Chapter 12

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Iltani's POV

"Iltani, hold still!" Gil-galad scolded as he held me. "You need to Fëa-nurse too, you know." Of course, I knew that all young elflings needed to be cuddled and shown affection for a certain amount of time each day to be healthy, but I hated it! And Gil-galad didn't like it either.

I was the squirmiest elfling he had to care for. Which meant that I was always trying to get out of Fëa-nursing. "Oh, stop wiggling," Gil-galad sighed as I tried to break his hold. "Your brother doesn't behave like this." I rolled my eyes and continued to wiggle.

"There," he groaned after an hour. "You are done for the day! Now go play outside with your brothers." I happily slipped out of arms reach and hurried out into the woods. "Wait up!" I panted as I scampered up our special tree.

Mîrrómen grabbed my hand and pulled me up as Elrond and Elros lounged on their branches. "What took you so long?" Elros asked as he stretched. "Fëa-nursing." I grumbled as I settled into a leafy nest.

"Why don't you just hold still?" Elrond asked. "It wouldn't take so very long. And it is nice to be held." "I am fire." I said firmly. "It is almost impossible to keep me contained... or held down."

"You stay still in the tree." Elros pointed out. "Then, I do it by choice," I explained gruffly. "When we Fëa-nurse, I'm forced to hold still. And it feels like FOREVER!"

Mîrrómen settled into his branch and shut his eyes... a habit he picked up from Elros. I yawned and nestled into the leaves. Now that Elrond and Elros could stand watch, it was time for a nap. After what felt like a few moments... there was an ear piercing shriek. Mîrrómen and I shot up from our nests and looked down at the ground.

My eyes widened when they landed on an entire orc pack. They had grabbed Elros and Elrond roughly and were dragging them away. "Get Gil-galad." I hissed quietly, Mîrrómen looked at me. "What are you going to do?" He whispered back.

"Get our brothers." I replied quietly. "Are you mad?" "Maybe, now get lost." Mîrrómen scampered like a shadow through the tree tops as I watched the orcs and followed at a safe distance.

I scurried down the tree and smeared my shiny hair with mud. Then I followed the orcs' trail. 'I'm coming boys.' I thought as I hurried towards the orc camp. 'Hold on for me a little bit longer.'

Elrond's POV

"Be more careful with that one!" Hissed the orc carrying me to the one holding my brother. "You know they fade if they are handled roughly!" My brother had been nicked by the orc's claws.

Tears trickled down his face as the orc tried to move him to a more comfortable position. "It's not my fault," hissed the second orc. "He keeps biting me!" I whimpered in terror. "Listen here, you little rascal," snarled my orc. "If you bite him again, I'll bite you. Orders be damned."

Elros nodded in fear as the orc turned away from him. They dragged us into camp around sundown and bound us with rough ropes. I wiggled over to Elros as they packed their horses and broke camp, trying to comfort him. I noticed someone giving orders in the middle of everything. It was a lady, fair and tall, but she looked cruel.

"Tie them to the horses." She ordered sharply to an orc. The orc grabbed me and packed me on the horse like a saddle bag. The same happened to Elros. I looked at the sky and saw my Father's star. 'Ada,' I whimpered in my head. 'If you still love us, send help.' Then I blacked out.

Light from ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora