Supergirl x Male Reader|Hitchhiker Part Two

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Requested by PrimeofPrimes115

A beautiful orange glow of light shining through the gap in the partially closed curtains, originating from the rising sun on the city.

Yawning as he awoke, Y/N instinctually went to roll over on the comfortable bed when he came to a realisation that there was weight in his arms, he was spooning someone.

Finally opening eyes to see the long blonde hair covering the pillow, seeing the side of an angelic face that slept peacefully, one that belonged to none other than Kara Zor-El.

Smiling to himself as he saw a trail of hickies down her exposed back and some across his own chest..Looking under the soft covers, he quickly reminded himself the both of them were completely nude.

As much as he loved cuddling against Kara, he desired a shower to only to freshen up, but to also calm down his 'little friend' that seemed to also have awaken.

Careful to not to awake the sleeping beauty, Y/N slipped out of the bed, his feet hitting the plush carpet before he took some steps.

Careful not to trample over Kara's Supergirl suit that was sprawled out near the doorway, he was  quick to arrive at the bathroom.He closed the door, stepped into the glass walled shower and turned on the water.

Sighing in relief as he felt the warm water wash over his body, waking the rest of his body for the rest of the day.

As the steam began to cover the room, he didn't notice a new presence entering the bathroom or even the shower.

"Morning"Her voice hummed from behind Y/N

Not jolting in surprise but relaxing as Y/N felt her hands move down his back

"Did I wake you?"Y/N asked, feeling slightly guilty

"Nope, been awake for hours"Kara said making Y/N chuckled, even with his back to her he could tell she was wearing one of her goofy, adorable grins

Y/N let out a gasp, feeling embarrassed the second it escaped his mouth.The cause of it was Kara's sudden action of smacking his ass

Turning around, he melted at the sight of her smile, her perfect hair, her perfect face, her perfect body

"Yesterday was fun"Kara said as Y/N placed his hands on Kara's face

"Today can be fun"Y/N replied, giving Kara a small peck"And tomorrow, and every other day if you want"

"I need"Kara moaned as Y/N began to nibble at her shoulder, the warm water now hitting the both of them

"I'm not buying it"Y/N teased as Kara gave him a kiss on his chest

"How about now?"Kara replied

Her feet left the ground as she levitated to be at the same height as Y/N before initiating a move passionate kiss

"Need more proof?"




"Wait, you're asking for my advice?"Garfield, Beast Boy asked Y/N as the two fought in the abandoned warehouse

"Dude, my relationships barely last a day.I don't want another girl to use me for sex"Y/N flipped over a set of crates, slamming his fist against the concrete ground, sending a shockwave that knocked down a set of goons"I really like her, you know.She's the one"

"Shouldn't you be asking Dick for advice?"Garfield asked"My relationships weren't too pretty either"

"Dick's going through an existential crisis with his harem"Y/N grunt as he fought some more goons

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