in a rut.

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"Professor," Regulus says, leaning forward. "I would hardly call my proposal preposterous. Lovegood needs a break from dormitorial disputes, and now that her sister has decided to study abroad, it'd be the perfect excuse to put her vacant bed to use. I see this as an opportunity."

McGonagall lets out a long, tired sigh as she turns toward Laura. "And you're sure you realize the — risks of this arrangement? The Slytherin quarters are a far cry from a peaceful reprieve."

When Laura's eyes finally open, the weight of the situation is almost heavy enough to make them close again. She inhales reluctantly and doesn't speak until her lungs force her to exhale. "I'm sure."

McGonagall shakes her head and conjures a quill to sign Laura's slip. "Very well. I'll see to it that your belongings are brought in on Thursday."

"Thursday?" Laura questions, head lifting from her hands. "That's three days away, Professor. What am I supposed to wear until then? All of my clothes are in my dorm."

McGonagall sets down the slip and takes a sip of her tea. "I'm sure Meadowes will be happy to provide you with something to wear until then. You can just wash the robes you have on currently and use them for your classes for the duration of your stay."

Regulus kicks Laura under the table when she opens her mouth to argue. "That sounds fine, Professor. Thank you for meeting us," He responds curtly, flashing McGonagall a pleasant smile.

"Prick," Laura mutters under her breath to Regulus as they leave the office. "I am perfectly capable of speaking on my own."

Regulus snorts and looks down at Laura. "Lovegood, if it weren't for me, you would still be trying to cozy up to the same group of Gryffindor filth that ditched you at the word of my brother, who, might I add, wallows in his refusal to acknowledge the truth when it isn't in his favor."

Laura scowls, eyes trained on the hallway before her rather than Regulus. "You don't know for sure that they believed him."

Regulus' amusement seems to sober as he studies Laura. "True friends would have chased you down the aisle and pulled you back to your table with an apology," He responds pointedly. "They wouldn't have sat in their chairs and stared at you like a bunch of cowards looking at an enemy."

"Did they really look like that? Like they thought I was their enemy?"

"Lovegood, you're focusing on the wrong things. I am informing you that their opinions do," He stops walking. "Not," He grabs Laura's arm and turns her toward him. "Matter. If the people you would take a killing curse for are also the same ones behind the wand, then you die all the same. Personally, I'd much prefer to die with the dignity of knowing the people I care for me as well."

Laura frowns. "I think I'm starting to dislike your knack for using esoteric analogies against me."

Regulus grins as he releases her. "I can be quite philosophical at times."

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