Chapter 24

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Maeglin's POV

I hummed a happy tune as I sketched a beautiful palace on paper. My lady had left to scout out some territory that we could make into our own kingdom, and had asked me to design the palace. I softly began to sing as I drew.

"So many times out there
I've watched a happy pair

Of lovers walking
In the night

They had a kind of glow
Around them

It almost looked
Like Eru's light

I knew I'd never know
That warm and loving glow

Though I might wish
With all my might

No one with a fate
Like my fate

Was ever meant for
Eru's light.

But suddenly a Maia has smiled at me
And changed my fate without
A trace of fright.

I dare to dream that she
Might really care for me

And as I hear the bells tonight
This cold, dark tower seems so bright!"

I rushed to the balcony as the last rays of the sun flew through the doorway and sang the last line.

"I think it must be
Eru's light!"

"Shut up!" Nyríl laughed from the ground as I looked down in shock. "You love 'Tani a lot, we get it." "Seriously," Eglan nodded in agreement. "This pining has gotten extremely annoying with you singing like a love-sick songbird."

"Well," I said sheepishly. "I rather am a love-sick songbird these days. I miss her." "We know," Nyríl laughed again. "Don't worry, I fancy Elros and Elrond won't be far behind you." I laughed and returned to my chambers within Gil-galad's fortress.

It was true that my tower was cold and dark, but I preferred it that way. It reminded me of a mine and was easy on my eyes. I grinned down at my sketch proudly.

I had finally finished, and as Iltani had told me material wouldn't be a problem, I had designed it to be made of white marble and deep blue sapphires. I grinned at the sight of it and sang the same tune again. But in the middle, I felt cold. I froze.

Only one thing ever caused that... I turned around and saw my father, now a ghost, glaring at me. "Yes, Ada?" I asked as I grabbed the table for stability. "You are mad!" My father spat venomously.

"How so?" I requested as I watched him carefully. "You courting that Noldo!" He growled. "She's just like your mother, a wild bird flittering about. How could you hope to tame her, my weak son? No palace you ever could design could cage her!"

I jerked my head back angrily and snapped. "You do not understand me! The Lady Iltani is free to come and go as she pleases. Why would I want to cage someone so vibrant and one of a kind? No, I build no cage, but a nest. A nest for her  to come home to for when she needs a rest from seeing the skies."

My father glared as I stared him deep in the eyes. He slowly vanished from my sight and I gave a sigh of relief before returning to my design. This would be perfect... and she would be happy to come home if she lived there. I was sure. 'I wonder what she is doing.' I thought to myself. 'I hope she is ok and that the scouting is going well.'

Then I smiled again and sang.

"This cold dark tower is so bright!
I swear it must be Eru's light!"

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