Sara Lance x Male Reader|Virgin

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Your name was Y/N Constantine, brother of John Constantine.You didn't have his powers but you were trained by the Ancient One and was called Doctor Strange.You have been with the Legends ever since the beginning and you had grown close to the team.You and Sara have been dating ever since Mallus was destroyed but you kept a secret from her which only John knew.You were a virgin.

Anyway you had gone to 1969 to stop a heart eating Unicorn and Sara had called John onto the waverer to help you guys stop it.As he was reading out the stuff he needed to send the unicorn to hell he said

"And we need two virgins"John said

"Well even if we would allow Gary to help us stop the crazy heart eating unicorn we would be one virgin short"Sara said

"Well don't worry about that love I know another a virgin and he is in this room"John said as everyone started to look around

"Are you going to tell us who it is"Nate said

"Y/N mate are you still a virgin?"John questioned

Now everyone was looking at you

"Wait your a virgin"Nate exclaimed

"I would have thought someone like you would have lost it the second you were allowed to"Ray said

"Yes I am still a virgin John"You answered

"HA"Mick shouted

"Alright then lets go send the unicorn back were it belongs"John said

The legends got off the wave-rider after taking Gary to the forest to get the unicorn.John had given Gary a Pomegranate as he didn't know why he was here.John had also told us to take off our shirts so the unicorn would smell our hearts quicker.Reassuring.

"This feels wrong"Gary said looking at Ray

"Don't worry we'll be watching from a short distance and you'll be fine.Plus you have Y/N with you"Ray said

"What am I supposed to do with a pomegranate"Gary asked

"Well the unicorns can't get enough of them mate"John said

"Yeah that and virgin hearts"Zari whispered which earned a glare from Sara

"Not helping Zari "You told her

"So the pomegranate is the bait"Gary asked

"Yeah we wouldn't put an intern member of our team in jeopardy right guys"Sara lied 

"I'm an intern Legend"Gary said with a smile and we nodded at him

"Well then"He threw the pomegranate up and caught it

"One more question are you sure I'm a virgin because that thing we did"Gary gestured to John

"Positive mate"John answered quickly

"Alright then come on Y/N lets go get that unicorn"Gary said and walked to his position but before you followed Sara came to you and gave you a kiss

"Be careful"Sara said

"Don't worry if I have any problems I will just send it to mount Everest or something"You answered

"Okay I don't my boyfriend to die a virgin"She said and smirked

"Okay okay funny very funny"You said sarcastically before walking to Gary and every got to their positions

"Mr Unicorn come get this nice and juicy pomegranate.How long is going to take"Gary said to you

"Not long"You said

John then gestured to Gary to lift the pomegranate up which he did

"Thats the money"John said from his hiding spot

We then hear the Unicorn and it walks to you and Gary 

"Come on pretty pony come on come on"He said to the deadly unicorn

"Enjoy your snack"He said

"Not the best choice of words"You mumbled

He then saw the blood on it's teeth

"Oh no thats not pomegranate juice GUYS"He shouted

"John hurry up"You shouted

The unicorn then came closer to you two

"I don't wanna die a virgin"Gary cried

John then casted the spell which pulled the unicorn into a hell portal but then it grabbed Gary's left arm so I grabbed his right and pulled him back but the unicorn started to pull us back as well.The others then came out to help and pull us back.Sara then threw a knife at the unicorn which made it fall back into the portal.

"thank god"You said relieved

You all started to breath in relief but then it came back and stabbed Gary

"Gary you okay"Sara asked

"Just a scratch"Gary answered

"Where'd the unicorn go"Ray asked John

"Sent him straight to hell didn't I well that is some grade A magic right there"John said as he walked toward us

"Maybe the bureau will up our ratings.They do love the supernatural"Ray said

"Gary your like really bleeding"Sara said

Gary then looked at where the Unicorn hit him

"Ahh the unicorn bit my nipple off"Gary said breathing heavily 

"Maybe Gideon can fabricate you another one"Zari said to reassure Gary

"She probably can"You said

"Forget it that is a badge of honour you see that unicorn went to hell and your nipple just got there first thats all"John said to Gary

"Like two birds wit the same dark feather"Gary said confused

"Yeah yeah thats what I mean come on lets grab a beer"John said while leading Gary away

"Now about this whole virgin situation and Y/N next time we talk you better not be a virgin"John said

Then Sara approached you

"I was wondering why you didn't tell me about you being a virgin"Sara asked you

"I thought you wouldn't date me if you knew or you would make fun of me"You said ashamed

"I would never do that to you but your going to lose your virginity"She said and pulled you into a deep kiss

"the second we get on the wave rider"She said 

"What are we waiting for lets get on it.Hurry up Sara "You said excited before grabbing Sara's hand and running to the wave rider with Sara giggling behind you

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