she's a whore!

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TO SAY LAURA LOVEGOOD was mad would have been an understatement. A brazen, perpetual understatement that would make her hurl a boot at one of the train compartment walls in response.

Dirk Cresswell eyes her nervously, unmoving as he stands in the middle of the doorway that leads to the compartment she, Marlene, Mary, and Alice reside in. 

Mary chews on her peppermint stick. "So, you mean to tell us that the train won't be moving for the next three hours?" Cresswell nods. Mary hums. "And that my Laura has to be sent to go babysit a bunch of murderers in the meantime?"

Cresswell furrows his brow. "Well, I wouldn't call them murderers—"

"Bellatrix Black is a Slytherin, Cresswell. She'll eat Laura alive," Alice contradicts, sifting through the sweets laying out on the table in front of her. 

Laura shudders and pulls her sweater closer to her body. "Cresswell, I doubt you and the other prefects won't be able to just find someone else to watch them. Isn't Remus a prefect?" She tilts her head. "Just get him to do it."

Cresswell looks even more anxious now. "Well, I tried, but Black and Potter wouldn't let me near their compartment. I'm not allowed over there, since I'm a grade younger than them," He says, shifting his feet from one to the other.

"Is it really that bad?" Marlene questions, dropping her hand onto Laura's shoulder in attempt to comfort her. "I mean, you'll have your wand to protect you, and they've got their prefects to help you too."

Laura shoots Marlene an incredulous look. "Do you mean Black? He'd probably fucking murder me himself, much less be of any help when it comes to holding his friends back," She retorts, but she's starting to become unsure of herself now. Cresswell said it was part of her duties as prefect to help make sure nobody caused any trouble, and that Gryffindor would lose house points if she didn't. What could a couple of Slytherin students do?

Probably kill her.

"I'll lend you my fire whiskey," Cresswell suggests, and all heads snap toward him. 

Alice's expression has lifted entirely. "All of it?" She queries. 

Cresswell sighs. "Sure. As long as Lovegood watches the Slytherins, you can have it all."

Everyone's gazes are now on Laura. She groans and slides out from her seat with a scowl. "Fine. Go ahead and send me to my peril just for some booze." She glares at all of them. "You guys suck."

Laura pushes past Cresswell and slams the compartment door behind her, ignoring Cresswell's apologetic wave as he ventures in the opposite direction.

She practically drags her feet on the way to the Slytherin section of the train, the air becoming colder the farther she gets. The Slytherins were a lot farther from the heated section of the train than the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors were, and the absence of a coat coaxes a shiver from Laura.

When she finally begins to see loose green scarves and mittens strewn about the aisle, she halts. Now what? All of the Slytherins seem to be in their compartments, and that leaves her with nothing to do but stand in the aisle with nothing to do.

"Fucking move out of the way."

Laura rolls her eyes and steps to the side as Barty Crouch Jr. pushes past her from behind. He stops and turns around just as he seems to recognize her. "Lost, Lovegood?" A disgusting grin creeps onto his face as his eyes begin to trail towards the point where her skirt meets her thighs, her lace tights doing nothing to conceal her skin where she so desperately wishes for it to.

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