing from her throat. She hadn't even done anything wrong. If Sirius had just let her explain, things wouldn't— no. She shouldn't have kept it from him. He's right, it is her fault.

And now, everyone will hate her.

She knows what it's like to lose her family, but to lose her friends?

Laura can't hold back the tears as they stream down her face. Maybe if she'd just been firmer with Slughorn, none of this would have ever happened. She wouldn't have become some scapegoat for Sirius to blame the leak on, all because it was an easier solution than having to actually dig for the real spy. She knows him like the back of her hand. She knows that he hates stressing over things and that having someone to pin all of the group's troubles on is the opportunity he'd unwittingly been waiting for. She knows this is unintentional, and if he knew the truth he'd apologize a million times over, but she also knows that Sirius is far too stubborn to accept the fact that he's wrong.

Laura doesn't realize how embarrassingly she's been crying until the door to the classroom slowly creeps open. She wipes her cheeks with the sleeve of her sweater and straightens as she locks eyes with Regulus. "Go away."

"Were you crying?" He frowns, noticing her wet eyelashes. "Why?"

"Your brother is a shitty friend." Laura clips flatly. "Arseholery must run in the family."

"Undoubtedly," Regulus mutters, stepping into the room and shutting the door behind him. "Lumos."

Laura has to shield her eyes from the light as it flashes brightly before lowering to a somewhat tolerable glow. Regulus walks forward and sits down directly across from Laura. "What did my brother do?"

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